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Everything posted by DeeZone

  1. Woop woop keep ‘em coming folks.!!!
  2. WCW he had a lot of people following, our group included, the cheer squad handed out flags to us and they and our voices got a great work with Kozzies heroics.😀😀👍 ps( we had a chat to two of the Port cheer squad ladies and they said there was a bit of a rift between their squad and some of the players.😢).
  3. Not sure what happened there but we just arrived in Adelaide to let the humiliated Power supporters get off. WCW Our Cheer squad are also on this flight.😀will be glad to get back home tonight.!!!
  4. What a great venue, we were sitting in a small stand not far from the cheer squad, Kozzie did some of his best work right in front of us and we got right in behind him as did the locals. I was surprised how easy Power were able to beat us at clearances, they have a very good game plan that is well drilled and they always have players in the clear and hit them up with monotonous regularity. We really had to grind this win out. Kozzie and Tracc were clearly our best two players out there. There are a lot of distractions at the game, eagles soaring in the background, the locals and toilets that would bring a tear to your eye if you were female.😳😳.!!not to mention the McDonald Ranges.
  5. Christian Salem is super lean looks like he needs some more meat on his bones. Lol.!!
  6. Agree DG Fritters skill is that he can kick goals from any angle and usually does and apart from one stuff up we thought that he played his role well despite some heavy contact from the Port boys before and after disposal. Being at the game there were numerous times when the ball bounced really strangely bouncing sideways over their heads totally different to what the players were expecting which cost us a couple of goals.
  7. What a great venue, we were sitting in a small stand not far from the cheer squad, Kozzie did some of his best work right in front of us and we got right in behind him as did the locals. I was surprised how easy Power were able to beat us at clearances, they have a very good game plan that is well drilled and they always have players in the clear and hit them up with monotonous regularity. We really had to grind this win out. Kozzie and Tracc were clearly our best two players out there. There are a lot of distractions at the game, eagles soaring in the background, the locals and toilets that would bring a tear to your eye if you were female.😳😳.!! Forgot the west McDonald Ranges that run east west for 620km’s.!!
  8. 6 - Kozzie- exceptional game 5 - Tracc - a game winner at work 4 - Langdon - provided the out 3 - Jack - worked so hard under pressure 2 - May - kept us in it early 1 - BBB - really got involved today the 2 / 1 vote could have gone to Hibbo, Salem, Harmes, Sparrow, JJ or Thommo.
  9. Watching from up close Harmes laid some great tackles and played his role.
  10. We went down for a latish breakfast and we’re sitting there eating breakfast with the majority of players standing and sitting around the pool chatting and texting just outside the restaurant window. They look really good, then at 10:00 the whole squad and coaches headed off for a walk together. We are heading off to the ground at 1:00 so fingers crossed we can have a win. So happy the Roos and Swans won.!!!
  11. Just to add to our great day we had dinner with four Dee supporters at our Hotel restaurant and our whole team had dinner in a function room next to the restaurant. Tracc’s mum and several other parents were seated several tables over from ours so got to see Tracc, Sparrow, Salo and a grumpy Clarry up close. We didn’t get to speak to them but it was fun seeing the boys wanders around whilst we ate and kept an eye on the scores. It was a bit surreal to be honest.!!!!
  12. Thanks BBO it’s going to be a long quiet trip home otherwise. I am hoping for a 24 point win.!!!
  13. Just on a lighter side of the coin I ran into Adem Yze earlier today I was coming back from the laundry and Adem opened the door for me. My wife came scorching down the stairs and said hello and wished him and the team all the best. Then whilst walking into Alice we passed Ed Langdon and Adam Tomlinson on the Todd River bridge and Ed gave us a big hello and we responded and wished them all the best for tomorrow, how nice was that.!!!
  14. Not in Alice Springs, there are a lot of indigenous kids up here and I think that the Elders would approve of our NARRM jumper.👍👌🤘💕💕
  15. Well Dlanders my wife and I are about to board our flight to Uluṟu and heading to the game in Alice on Sunday so dearly hope that the Dees are on fire on Sunday. It’ll be a sad flight home on Monday otherwise.!!!
  16. What an absolute Legend of the game and MFC great so glad that Noel finally saw his beloved Dees break the drought. RIP Noel McMahen.❤️💙
  17. Apart from the concussion which is serious enough, messing in one’s own nest also would have serious ramifications and impact self confidence, standing within the group and internal disappointment with one self. Even if the team forgive and move on he has to find that inner peace before he can move on and catch up. After all we can be our own worse enemies when we screw up.hopefully he can forgive himself and get back to his elite best but he may need help.!!!
  18. Yes Redlegs we need to change it up a bit need to be a bit more unpredictable utilise Salem and Bowey more.with their kicking skills hit up a target switch it around make the opp run and chase. Ha ha Do don’t think Do.😳😳
  19. However his handball is very good get him to find closer targets he is a ball magnet and pretty tough as well. If Clayton doesn’t play Dunstan has to or medi-sub if Clayton plays. No good having a fire axe if you are to scared to break the glass.!!!
  20. I agree Goody is loathe to make more than 2-3 changes at a time But I would dearly love to see 3-5 changes. I guess the coaches expect the youngsters to actually knock the door down before they get a run, Hunt deserves another run as I agree he has done his time in exile.!!!
  21. Tracca joins an elite group next week and I hope that Clarry can keep his run going. But don’t want him to risk further injury.😢✅💕
  22. Wow that is some comeback I had written us off, Laurie Hunt, JVR, Chandler and Dunstan all came good at the same time. Looking forward to seeing Hunt, Laurie and Dunstan and maybe JVR playing in Alice Sunday week. That was a gutsy come from behind win, we have a great team at Casey.
  23. Thanks KC what changed so dramatically, apart from 6 straight points.!!!
  24. Not sure if this has been mentioned but Geelong have received a lot of valuable intel from Shannon Byrnes. He was with us for eight years and if you have watched Sound The Alarm 2021 you would notice that Goody shared all the intel from the coaches box via Shannon to the players.
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