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Everything posted by grazman

  1. I suspect it had a lot more to do with Grimes and Bell both being injured.
  2. Nope Wells had 20 possessions and eight marks and was one of North's best, Buckley had 16 possessions and wasn't anywhere near Wells when he got his possessions. The defensive aspect of Buckley's game is a concern, he might be a gun one day, but he isn't yet.
  3. :D Unlikely. He was dropped for these issues last year, he improved and came back, he seems to have regressed.
  4. Even playing him as an attacking wingman he still needs to be accountable, he has no defensive side to his game.
  5. Down by seven points at half time, but the defence has been very good. Our attack looks to be held together with sticky tape and staples, but so far a nice tight game. All debutants doing well - particularly Cheney.
  6. I like it, don't really understand the celtic music soundtrack, but I like it. Lets hope that there are no "issues" with this one like there were with the NRL one.
  7. Siddle continued to bowl with fire and agression all innings, and that's why I'd like to see Dirk Nannes included. Hilfy is just going for mine and unless he can generate late swing in England his days as a test bowler are numbered, he's just not threatening for long enough periods. I can't see any value fast tracking a spinner, we just don't have one of test quality, Katich, Clark and North (if he can cement a spot) are good enough to roll out 20 overs an innings between them, but it needs to be supported with 4 genuine attacking bowlers. Johnson, Siddle, Clarke and Nannes would do plenty of damage IMO.
  8. just for consistency sake, I'm sure the same thing was mentioned last year. The difference this year was that it wasn't just us, fifteen captains also nominated West Coast to finish outside the eight. Source was FoxSports.
  9. and I'm starting the Dirk Nannes for the Ashes Tour fan club. 151.6 kms an hour with more than a hint of reverse swing to finish the Bulls first innings. The man is intimidating.
  10. In the history books now as of 5.30 EST.... Go the mighty Vics!!!!!
  11. Vics putting Qld to the sword... but can only manage two players in the shield team of the year. What a joke!
  12. Good pick up Jack, also with Jamar out, there's no need to risk PJ before rd 1. If Jamar isn't put onto the LTI and PJ strains a hammy against the dogs, that leaves only Meesen to ruck with Spencer stuck on the Rookie list.
  13. Agree- good reading, and good to get a win!
  14. Absolutely, and it leaves me guessing whether he's just not 'Footy Smart' enough to win the ball himself and prey's on the opposition to do it for him - or he's just a thug that likes hurting opposing players...either or... the results the same he gives away blatantly stupid free kicks and 'just' a player.
  15. No I wouldn't and I don't think they will. Remembering that the English team were in India during the Mumbai attacks and now the attacks in Lahore, there's a worrying new trend. All three countries have been subject to terrorist acts in the past and that's nothing new, but with the deteriorating situation in Pakistan there's a new trend emerging. These aren't opportunistic targets, and this isn't simply the old sectarian violence of Hindu V Muslim (or Buddhist). The attacks in Mumbai and Lahore demonstrate the sort of methodology and ideology of Al Qaeda/Taliban/Laskar i toiba etc. It's East vs West and in a region where it's relatively easy to recruit, train and disguise indigenous assassins then the security risks remain far too great. I expect to see more of the same types of attacks over the next few years given the relative ease in which they were conducted. (It was only the bravery of the bus driver and relative ignorance and inexperience of the attackers that saved the entire Sri Lankan team from being massacred)
  16. I think that's an understatement. Anyone that saw the Four Corners program on Pakistan recently would see this as a very concerning, yet almost inevitable outcome of the fractured nature of the security environment there. The country is on the brink, lucky they don't have nuclear weapons
  17. I'm a big fan of Ricky Ponting the batsman, not so much Ricky Ponting the captain. When you're 240 runs ahead after the first dig a test match has to be won, not saved from losing, particularly in a game that's lost time every day to adverse weather. Three or four overs before lunch to try and grab a quick wicket may not have worked, but if it had it would certainly have tightened the screws. We were plenty ahead anyway, SA needed to make the biggest ever second innings score at Wanderers to win on a pitch still offering assistance to the quicks and now turning as well. Anyway poor Mike Hussey. I like him, but completely out of form and the longer it goes on the more frustrating it is. I'm surprised they didn't promote Clark to four and put Hussey at five, I'm stunned they haven't tried it in SA.
  18. I work in an organisation where as a condition of employment you must seek permission to have a second job. I know this isn't the norm in many organisations, but the principle is the same - the rule is designed to eliminate any potential and embarrassing conflicts of interest. The AFL should be the same. In the interests of a fair and balanced competition second jobs (and this is what they are) should be subject to approval by the AFL. It isn't a restraint of trade, because if the player wants to pursue an opportunity, they're free to give up their playing career.
  19. I almost feel "unVictorian" for saying this, but Ronnie is in no way shape or form a test batsman. Doesn't move his feet and never looks comfortable. His bowling is serviceable, but hardly penetrating. His last test today I think. Looks like Ricky is dragging the chain with the declaration.
  20. Great century on debut from North. He just looks so composed. 96 not out from Mitchell Johnson. I don't know why the selectors are dicking around with trying to 'produce' an allrounder. MJ is one already, he's all class when he bats. I'm glad Hilfenhaus has been given a go, I think he'll be important in England. Just a pity that McGain was ill and couldn't be selected.
  21. Good point Rhino. The meek shall inherit the earth, but not in my lifetime. The whole Cousins saga is a bit like the Underbelly series, there's an unfortunate fascination with the 'glamour' associated with such things. I note that Tom Hafey was fairly forthright in his comments today. All that aside the proof of the pudding will be in the eating, I've no doubt that Cousins will be a more than handy acquisition for the Tigers if he can stay out on the field, there's also the fairly distinct possibility that the whole thing could blow up in their face.
  22. And for those that missed it Wheels has a calf strain. Given his age and his history with his calves, then I'm expecting the worst. (BTW I think the best will be a minimum of four weeks)
  23. All that matters is the Shield. Win the Shield and the 20/20 and Ford Ranger pale into insignificance. Win the 20/20 and Ford Ranger and lose the Shield and they still pale into insignificance.
  24. Nope you got it. He just doesn't play the percentages at all. You could almost say he plays for himself and not the club.
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