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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Now your talking! Canadian Club is one of the top Whiskys going around!
  2. http://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/watch/20412798/sports-break-december-20/
  3. I don't give a [censored] about Rising star nominations. And your obsessions of getting defensive with players is seriously getting beyond the joke Saty And of course I have seen him play live and he looked brilliant and will be a star! But we will have still deal with scrutiny of Freo and West Coast knocking on his door all the time especially with Freo in need of key forwards with Pav nearly gone. I really do hope he signs that 5 year deal soon..
  4. Thanks DS! Interesting with JKH he seems to be the Draftee that's standing out the most with his training. Been hearing nothing but real positives and good reports. Could be a steal!
  5. I can see what your saying but as you pointed out, Clark and Dawes so far have been injury prone and hardly have played. We gave up pick 12 for Clark and pick 20 for Dawes. On Hogan its too early to say. Hasn't played an AFL game yet even though he has showed real talent at VFL level the step up from that league to AFL level is HUGE. We did give up pick 3 for him which would have nabbed us Ollie Wines. Wines, Viney and Toumpas would have been a pretty handy onball unit as well. Unfortunately the negatives far outweighs the positives with Neeld. The problem was Mclardy, Schwab and Lyon told Neeld to give the boys a good kick up the ass when he was appointed, which wasn't Neelds caliber. He tried to be someone he wasn't and that gets shown out big time to players. Why would players listern to a bloke trying to be a hardass when he was a [censored] as a player.
  6. You seem to keep pumping up a bloke that didnt even get a snippet of a mention during the draft period. Are you sure your not him?
  7. Anyways back on topic.. Good to hear Roosy has been impressed about our boys so far this summer. Players seem to respect and that can take you a long way just ask the Port boys with Ken Hinkley. The boys there absolutely love him go out there to bust a nut for that bloke.
  8. Haha well done on winning the 'worst post ever' Title.. While we are at it you can have tool of the year aswell.. FMD
  9. Are you seriously for real??? Its not about who was in the car its the fact he has two young kids alone! Where is his responsibility there!? Do you think its a good idea for a 26 year father risking his life doing 140 in a 100k zone? Not only is he is putting himself at risk but people around him! His kids arent going to have a dad soon the way he is carrying on and thats a dam shame for any kid to grow up with without a dad. Because your basically saying its ok what he did but its irelevant in whos in the car.. Poor form LF
  10. Did you know Mitch Morton was a Premiership player? Or what about Shannon Byrnes? I bet he is your pick for Forward pocket ahead of Kent and JHK.. Funny how you say Fitzy is awkward unco yet i watched him towel up Heath Grundy (premiership backman that is... you know the ones you love?) against the swans and kick 4 goals against the Lions. I must have saw different to you because i saw huge potenial with this guy. If i was a defender id rather side up against the lumbering Dawes with a wonky knee to be quite honest.Id probably swap Fitzy for Dawes and have Hogan push up to a CHF and have fitzy next to Clark. Two 200cm tall forwards in the goal square to kick isn't a bad idea for me.
  11. I just dont rate Dawes that highly to be honest. Only my personal opinion but i dont think we will ever see a fully fit Dawes on the park especially with his ongoing knee problem he has to battle for the rest of his career. He will play games at 70 to 80 % fit but never 100 %. As already been mentioned Fitzy is more quicker, taller, good turn of speed, and a better overhead mark aswell. You can never question his leadership and courage but i think Fitzy has massive upside and i can see it be untapped under Roos.
  12. Just a fact jurrah has two kids so obviously the [censored] isnt worried about his family if he is doing 140k in a 100 speed zone. Also to be in a car police chase he could seriously kill someone! The cops were in the right in stopping because of the risk it would have on the public. RISK! ffs i dont give a [censored] about his family problems anymore and either does he. No more [censored] weak excuses with this criminal. Lock him up and throw the key away.
  13. When some clueless people wanted him drafted this year i got howled down because i said how much of an alcholic and complete danger he is to society. Obviously 6 months jail wasn't enough to pull his head in. Give him 10 years behind bars seriously. He will kill someone one day.
  14. I agree i would have Fitzy penciled in for round 1 instead of Dawes.
  15. I know he will be a good player and im looking forward to seeing him play. But that heading for a 0 gamer is quite poor. We also have to remember that VFL is quite a big step up so i dont expect him to dominate straight. I just want him to earn his spot, get use to the speed and big bodies and see how we go.
  16. Its no wonder blokes like Watts struggled with the pressure because its the [censored] media that put ridiculous headlines like this before they even play a game. Don't mind the article but please that is by far the worse heading for a 0 AFL player ever. I know I might be going over the top but it only takes something little like a heading like that to put extra pressure and stress on a player that hasn't played a game.. Not happy.
  17. Yes they do. But most of them are still training whether its going to the gym or extra running.
  18. Didn't realise how bad I worded that.. yikes. Ps anyone having trouble with the quote button..??
  19. Machsy the kid is only 19 years old of course there is plenty of improvement left in him. He will only get better and the whole AFL know that. He doesn't need to get bigger but he still get a hell of a lot stronger. In fact saw a recent pic of him in Dubai and he is looking seriously fit and slimmed right down so he you would expect to have added some pace aswell. Were you also saying Joel Selwood and Dustin Martin couldn't improve after their first years? Way off the mark there with that comment.
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