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Everything posted by DeeZone

  1. To me Hawthorn is the strangest story they gave up Glenferie Oval as home base to move to Waverley which they touted as being the best of all worlds and yet they are now moving to Dingley the new Mecca. I wonder what the Hawks fans think?? I am glad that we are holding out for our home base to be close to our place of origin, we are Melbourne so need to stay close to our roots and CBD. If it takes longer to achieve it so be it, it will be well worth it.!!
  2. Thanks JVR and MFC, he has the attributes for a KPF let’s hope that he slots into our forward line and stays there, I have a good feeling about Jacob.!!!
  3. Another great year from Bayley Fritsch and as mentioned by Durango he missed TMacs and Bbb’s presence in our forward line. He received a lot of extra attention this year but still shone through showing his class. Where would we have been without Fritta and Kozzie this year.!!
  4. Ha ha never heard of Taylor Whitford either 58er.😁
  5. What a gifted, exciting player is Kozzie my wife and I were fortunate to have been in Alice to watch the Dees when Kozzie played possibly his best game for the Dees kicking six scintillating goals and got us home from a determined Port. He was on fire and so was the crowd. Comeon Kozzie as Dazzle said please re-sign and make MFC your home long term.❤️💙🤘
  6. Agree Durango his 2021 was his best for the club but he obviously played his role as directed by the coaching team to poll so well. My biggest bugbear was when he looked to pass it off when in range instead of nailing his shot and worse when he missed from 20-30 metres out, they are real momentum killers. However I still love ANB’s stamina, selfless footy, his hardness at the ball and his 2nd and 3rd efforts. Let’s hope that in 2023 he nails those shots and helps us stay at the top of the heap.!!
  7. Maybe poita but he was polling very well in the B&F prior to injury/ loss of form, so obviously highly regarded by those voting.??
  8. Ed Langdon, if not already is fast becoming one of our all time favourite running machines, Ed regularly clocks up 100% game time even when carrying niggles. He is highly skilled and as tough as they come but wouldn’t recommend that he give anymore pre match speeches before big games, I would also like to see Ed get a bit more protection. I am really looking forward to seeing how Ed and Lauchie control their respective wings in 2023 and how we exploit the advantage that they will afford the team, he is a quirky, loveable individual and he is ours.❤️💙🤘💕.
  9. 4.1 in the last the girls really bought it home, very strong effort and to get within .3% of Brissie is huge given the massive lead they accrued early in the season.!!
  10. Agree with all above, poita layed it out how we all saw it. Salems dominance off the half back was a huge loss. Looking forward to seeing Christian Salem back to his 2021 form in 2023 and beyond he is such a key component in our team.!!
  11. Interestingly until today I have never heard the name Taylor Whitfield, to be honest I hadn’t heard a hell of a lot about Mark Corrigan either. So it is nice to finally hear about the man behind the man who is now The man. Welcome to the top job Taylor Whitfield it is a huge role carrying a lot of responsibility currently and for the clubs future. I will be very interested in hearing from those Demonlanders that are close to the Casey scene to find out a bit more about the new man.!!
  12. My choice is also a fit and stronger Tom Sparrow who will demand greater midfield minutes, however I will not be surprised if any or all of Jordon, Rivers, Bowey, JVR and Howes step up significantly. My take is that Kozzie and Petty have already broken out and will continue to cement themselves into our first 23.
  13. It appears to be quite a big promotion for Clare, nothing to do with being squeezed out more a recognition of her skill set and experience.!!
  14. Jeez no one is saying Pert or for that matter Kate Roffe are perfect but they as a team have turned our ship around despite innuendo and criticism at most announcements / changes. We are no longer that club that was on our hands and knees wishing that we could be up there with the successful clubs. It’s time to stop and smell the roses, enjoy our current success and put our personal grievances aside.!!
  15. Love James Harmes and also hold him in high regard because of his versatility and his team oriented play. His stats were also down on 2021 performance but I feel that was more due to him being played out of his usual role of lockdown, run with player playing through midfield and half forward where he is a good mark and accurate kick for goal. Looking forward to seeing Harmsey given the opportunity to play to his strengths in 2023. Thank goodness he didn’t seek a xfer to Bumbers.!!!!
  16. Glad that our two Proxy votes were of value but a bit surprised that there were only 4,000in total then again we have a lot more free time on our hands.😁🤘✅
  17. Life and footy is so much different now Ds 56 growing up in my time the same six kids won everything every year and we expected them to because they were the best and most skilful players in the team, every now and then if you had a top game you won a block of chocolate. The thing that us fringe players looked forward to the most was the two pie nights we had each year. More recently the league that my grandson plays in, the coaches nominate the best player on the opposing team and the opposing coach nominated my grandson as his choice for BOG, he was informed that he was ineligible because he had already won one. My grandson was pumped but took it in his stride and I was very proud of him.
  18. That sounds delicious Ds56. Yum.!!
  19. To my mind this evens the playing field for clubs that stuck by the guidelines versus the clubs that utilised the sub to gain an advantage. Common sense approach to a problem that the AFL couldn’t/wouldn’t police fairly.!!!!
  20. Poor Jake severely challenged by injury throughout 2022, his stats were way down on his usual form but still managed to play a role in defence. He looked so sore at the end of games. One tough cookie is our “Rick”, looking forward to seeing him fit, healthy and back to his deadly best in 2023.!!!
  21. Like he said as an 18 yo, I want to be the best in the league.!!
  22. I also thought Charlie had a disappointing 2nd half to the season not sure if he was injured, he was covering for injuries or playing out of position but the number of times that we failed to have smalls at the foot of packs really stood out. We need Charlie back to his 2021 scintillating form kicking goals or setting them up, laying tackles and creating pressure, pressure, pressure. No games based on reputation in 2023.!!
  23. Brett Ratten Great Footballer very unlucky Coach, I remember well when Ratten was replaced by Malthouse at Carlton, Blues are just coming out of the nosedive that eventuated from that shemozzle. Are the Saints heading down that path of quick Fix, for the poor Sainter followers I really hope not. ( Wink).!!
  24. James Jordon is another one of our young guns that I hope will form part of the core of players that help maintain us at the top of the heap. JJ is one of our Utility type players that is happy to play any role for the team, fwd, mid or back but like BBP I am a bit concerned for him now that we have bought Hunter into the picture. JJ needs to have another big pre-season, get a bit stronger, faster and tougher and cement himself into the side.!!
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