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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Apparently he left the track early and didn't look good which is why I'm asking.
  2. I'm aware Albert. I just find the difference interesting. His kicking technique is great and sometimes he looks like a 200+ gamer from Hawthorn's backline the way in which he moves the ball and backs his decision making and kicking. But then the next minute you're reminded that he is a kid who has played 5 games after he makes a 'Garland-like' handball to an opposition player for example. I can't say I've witnessed those kinds of extremes in such a young player at Melbourne. Clearly he has ability and I'm excited to see how his year unfolds. (Cue for Saty to bite my head off).
  3. I find it weird that for a guy who seems incredibly composed and able to make smart decisions under extreme heat, he still makes some surprisingly bad ones too. Love seeing him out there though and I reckon it's just the pace of the game that he is still getting used to so hopefully we'll see more consistency in the quality of his decision making and target hitting ability. Looks to have a really great blend of attributes. Both Hunt and Wagner whilst young and inexperienced have definitely given the backline a 'fresh' look and feel.
  4. Not sure about others, but I reckon Terlich and Grimes
  5. I don't know if some people don't read my posts or just choose to interpret them their own way and thereby completely missing important words like 'part of the reason'. If you had have seen where I'd written that part, you wouldn't have needed to reply in the way that you have. Because I never said that he was dropped BECAUSE he floats. In my view, he was dropped for a few reasons. But his lack of energy/intensity and aggression in general would undoubtedly be a contributing factor to the way in which he impacts during games. I'm calling it 'floating'. And I have no doubt it is something that has contributed to his poor form and therefore part of why he was dropped. Do you see?
  6. Who knows what he was thinking to be honest. Could have easily been that he simply didn't even have the confidence to hit Oliver and decided bombing it forward was the better option. Obviously there are times to go sideways and times not to. But in that passage of play, if you have a look at how clear Oliver was you'll see that it was the right option given the amount of time and space Clayton would then have to kick to the advantage of a leading forward rather than sitting it on the head of one. Im nitpicking. But these things are still noticeable and frustrate me.
  7. I am like you and have wanted Garland to be angry for years. But it's just not in his makeup. He plays without any sort of 'attitude' or 'Mongrel'. In fact the complete opposite. Plays without any sort of 'purpose'. He floats. Which is part of the reason he was dropped.
  8. He ignored a free Oliver in space on the wing to bomb long and high to none of our forwards advantage. In fact, the goal resulted from an ineffective spoil from an opposition defender who really should have marked the ball. Was lucky if anything. We won't trouble top sides if we continue entering 50 the way we have been and whilst Colin may be asked to play with more run, he needs to know when to give to a player who has more time to spot up a target and when to take it upon himself to break lines and kick to our forward' advantage. Bombing it long and high is the last think we need.
  9. Nor will Mitch White ever be anything close to resembling the four time AA Nigel Lappin.
  10. He certainly does. How he handballed a 10-metre long ball to an opposition player in his peripheral vision I simply can't fathom. (If only he played the game as he 'sees it'..)
  11. Frost is an athlete first and foremost and frankly, is still getting a handle on the most fundamental skills at AFL level. I believe if we're to further improve our list across the board, we need to bring in another *quality* KP defender to complement Tom McDonald. Frost is fine as backup at this stage and has already played a variety of roles across his career to date. He can be groomed as a defender, but we need better than that atm. Hurley is clearly a target and I'm also aware Nathan Brown for Collingwood is OOC at years end and becomes a FA. 27 and seems to get injured a bit but I'd also be asking the question because at his best he is better than Dunn and Garland. Hurley is the obvious one though, but like others I just can't see him leaving Essendon. One thing that I'm jealous of is how proud they are as a club and I think that helps with retaining players.
  12. No chance, Bugg would be massacred by Stringer. Both in the air and at ground level. The Garland of old would have been the best fit for Stringer and I can sense he might get the job. Needs to be far more physical if he's going to curb Stringer's influence though. I'd much prefer Bugg to play on one of their play-maker/nice boys for part of the game. One of Macrae or Bont for a while and just really get under their skin. Agree with the rest of your post though, great read.
  13. His best is as good as any 'elite' key defender absolutely. But his worst is worse than any of the 'elite' key defenders in the comp. And that, is the problem. Bridge the gap and there's no debate.
  14. How and from where do you know this? I have not read it anywhere.
  15. That contributed to some opportunities. Poor defending, spoiling, positioning and decision making contributed to others.
  16. Clearly the game was won in the midfield thanks mainly to our dominance through that area but also contributed by serious injuries to two players that killed their roatations as well as injuries to key mids Prestia and Miller. You guys must have missed those... They 'barely got near it' because there was very little supply. And as AdamFarr rightly outlines below, (even before injuries struck the Gold Coast), they were incredibly efficient once the ball got inside their 50 on the few times it did early in the game... Which again points to dodgy defence. Lynch and Wright barely got a look in after half time and that was hardly Tom McDonald or Colin Garland's doing.
  17. All interesting however I think once Collingwood and Richmond regain some names and form they'll start troubling some sides which could potentially change up positions 7-10 They're still clubs who are capable of playing good football. Just not presently. It's as even a year I've seen for a long long time.
  18. Is he out? That's big news if so, what happened?
  19. As I've said, the injuries contributed to the demolition job we did on them. Nobody can argue that. I never discounted the way we played in certain parts of the ground, especially in and around the contest all night. We were great. And which also obviously contributed to the result. Obviously. We clearly have a more talented, deeper and better functioning side who are confident which helps too. You're largely missing my point by referencing a loss to an injury-riddled side during a game that occurred two years ago. There are many more variables you are conveniently discounting.
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