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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. I wouldn't worry about that. Sometimes players need a change of scenery to get that spark back. We've all seen Garlett's talent and skill on display and when he's playing with confidence and belief, he can be a very dangerous small forward. Not only that. We have one of the best development coaches within the AFL in Paul Roos as well as his mastermind right hand man, Georgie Stone. The MFC is a very different environment to come to these days. The out of sight improvement in players such as Pederson, Jetta, Kent, Dunn etc proves how skilled Roos is in this area of coaching. Ross Lyon learnt under the great man and look at what he's been able to get out of a player like Walters? All players respond to coaches. It's just a matter of how to approach the individual. Garlett would be a very handy pickup.
  2. I read that too. Had a laugh. Should have read: 'He is substance-less, a self-centered person of bland character and non-existent values who is chasing individual success and glory'. A senior leader of a football club crossing to a two-time premiership opposition side with the hope to win a flag in a team of players you don't know says a lot about that individual. As Riewoldt has previously said, it just wouldn't be or feel the same. All I hope is that we win a flag while this air head is still running around for the hawks. That'd indeed be the cherry.
  3. Why any demonlander is even browsing an opposition club's forum is baffling. I have no interest in Essendon supporters hypothetical trades. Back to operation get-Dangerfield please.
  4. IF we somehow manage to land this monumental, club changing and superstar player... I wonder how Frawley and Clarke's sphincters would be coping. Dangerfield would genuinely change the face of our club.
  5. Pennant, you're a breath of fresh air. Frawley is just another who doesn't have the capacity to spark genuine growth and change at the club and it really was amazing how many posters not so long ago thought he'd be more valuable to our club if he'd decided to stay rather than what we'd recieve if he left. The fact he was even in the leadership group again suggests our club is still very much in a transitional phase. Really I see the only reason he was in there was because of his games played experience and the fact that he'd been on our list for many years and was a kpp. Not really based on anything of substance. Rather, he just fell into the 'club' because he's been there so many years. I say it again. Him leaving will be one of the contributing factors to our clubs change of face in the coming years. Am glad he's gone. Bring on pick 3.
  6. This will prove be one of the best things to have happened to MFC in the not too distant future. Of that, I'm sure. Frawley needed to leave for both personal growth and for the growth of the club.
  7. Your second sentence is very confusing. I'm not sure if you're attempting to be humorous or if it's serious? I have a headache.
  8. You've missed the pont. I'm saying Greenwood is thriving thanks to the midfield talent and depth at North. He is a contested ball winner without damaging disposal although he managed a few goals this year. I'm saying that once we have a core group of reliable, talented and functioning midfielders, we'll have our own second-tier players who will start to standout more. You're comparing two second rate midfielders without acknowledging the advantages that one has over the other. Riley was merely an example anyway.
  9. I was one who was completely against Greenwood and I still maintain that with a further injection of top end talent to our midfield, we will be able to unearth our own Greenwood in the coming years. He is a second-tier mid behind the likes of Swallow, Cunnington, Harvey, Wells, Ziebell and Dal Santo. Someone like Aiden Riley could play that role well with a full pre-season within a deep and functioning midfield. We have enough potential Greenwood's on our list, we just need a core group of great midfielders first.
  10. I distinctly remember reading several posters being completely against having Lamumba at our club for the same reason that he is now leaving collingwood for. Nothing to do with his footballing attributes and positive personality traits that would clearly help our back 6 and entire group of players. That was before the discussion of hypothetical trades. I'm bringing Cross and Vince into this as examples of personalities and qualities that Roos clearly believes to be of utmost importance to the development of our club and list. There is risk involved in everything so I don't know what you mean by zero risk with Cross. Lamumba is a professional AFL trainer, player and leader. Ala Cross and Vince. That's the comparison. Roos wants more of them.
  11. Full backs don't need the greatest skills in the world, however they need players around them to have fatastic footskills or an ability to break zones. If we land Frost, it's fantastic. He'll be under the tutelage of Roos and some fantastic coaches as well as some real leaders unlike in recent years. That will have a huge effect on understanding competitiveness and professionalism for young Frost who over the years will develop into someone who genuinely cares about competing as opposed to Frawley who just went through the motions at times this year thanks to the environment he was used to as well as his lack of self-drive/understanding. Get Lamumba, Gwilt/Malceski around him, Tommy Mac and Dunn and you have some players who know how to use the ball and break zones.
  12. Lols at anyone being underwhelmed by a player of Lamumba's calibre wanting to come to our club. I imagine they're the same folk who questioned the inclusions of Cross and Vince too. Is it fair to say supporters on this forum are just clueless when it comes to the assessment of our list? Our lack of skill and ability to break lines and opposition defensive zones in our backhalf is almost non-existent and is evidenced largely by the huge discrepancy in inside 50 counts this year. Here is a player, who unlike anyone in our back six, has the running ability and boldness to take the game on and provide attacking run off the backflank. He is someone who possesses a desire to lead, is an extremely professional trainer and player and someone who plays as if they care. Same can't be said for still so many on our list. How can any supporter not be thrilled that a player of those attributes has a desire to come to our club and help reshape it, regardless of his philosophies and beliefs outside of football? The MFC is changing. We are shedding our old skin. And some supporters are blinded by players who have been on our list for far too long and provide too little. Take your red and blue glasses off and wake up to the fact that the personality types and lack of professionalism evident in some of the senior players on our list who have been there for years is the reason Roos is targetting players like Lamumba, Cross, Vince etc. Frawley out is a win on it's own, especially with what we're getting back and the trading potential it gives us. I've said that from the start. Lamumba is an enormous upgrade on any player we've had running around on the HBF. He's a leader, he works hard, he cares, he's bold. Wake the [censored] up.
  13. You went a bit far methinks Clint. I most certainly would do that trade.
  14. You can't say things like that. Ill spend the rest of the arvo refreshing this page now. It's not on.
  15. I can't say that I've ever read anyone blaming Frawley for the mediocrity of the club, anywhere.And I'd love you to point out some of these posts suggesting Frawley is to blame.
  16. There are still too many nuff nuff supporters spinning the 'he gave us eight years of service' line as if it excuses the way he carried himself this year. Talking about his past is irrelevant when posters are merely expressing their disappointment with aspects of Frawley's game and behaviour this year. It just amazes me that supporters are still so content with mediocrity. Frawley is part of the virus. It's vlear as day he has little care for helping the club improve and obviously he doesn't see himself as someone who wants to reshape it as others have already pointed out. He doesn't want the responsibility. But then again, I don't believe he has the capacity to help change the club. He is too conditioned. He is too easily influenced and not nearly self-driven or conscious enough to be a player who can be the catalyst for change. He is part of the virus, and I'm looking forward to him going. I don't wish him any success or failure. He is of little significance. A minnow, and one that will be forgotten quickly as our club steadily improves over the years.
  17. Don't mess with my head, Goodvibes... Which is it? Baloney or you've got the inside word?
  18. Which says that our list is still a way off. The sooner these kinds of blokes are off the list, the better. We can't be carrying players who have one elite non-football skilled specific attribute and expect to consistently improve as a side. It just won't happen.
  19. All he needs is a bit of breakaway pace back in his game and he'll be a damaging player for us. Our midfield is very different these days remember. As long as he can have a completely injury free pre-season with a focus on speed, he'll be a surprisingly good addition to a midfield of Jones, Tyson, Viney, Cross and Vince. (and Dangerfield...)
  20. I hope to hell it's not. I want the virus out. Out with the old, and in with the new.
  21. As for Membrey, I fully endorse targeting a highly talented forward who can't get a gig in what is easily the most potent forward line in the AFL.
  22. Agile and speedy tall athletes do grow on trees and that's exactly what Fitzy is. He is not a natural footballer. I've never rated him, I don't believe he will become a consistent AFL footballer and quite frankly I think he was another very speculative late pick by the same recruiting staff that got so many picks wrong. He'll be gone within a year or two.
  23. All I wish is that he'd see we're going places, get excited about the appointment of Goodwin, get excited about the trade period and who we could potentially land again.. But if course I don't know about clinical depression personally and how being at the MFC may well trigger some of those dark episodes again.. And I won't comment about it. I still hold hope that he decides to stay.
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