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Everything posted by Gator

  1. No, I haven't seen it either and no-one was questioning his rights to express an opinion. It's just strange that he's referencing a film when discussing his lament and the film is purported to be very inaccurate and wildly exaggerated.
  2. He's hardly impacted a game.
  3. That's not what I asked you.
  4. Do you think Utopia is an accurate depiction of what it was like to be Aboriginal ? Have you read Kieran Finnane's review, among others ? I'm not sure this movie should be Goodes guiding hand when it comes to history. I'm sure there are more factual documentaries he could have relied upon.
  5. As for your stats ? The same report says: It is estimated that less than 30% of all sexual assaults on children are reported and that the reporting rate is even lower for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (Stanley et al., 2003). Inquiries into child sexual abuse in Western Australia, New South Wales and the Northern Territory have concluded that the sexual abuse of Indigenous children was common, widespread and grossly under-reported (Aboriginal Child Sexual Assault Taskforce, 2006; Anderson & Wild, 2007; Gordon et al., 2002). Robertson (2000) estimated that up to 88% of all sexual assaults in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities go unreported. In contrast to the low rates of sexual abuse substantiated by child protection services, police data on reported victims of sexual assault show that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are at greater risk than non-Indigenous children of being sexually abused (Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision, 2007). Health data regarding sexually transmitted infections, which have been associated with child sexual abuse, showed that over twice the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were diagnosed with an STI compared with non-Indigenous children (Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision, 2007).
  6. Clearly there hasn't been a government policy to remove white children en masse from their families. Is that the point you were trying to make ? Talk about stating the bleeding obvious. Perhaps clumsily, you inferred it was really only Aboriginal children who were ever removed from abusive situations when you said, "Child abuse happens in all communities but historically they have been removed from which families?". I then pointed out this wasn't the case and supplied information that shows 27K non-Aboriginal have presently been placed in OOHC. Check your unedited post on page 24/576, which is the initial post I was responding to and not your subsequently edited version down the page.
  7. Facts and logic ? That's a laugh. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are NOT the only children removed from dangerous situations. Right now there are less Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in OOHC than non-Aboriginal. Although their percentage is greatly higher. This link may be of interest to you. Thank me later. https://aifs.gov.au/cfca/publications/child-abuse-and-neglect-statistics
  8. You should remove any child from any family that is suffering sexual or serious physical abuse or any other dangerous situation. Btw, Catholicism isn't a "race". Oh and glad you're no longer a racist. Big of you.
  9. Well you were stupid weren't you. I wasn't quoting Goodes verbatim. Why would I think I needed to ? The AFL didn't either. But now you've been set straight and know exactly what he said. Fancy making a public declaration and stating "Racism had a face - and it was a 13 year old girl...". She isn't the face of racism and it was despicable for Goodes to suggest she was - even with his lame attempt to then absolve her of blame. Btw, I knew you wouldn't "man up". And your mate Stu should cast for Dumb and dumber.
  10. Oh dear... It was reported everywhere that Goodes said, 'Racism had a face ... and it was a 13-year-old girl - but it's not her fault,". Google that exact line and see what you come up with. And then apologise.
  11. So even when he knew the details he stated, "Racism has a face and it's a 13 year old girl". She's lucky she's got a friend like Goodes. The rest of your answer proved my point. You've got nothing out of the thread, which is no different to the poster you were criticising.
  12. What have you got out of it ?
  13. No, they don't. They make them better. I accept times and employment have changed and I also accept we're talking about the MFC, but all things considered I'm not worried in the slightest about Hogan. These types of individuals tend to know their place in history and build clubs around them and not vice versa,
  14. Out and proud conservative, Stu.
  15. I've read a fair bit, but decided to do more research, as I'd made a declaration on here. Upon further reading there was enough doubt for me to question long-held beliefs. My views mirror Bolt on most things, but I don't share his angst at Goodes' dance, or him equating it to Sheedy's throat slit to White or the "shotgun". The analogies are as silly as people complaining about being vilified for red hair. Anyway, you can please yourself what you think of me. I'm not invested in you.
  16. I've read a fair bit, but it doesn't qualify my opinion to be "expert" and I recognise that, hence the retraction, but I still have an opinion. Take it or leave it. One thing I know for certain, and it involves you.
  17. In my opinion he's a certainty, subject to playing 20 games, or close to it.
  18. I suspect it won't shock you to know that I have zero interest in your vapid opinions of me. Child abuse is a serious problem today in some remote Aboriginal communities. Unfortunately this sad state of affairs is virtually never mentioned by those that want to paint Australia as an extremely racist country. It's a problem today, as it was 100 years ago. It makes utter sense to me that some children over the decades have been spared more abuse by removing them from dangerous situations. But being able to identify all child removal as racist government policy versus some child removal for protection purposes would blur the lines, in my opinion. Naturally, there are bellicose bloviators like you, who want to scream that everything is either black or white.
  19. Gets the best defender every single week and right now would be top 3 in our B&F, even having missed a game. A far smarter footballer than Neitz and much more physical than Schwarz. Will become an AFL superstar. Btw, I'm not denigrating Neitz or Schwarz as they're rightly club icons and were great players.
  20. I'd like to withdraw my comment re the Stolen Generations "myth". Facts are I'm nowhere near well read or qualified to make those assertions. I do fear that there was in fact government policy in parts of Australia to remove half castes from their families and I suspect it was sometimes under the guise that they were protecting children, when this may not always have been the case. I also suspect there are exaggerations made as to the level of these atrocities and perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.
  21. You're welcome to explain what part of what I quoted was wrong. Here's an imaginary gold embossed invitation for you. I find it exceptionally amusing that someone so familiar with Bolt's views would be critical of others for quoting him and court reported commentary. I get it, it's OK to read him, just not agree with him. Not that you have your own deep seated political bias though. No, not at all.
  22. As you've asked nicely I will. Especially as sleep and then work beckons, so I'll leave you and the other Lefties to continue your ill-placed indignation and rewriting of history.
  23. The word is "argument". It's a bit like truely is actually "truly". And yes, I'm very serious. Besides, what I quoted was court reported, nong.
  24. I don't doubt they claim it, but I doubt it happened. There was certainly no government policy to "steal children". Children have been saved from terrible environments in some Aboriginal communities for decades. Perhaps they were from one of those.
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