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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. To change the subject completely: There's a clip in this video that will put the hearts in the mouths of every supporter. 26 secs in. What the eff. The surface looks as solid as melting snow. <blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Intensity was at ? at today&#39;s first main training session <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MFCCamp?src=hash">#MFCCamp</a> <a href="https://t.co/OzC3ZMK8Ps">pic.twitter.com/OzC3ZMK8Ps</a></p>&mdash; Melbourne FC (@melbournefc) <a href="https://twitter.com/melbournefc/status/826716744869834752">February 1, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  2. It's not one or the other. Being able to cover the ground well requires elite condition and fitness, no matter the position. Sat-man thinks it's black and white. The fact of the matter is that Pedo was always carrying condition. It was as clear as day to see and he's probably realised/been told that he needed to work harder and drop weight and improve his ability to cover the ground. And more importantly for him, give himself the best chance to stay on the list going forward. Simple. Some blokes do the running that's required during their breaks, others do more. Some eat well enough, others are meticulous with their diet. There's an article on the AFL site atm about Hannebery and the fact that he hasn't touched grog in almost five months. That's not a club requirement. He has taken it upon himself to cut it out and he is in the best knick of his life.
  3. I've heard Salem has improved his Croshay work out of sight. Spencer however, lol.
  4. Agree with all of that however what I see with Tyson isn't something that can be fixed. The elasticity of his knee joint seems to me to be what's causing him to stand and walk in such a hyperextended pose. Next time you're at training, have a look at him and compare him to anyone else.
  5. Yes, that's precisely what I meant. Auto correct.
  6. Yes. He has always carried some condition. Part of the 10kg would obviously be muscle as well. But he was always carrying unneeded weight. Especially for the position he is required to play.
  7. Just on Tyson and his knees, when I went to training in later December, one thing I noticed about Tyson (but didn't mention) was the way he stands and the mechanics of his legs. When standing and walking, it's as if he is in a constant state of hyperextention. As if he has abnormally flexible knee joints and that the supporting ligaments and muscles surrounding the knee are unusually stringy. It just genuinely looked like his legs would snap at any second. I wonder if this contributes at all to these knee injuries that seemingly keep occurring. You'd have to think so.
  8. Don't wish to ignite another 'Spencer' debate but I don't agree with that. Spencer's strong point is his competitiveness and brute strength. Tap-work is an art and Spencer is most definitely limited in that skill. Amongst other AFL specific skills. As for the thread, it was brought up a while ago and yeh, clearly Gawn and the mids will benefit. Stars are aligning. A finals birth beckons.
  9. A serious case of "do as I say and not as I do". You similarly have the capacity to do what you accuse others of doing. No matter how boring you find the criticism. Your training reports are always appreciated, even if posters at do not agree with your player assessments etc. As for discussion on players in general. Even if critical in nature, we're all allowed to critique and discuss anything and everything we want to in regards to the football club and if a poster doesn't wish to engage in that particular discussion, they don't have to. But if they disagree with what's being said, they have the freedom of doing so. You, however, prefer to completely disregard and disengage with the content of what's being said, and prefer to try and dictate whether or not we should be allowed to say anything at all on the subject. Like some sort of MFC-censorship agency. M8. Keep providing your factual and informative player updates because they're great. Let others debate and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of players like Spencer. And everything will be rosey. PS. How many more posts do I need to clock-up before I'm eligible for 'Mod status'?
  10. Genuinely forgot that he was in it last year which clearly changes things. Obviously he won't be going anywhere after the year he had. However, I still don't feel entirely comfortable with players being voted in without at least two solid years of consistent form. It's contributed to poor on-field performance in the past, having players come in who underperform. Anyway, what will be will be. But that's my take.
  11. Watts has had single year of consistent AFL-standard football. Why on earth would he be given a golden ticket into the group on the back of that? That's 'Melbourne of old' nonsense. He just needs to concentrate on backing up the year he just had and improve again. Gawn is in the same boat. Back it up next year. How many past players have rotated through the 'leadership group' only to show anything but leadership? I'd like it to be a small but tight group of Jones, Lewis, Vince (he needs to take control of games next year given his age and games experience), T-Mac, Jetta and Viney. And yeh Saty, I'm completely aware that none of our opinions 'matter' so save yourself the post.
  12. It's a Melbourne supporter's fantasy that no other team will improve as much as their own. Which is of course an idea that is held by many one-eyed supporters of any club. All I know is that the competition is now insanely competitive and nothing will be easy next year.
  13. I think this is possibly the most overused term going around in footy atm. Most of our youngsters who are entrenched in our best 22 will be in their third to fourth years. The dogs won the granny from 7th and had to travel to Perth to beat West Coast, played the reigning premiers in Hawthorn at the G, beat the running machine that is GWS in Sydney and then beat arguably the most hardened and finals-tough side in the Swans to lift the cup. The dogs have an abundance of youth in comparison to sides like Sydney, Hawthorn and even West Coast. Add in the travel and the brutality of finals football and the fact that they won the Grand Final goes completely against the "young players tiring" mantra. Sure young players tire. But with all other variables in motion, it is completely ridiculous to suggest young players tiring is the reason any team loses a game. Anything is possible, the game is completely between the ears and is down to perfect execution of the fundamentals on gameday. Some players do it better than others under extreme fatigue. And that's the way it goes.
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