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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Sounds like a beauty pageant. The second runner up is...Stephen Hill. Applause, he cries, accepts flowers. The first runner up is.... .... ... Nik Natanui, which means the winner is Jack Watss! Applause, flowers, tears.
  2. Rogue - bores me You can see why I didn't get the nom.
  3. If we met in a dark alley way, I'd kiss you, not murder you. You're golden. And yes, I would also cry, but refuse to be judged, y'all can f off
  4. Or you at the bar? Sounds like Travis' career approach.
  5. MFC logo Hoody with 45 on one side and 16 on the left
  6. In hindsight, it was in the top 7 posts I've ever read on this website. Hindsight is 20/20, my posting is not. Perhaps I should lighten up B)
  7. From my limited encounters with Jack and from what I've seen and heard, this isn't something to worry about. Nothing wrong with an 18 year old getting a feel of the footy in the big time after a somewhat turbulent year.
  8. Rpfc - poor effort......[censored]!!
  9. Tough question to answer, in terms of nailing down the criteria. I wouldnt say Grimes, as we always thought he was gold and he has simply had the chance to show his glorious ways. (Though I suppose if you compare his season with his game last year then you could, but I wouldn't). Sylvia would be close to it. Was pushing into form last year but couldn't quite hit it, but had 7 very good weeks (3 blinders and 4 good games). As I said a few weeks ago, however, if he doesn't return to the side in good form it would merely be 1/3 of a good season. Moloney has improved significantly. Uses the ball better and smarter IMO, is improving in his role and finding more of the ball. Frawley has been very good. I thought he had it in him, he is beginning to display the positive elements of his game on a regular, more balanced, basis. For instance his attack on the ball is being tempered with his ability to mind an opponent effectively. Meesen would've been a shoo in. I would argue that Petterd isn't the most improved - again, he's showing the similar positives we had all previously seen in him, it's just that he's now showing them in damaging situations. Aaron Davey - not quite in the white hot form that he began in, and the role he was being used in was a little bit controversial and arguable to its merits. His was a career seemingly going backwards IMO, this year has proved that he is versatile with improvement left in his game/role. Bate - becomming a more consistent player. All-in-all: I have no clue. But would probably go with throwing a hat over a few. For the fun of the exercise, I will go with Frawley as he seems to tick the traditional boxes of the award (young player, struggled to find a spot previously, held down a post, massive improvement in his game).
  10. I like the 3 word analysis. It's a great part of this site and usually generates some of the better post match discussion. Have a good break Joeboy. I'm going up to the game, starting uni again the next morning so I won't be able to say much for a while but hopefully am somewhere near sober enough to be able to think of 3 words for a few players at least
  11. Bit of credit to him here. Re: Port Adelaide. Who'd have thought a 7 year old girl would've designed the best jumper they've ever had. Got a chuckle. Though, at closer inspection, I'd have thought a 7 year old girl to be the most likely.
  12. Knew I'd make a blunder or 3 Had a feeling that was shot, any others?
  13. B: Cheney Warnock Bail HB: McNamara Frawley Wheatley C: Dunn Green Bennell HF: Petterd Miller Bate F: Hughes Jurrah Morton Fo: Johnson Moloney Bruce Int: Hughes Mckenzie Jones Bartram Em: Spencer Whelan Watts McDonald Robertson Whelan, Robertson, McDonald and Wheatley coming in to bid farewell, hopefully during a win as this is what they (especially the first 3) deserve. Grimes in cotton wool, one of Bruce, Green and Moloney will possibly need surgery... Bail, Tmac and Mckenzie given a chance to show their wares, though I'd also agree with not playing them having them not earned their spot. Would like to see Hughes have a dig. Morton have a go at a marking, KP type position. Bell, Bartram, Newton, Dunn to show why they should be kept on board.
  14. F$%^. Flying up to Canberra for the game, would've loved to see my boy in full flight. And my supercoach is ruined!
  15. Thanks for that Einstein. It is certainly a massive problem and one that I think many people go through silently without other's really being able to see the side effects. How many mate's do we all have who go on about their gambling and you only ever hear about the wins (about 80% of those who go to the races - $200 up on $400 worth of betting). I myself had saved up $50 (surplus to my needs) last year to put into a betting account. The biggest bet I've put on is $10 and my mates give me a fair ribbing when I get stressed watching a match because one of my million $1 bets looks like bearing fruit (for a win of 80 cents or so). And don't even bring up the dreaded multi for which, after my victorious multi on the weekend, takes me to about 3 wins out of 20 attempts It's certainly a dangerous thing and can get out of hand so easily
  16. I also heard that Sydney have less than 16,000 members in the NSW. The West Sydney experiment just keeps sounding worse and worse. Wait for Sydney's membership next year without making finals.
  17. Perhaps Watts has spent to much time with Grimes and his "fundamentally flawed" kicking action. Poor man. 18 year old not dominating AFL, must be crap.
  18. Speaking of rubbish commentators. If i may offer a slightly different interpretation: I feel she is 3-4 plays behind because she is commentating in the "radio mode," which obviously is not frowned upon because no one can tell any different. I think she is being shown up because she is trying to go play by play and, obviously, cannot keep up. I feel this can be rectified
  19. I haven't seen a Melbourne player excite me this much since... That's it. He's got everything. Love flash, I feel he changed the game, ever so slightly. But Jurrah didn't need to change the game to make his presence felt.
  20. I was issuing enough of my own "commentary" to be able to hear too much of hers - but I must say this observation made me laugh. I chatted with the Beyonce today about her commentating and I really couldn't get passed this point (and she agreed). Gender is irrelevant - if you mix up a tall redheaded centre half forward with a small skinny brown haired midfielder-half back and make no effort to correct it, there are problems. At least she is in the game and seems to enjoy it, that is enough to bread interest if she can keep her bloody voice down. I felt like she spent the whole time yelling into the microphone and was struggling to get out of "radio mode." Having said that, it would be a difficult change and she deserves time to practice a few things. I do worry, though, that this type of decision could hinder the application of other, more skillful, female aspirants to the profession. She's got the cliche's down, but the art of commentary is to employ them at appropriate moments - not play by play. This is hopefully an experience thing and will progress with her knowledge of voice projection and a massively boosted played knowledge. (didn't notice the bias for initially stated reason - but will listen to the replay)
  21. Jerry, to be honest, I believe respect in football is an incredibly fleeting emotion often based on very little or past glories than linger longer than they should. I also believe that a premiership is the only way for the MFC to claim any respect.
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