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Everything posted by DeeZone

  1. Some good comparisons there AF, we just need to keep identifying the talent that is out there and keep improving our list year in and year out. We have the coaching fire power now to actually mould the talent that comes in through the door. There have been a lot of long shots over the years. GO Dee's!!!
  2. Also dazzledavey36 kicked the speculation off Post 1 Page 1, he was definitely on the money with Egan. Looks like another great pick up by MFC. GO DEE's !!!
  3. Thanks KC and all other posters , I thought that we were really struggling to stay with them at half time and although really disappointed at our third quarter effort, I wasn't surprised when the flood gates opened, we should have gone down by 60 points. However, two years ago we were on the bottom of the ladder, it's rare to win a Granny in your first appearance so need to stay up there and get a second or third crack at it. Sadly our failure to produce is also a reflection of our depth and lack of pace and ability to hit up a team mate and how to control the ball when the other side is running white hot. Mid season I was thinking that it may be hard to free up 4-6 spots on the list But now think we need to free up 6-8 spots and bring in more kids with pace and kicking skills and they don't have to be all that tall either. Mid fielders with pace, pace and more pace. Go Dee's, Go Scorp's !!!
  4. Love Oliver so cool under pressure, I saw him and ANB on the way in. Looks so young and boyish but really plays like a man. GO Clayton!!! Go Scorps!!!
  5. It looks like he may have grown a tad as well this year as he was towering over some of their and our mid fielders yesterday, he knows how to impose himself and hurt the opposition. What a great asset to the MFC, scary isn't it!!! Go Clarry!!
  6. Thanks Dazzle... That put's paid to Tom, it's a tough one!!!
  7. Thanks KC and all other posters, it was great to be able to keep up with the game. finally found it on radio was it just me but did the commentators all support the "Sea gulls". Good hard fought win, what a shame for Salem, will he ever catch a break. I will watch the replay tomorrow to savour the win a bit more. Thank's again!! Go SCORP's!!!!
  8. Disagree on this one superfang the turf boys have been working on the ground all week and it is looking VGood for Sunday. It will be a fast track which should suit both sides, to bad Hunt isn't eligible!!! go - Scorp's!!!
  9. Disagree on this one superfang the turf boys have been working on the ground all week and it is looking VGood for Sunday. It will be a fast track which should suit both sides, to bad Hunt isn't eligible!!! go - Scorp's!!!
  10. Look forward to KC and other posts coming through this arvo, unfortunately working. Let's hope they turn up to play. How stiff is Grimes, can't take a trick. GO SCORP's!!!!
  11. These are live games in the skin not sitting in front of a TV!!!
  12. I also was very impressed with the way that he handled himself, no outlandish statements here, very much in the Paul Roo's mould. One thing that stood out for me was that he watches two - three AFL games every week to see what the other coaches are up to and looks at strategies required to beat them and ways to improve his own game plan at the same time, looks like we have a real thinker here. He has also had a lot of team and individual success during his 275 games at the Crow's. I like his candour and self confidence, let's hope that he can continue to take the team up the ladder and eventually taste that ultimate success as a senior coach. Go SIMON!! - GO DEE's!!
  13. Noticed that he also came in 5th in MVP Most Courageous Players as well - Well done Jack and a speedy recovery. Didn't he say in his acceptance speech that he was heading to Bali the day after the "Bluey Award"?? - Go Jack!!
  14. Agree on both Melksham & Hibberd (if possible) probably would have won the Blues & Dons games with these two in our side, they add pace, kicking ability and a tougher edge to our young back line or where ever the coach play's them. Welcome Jake. GO DEE's!!
  15. I agree GCDee I like all three of the final contenders but would have a preference for big Matt Eagles, he could fill that spot that we recruited the two King Boy's in to fill and at 26 he would be ready to go. I love the show and don't find Mick or Dicko to hard to listen to, actually like their insights on each of the players. I found Series 2 better than the First as I thought the talent in the second group was superior in a lot of ways than the first group, but if push came to shove I would't mind any of the last three contenders. Go Dee's
  16. Just watched the Jayden Hunt interview again when receiving his "Best Young Player" award, he mentioned that Jack Grimes and several coaches got into his ear half way through 2015 and advised him that he better show them (FD) what he can produce if he wanted to stay on the List, a real wake up call also thanked BM for taking him under his wing and turning him into a student of the game. So thanks Jack, Coaches, BM and particularly Jayden for listening and taking it on board because we now have another young star on our list. He is a very confidant and capable young man. Go DEE's!!! PS( I am another public school supporter who spent a lot of my working life taking every opportunity that I could to further educate myself)
  17. Thanks again KC, greatly appreciated as always. Go Scorps!!!
  18. Just finished watching all the speeches and I am a bit speechless, we have a very special group of people at our club, the clear message is unity and a determination to become relevant in the AFL world. I can't wait to get back to the Gee next year and watch their further growth as a team and the long awaited progression up the ladder. GO DEE's!!!
  19. you took the last line right out of my mouth Lol !!!
  20. Thanks DD36 a great read, funny how a little luck can go a long way some times, it all starts with getting noticed. Well done MFC Recruiters and Jayden for living up to their expectations!!
  21. I worked last night so watched the posters coming in with great interest - Fantastic Effort Jack Viney a real champion, Captain Courageous Nat Jones, Big Maxxy Gawn what a man, Dom Tyson tireless worker got better and better, Jack Watts arose to the occasion has real mental strength, talent and character. Congratulations to all other recipients. Thanks to all Posters for keeping us all informed as usual, DL is a great place to be when ever there is some MFC / Casey Action going on. GO DEE's, GO Scorp's !!!! Looking forward to seeing Speeches, etc on MFC Web Site
  22. Great to see everyone playing, looks like Casey come good at the right time of year. What a pity we don't get to see them. Go Scorp's!!!!!!
  23. I would add Kent, Harmes, Frost & Melksham to this list of untouchables at this point of time. Sorry bernie I didn't realize that you had been left out in the cold???
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