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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. I understand Hunt didn't play on the weekend, but surely it's got nothing to with the fact that the coaches have already locked him in for round 1 as some are suggesting? I find that incredibly hard to believe. Unless the coaching group have a specific run-with/shut-down role they want him to play.. But he certainly didn't get enough ball during NAB to put his speed/run and carry on show.
  2. GWS's speed will only be a problem if they're winning the ball at the contest and if we continually turn the ball over from the back-half of the ground. Obviously they're much quicker and much more skilled than us so I don't see why we'd try and beat them at their own game. We need to counter their strengths with a really smart game-plan/strategy and we must execute it if we're to be any chance. Put simply we need to bully and physically intimidate them at the contest from the first bounce. Which is why I think it's imperative Vanders plays, (as long as his ankle is fine). Whitfield, Kelly, Scully. We must get inside their heads early and make them think twice about going for the ball. As long as we're impacting the contest and getting first hands on it, their speed means nothing. Secondly we must be as efficient and smart with the ball as possible. I see our forward-line being our strength on Saturday so our back flanks and mids must be super smart with the ball and turnovers must be at a minimum. McDonald, Garland and Dunn must make minimal errors if any with ball in hand if we're to win this game. They've simply got to show they understand their limitations and give the ball to Salem and Vince on the flanks who can really set-up smart and attacking plays. Lastly, the importance of minimizing Shaw and Wilson's overlapping run and spread from the back flanks will be enormous and I imagine Kent will get a similar role to what he had in round 1 last year on Malceski. He just has to be able to run hard defensively on Shaw and drag him as deep as possible into our forward 50 when we're in possession. We basically have to play the perfect game to beat GWS. They're a really solid and slick outfit and we have no chance if these sorts of things don't go to plan.
  3. Ummm. Not sure what the tone is behind the screen, but I'm definitely confused. If serious, I'm not entirely sure what I'd be receiving a ban for... Unless this place is a dictatorship...? I simply made a rebuttal to your comment and for the second time, my first post was tongue-in-cheek. I was making a point that it's going to be a difficult game. Calm your farm DL. EDIT: Please tell me this isn't the infamous Rhino Richards using a different avatar?
  4. If that's the 'line of thinking' that you prefer, then you're basically saying that we didn't deserve to win what I would say would be the majority of the games over the past 3-4 years. Aside from us having to play really well in some aspects of the game for our wins, they've also been helped by either the opposition being really inaccurate, missing a number of key players and/or not playing 'at their best'. Or a combination of all three. There's no such thing as 'deserving to win'. It's sport and there will always be variables that change outcomes of games regardless of which team is seen as the favourite. All I'm interested in is our team starting the season off with as many wins as possible. The fact is, we can't beat a GWS team at full strength playing at their best. Because they're a stronger, quicker, more skillful and experienced side than us at present. We still need to rely on variables outside of our control to help determine the result. That doesn't mean we can't play a part in it by performing well also. But we're not at a stage where we can simply beat teams because of the quality of our side. (Bar perhaps one or two clubs this year). My comment was tongue-in-cheek anyway.
  5. Lols. But on a serious note, I do agree. One thing I don't think too many people know is that he's left hand-dominant but kicks with his right foot. Watching his approach during a set-shot, it's clear that it's more natural for him to hold the ball with his left hand over it, (being left hand dominant) as though he's about to kick on his left foot so the twinkle toe/awkward run in makes me think that it's just a bizarre feeling to be left handed and right footed and he really doesn't know what the fark to do until the last two steps of his kick.
  6. Before half time yesterday he was more valuable to the opposition than he was to us. You and Wiseblood seem to always say that, when really it's not the truth.
  7. Good news indeed. Now we need Cameron to miss, Stevie J to do a hammy, Dylan Shiel a groin, Mumford the same ankle and Griffen to do his knee to be a strong chance.
  8. Pre-Season Positives and Negatives* : POSITIVES: - Winning in general. We're the only team in the AFL that needs to get that 'feeling' back after a game. Even if it is NAB challenge. And it's clear, that was one of our goals despite the throwaway 'it's only nab challenge' line. I might add that the bulldogs game was an exception simply because we weren't playing against an AFL side. But for the Port Adelaide and St Kilda games who both fielded really strong sides, the wins were very good. Not only is it beneficial for our group to experience winning, but it's clear it will have a really positive effect heading into what will be a very tough round one game. The group will definitely feel united and upbeat though and for that, it's clearly a positive. - More attacking and confident gameplay. Not news to anyone but clearly we're much more proactive with ball in hand and hopefully it will be the end of our 'slingshot' attacks which was our main source of goals last year. - Midfield depth and quality. Clearly it's improved and we now have a several players who can go through the middle and have an impact. Only a positive. - Certain players looking to take the next step, (as they should and need to). Including Max Gawn, Jack Viney, AVB and Christian Salem. Really important that others follow suit so that we can continue our journey back up the ladder. - Clayton Oliver. Obviously very early days but I'd say we're all confident we nailed that pick. Has some really special attributes and will provide further excitement for the club heading into the season. Another who will become part of 'the core' in time. - Injury list. Overall, I'd say we're in the best shape I've seen in some time. (Last year was also pretty good). With Petracca and Trengove almost ready to play, it will really add to our depth and talent levels. NEGATIVES: (No it won't go for two-pages and yes it will feature Garland so look away now Wiseblood and co..) - I think it would be fair to say we still lack polish and class in all areas of the ground. Yesterday's game whilst overall a positive outcome, showed our weakness is still foot-skills coming out of defence. I can't remember how many goals St Kilda kicked in the first half from our turnovers but it was definitely most of them. Again, if posters would like to point out that it's Nab challenge that it 'doesn't matter' you miss the point. St Kilda are a reasonable side who are probably a little ahead of us at this stage but during the season, if we continue to turn the ball over in our defensive 50, we will keep ourselves out of games. It's as simple as that. We're more proactive with the ball and attacking yes, but I'm yet to see any signs of improvement from regular turnovers resulting in shots on goals for the opposition. It will literally determine outcomes of games this year. - Dunn and Garland. I know ya'll love to hear it. Two members of the dark days who continue to play greatly inconsistent football. It's a negative because neither have inspired confidence in me as a supporter in any NAB challenge game thus far. Both have played at really high levels once in their career but since then, like so many of our past players they've fallen apart. Garland in particular. Part of the reason I don't believe we'll rise as quickly as many supporters do this year is because of these two. They're senior players. Both have been in and out of the leadership group, (which says a lot to me for players of their age and experience). They need to be playing high level football, and they're not. It's a negative. - Ruck Coverage and depth and Key Position depth. It's a problem and god help us if any of Gawn, Hogan or T Mac go down with serious injuries. We simply cannot cover for them and as I've said before, I wish we brought someone in as insurance. A worry for me is that Oscar McDonald seems way off the pace and in my view his Nab games have been pretty average. He lacks intensity and hardness which as of late, has been a prerequisite in our draftees and he has made some really basic errors. Whether it be missed marks under zero pressure or mis-kicks. No I'm not writing him off, but I definitely didn't like a lot of what I saw. He's nowhere near ready for senior footy and it's a worry because he is our only depth as a KPD at the minute. Overall: - I think one thing that's important for all die-hard Melbourne supporters is that we're not the only team that has 'improved' over the off-season. And sometimes I think that is forgotten. We have been in the doldrums. No other club has performed has horridly as we and we're only now beginning to match it with the lesser clubs within the AFL. That is the reality of the situation. Sure we can take a scalp here and there but I definitely don't see us making the 8 unless we have a non-existent injury list all year and we start the season with a bang. We lack depth in some really key areas and we're only now starting to play relevant football. I think we have a really exciting and solid group talent. A 'core' who can come through together. But we are where GWS were a couple of years ago. Their core have now played between 50-100 AFL games and they have a much better supported group of senior players. Round 1 will be extremely tough. But it's winnable. And so is our Round 2 match. We need to win the first two to really believe that we're a relevant footy team again. Looking forward to it. Go Dees. * Edited because I've forgotten to mention Watts as a positive. The best I've seen him play was on the weekend and all three games during NAB challenge he has performed strongly. Hoping he carries it into the season. Would have to give him confidence.
  9. For someone not born with great natural ability and coordination, yesterday's performance really highlights the pride he takes in his own performance which is a quality all leaders possess. He is another whose attitude is first class and he consistently wants to get the best out of himself as a player. For that I commend him. His positive contribution yesterday greatly outweighed the turnovers he made, (again) and it's clear he kept it simple and thought his way through situations which he needs to do. Last week he was rightly lambasted and this week he rightly wins the applause. But again I stress the following: The difference in performance from last week to this week needs to be a lot smaller. The team will improve if our key posts play consistently well and it needs to happen if we're to keep rising. Take note Colin Garland.
  10. Saw that. Marking contest was also positive before that as well as his run and handball in between those two. So since my first post he's done three good things for the day.
  11. Christ man. I asked you what he's offered us. He's a third tall defender playing at AFL level. Do you think beating his man is the only thing he's required to do? And he hasn't even beaten his man all day. What does he OFFER us offensively or in any other capacity? Tommy Mac has been unbelievably good. Even if he's turned the ball over once which resulted in a goal. He has saved plenty of opportunities at goal and provided some really positive offensive drive, run and carry and kicking. Do you see the difference? Or as another poster suggested, is the bloke your best mate? I'm not bagging the guy. I just think he's been really average the entire Nab series.
  12. Nothing to do with being a Garland 'hater'. But I gotta ask the posters who continually defend him. What the fark is he offering us apart from turnovers and half-arsed intensity around the ball? Anyone?
  13. What an absurd thread. GWS have a more talented, deeper and stronger list than us. Does it mean we can't beat them on the day at our home ground? No. But to suggest they're average is simply moronic.
  14. I just want our team to play some quality football. For most of four quarters. Good ball movement, hard at the contest and some genuinely promising signs from some players who need to take the next step. If we lose in a close one but still provide the above, I would be over the moon. But based on the side the saints have put out, I can't see us getting within 25 points unless everything clicks for us.
  15. I actually watched him very carefully at one point. But I'll hold those observations to myself.
  16. Late entry but some observations nonetheless. It was my first training session other than a brief squiz way back when at the Junction oval. Stayed for about an hour so only caught a few different drills and chose to concentrate on Petracca, Trengove and Hogan mainly. Trengove - Body shape and general physical appearance is top notch. He looks like he's spent a long time building his fitness and rebuilding his body. Stood out with voice, skills and general football smarts. Which is why I've always loved him. Just a smart footballer. Speed is hard to tell at training and I think we all know he was never explosive off the mark but he was gliding over the ground today and just looked smooth. Petracca - It's especially hard to talk about Trengove's 'speed' when this guy is around him. First time I've seen him in the flesh and he clearly has some gears. At some stages during drills he'd just turn it on and break through or accelerate past a defender. A very special trait to have. His kicking also has an explosive quality to it. During some of the kicking drills, he'd really punch the footy hard and it would zip through the air to his team-mate with a lot of power. Those quads. Monstrous I tell you. And as a poster previously said, his contested marking and vertical jumping were pretty damn impressive. He'll be a nightmare to handle as that mid-sized forward. Hogan - Just an unbelievable presence on the field. He's special. Any questions, feel free.
  17. Was there for an hour, first training I've been to. Particularly strong in the air and noticed his power/explosiveness on several occasions. Would love to see him play a half for Casey this weekend as part of this 'block of training' that he needs to complete. He just looks keen as mustard to play.
  18. That's our Round 1 membership record from yesteryear. I think you'll find they've put that figure up so we can beat it.
  19. Have criticised him a lot in the past and I'm at the stage where I've accepted he'll never be the game changer I wanted him and expected him to be with the hype that surrounded him. Contributed really well on the weekend and whilst there'll continue to be aspects of his game that I'll wince at, he could be a really handy and versatile third tall this year and down the track when Weideman is ready. Hogan, Weideman, Watts and Petracca could be the fab four with Garlett and Kent eating crumbs down the track. They need to play a lot together and form a bond. But it could be special. Hoping he has a really strong year in the forward-line and hits the scoreboard hard. I believe he can.
  20. Yeh, he needs to bridge the gap but he has a really fluent action when he's not trying to kick the [censored] out of it which is what he was trying to do on the weekend. In many draft write-ups his kicking was always mentioned as a strength and it is and can be. As I said, on the weekend he went for too much... He has class, but he can just try and be too cute sometimes. His draft video shows that he's a natural kick.
  21. The poster that I've quoted below has just given an interesting insight into a training incident. What it does say is that there's is a lack of concentration or awareness when given instruction. And that was only at training... When McDonald finds himself in the pressure cooker, (A game situation) it looks as if the situation gets the better of him. Players have different traits and my proposed solution for someone who is clearly limited in the kicking-skills department is to add some awareness and composure when the ball is in his hands. I'm talking about when he has possession of the ball after a mark or free kick which means he has time to consider his options.. He should at this stage of his career know which targets are low percentage and which are high percentage in these situations, given his foot-skills. I say this because I don't see that his kicking will ever improve. He has a flawed technique and mis-kicks the ball way too often. Smart players who don't have great kicking skills can still make the right decisions which result in far fewer turnovers. Especially ones that result directly in goals or shots on goal for the opposition. The most damaging kind of turn-over. It doesn't seem to me like there's an awareness of this limitation in his game because time after time he goes for kicks he simply shouldn't be going for. If he's kicking inside 50 then sure, I'd say he has more leeway to go for a more difficult kick. Only because a turn-over won't result directly in a shot on goal. It's obviously less of a risk. What's problematic is that it seems he doesn't understand that or doesn't recognise the situation and when he should or shouldn't execute certain kicks. Now that's specifically when he has the ball to take a kick. Not in general play where the pressure is cranked up again. That's another story. But all of it comes down to awareness in my eyes. And if he can't fix his 'kicking' (which I don't think he can), he can certainly work on his decision making, awareness and understanding of when to go for certain kicks and when not to. My concern is that he has been in the system for a long time yet hasn't shown improvement in these areas. That is not a good sign. He is not bridging the gap. And the same applies for Colin Garland. They both play in our back-line. And it's scary at times to see just how damaging certain turnovers can be. Coach killers. Teams improve when young players turn their strengths into weapons and improve their weaknesses. Posters might argue that being the NAB challenge, he should have the right to go for some of those dangerous kicks from defence. I'd argue the opposite. He should be practicing for when there are points up for grabs. Repetition, repetition, repitition. The more awareness he has in those situations, the less he'll turn it over. Simple. Interesting!
  22. McDonald alone caused three goals to the opposition as well as general turnovers which is the sole reason this thread was started. But the nuffies on here don't want a word of it and will resort to the same lines time after [censored] time... 'It's NAB challenge' 'We won' 'Other players missed targets' It's a [censored] bore. Wake up. Nobody is asking for him to be delisted, we all know he offers the side a lot. But there is no arguing that he kills the side when he is kicking at the level he was on Saturday and as I've said a thousand times, if he doesn't level out these weaknesses or at least mask them like smarter players do then he'll be really costing the side. Is it a [censored] crime to want to see your team improve?
  23. Ben Kennedy was clearly shanking the ball a lot on the weekend but I think he'll prove a great pickup by the end of the year. He's a better user than what was on display on Saturday. Both kicking for goal and to team-mates.
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