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Members' Wing

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Everything posted by Members' Wing

  1. Like him as a player and had a great year but there are so many good mids under 22, he wouldn't be in my top 10.
  2. Would anybody seriously have Caleb Daniel in the best 22 players in the entire competition under 22?!
  3. Bang, exactly my point. But Saty seems to think that this is "big noting" and cannot possibly be true. Nobody is claiming they're any more special just cos they're mates with a player Saty. They're just people, not the walking deities you treat them as. I've had a glance through your twitter and instagram before and literally the only people you follow are MFC players. It's bizarre.
  4. No, this is what you don't seem to understand. If YOU ask a player about an injury during the season, YOU get a straight bat. My mate has whinged a number of times to me about how bad his back has been over the years. I am a million miles away from being high up in the food chain in these sort of things. I've only got a mate as a player and a couple of other acquaintances around the league, as I'm sure a number of people on here do, or did when they were that age. As I said earlier, Chook in Perth has decent sources within the club, and there are many others who know people in high places, people who know much more about trade scenarios than players do. The purpose of my post was not to denigrate you but to ask you to open your mind and realise that just because players and officials say one thing to certain people, it doesn't mean that's what they say to everyone.
  5. It is crazy to think that you don't believe that both players and officials talk to their relatives and mates. I had a few beers with my Cats mate after our mauling down there a few weeks ago. He discussed both potential player movement from his club (not him, he'd never leave Geelong) and injury details with me. That's me talking crap with an old school mate, someone I've known all my life. An actual friend rather than the tolerated acquaintance you are of the MFC players. But I am none of those things you mentioned above as the only possible people who could have inside information - I don't have sources within the MFC, I'm not "in the know", I'm not a player manager or club official or a member of Jesse's family. The info he told me isn't a guess, it's not a 50/50 chance of being right like you've said. There are a million examples of things like this happening. I repeat: you're unbelievably naïve if you think they don't.
  6. What an incredibly naive post. Just because you don't know what's going on with the Hogan situation, and most people on here don't know, doesn't mean there aren't certain people who do. Jesse's family, his mates, and people close to the club would all know far more than us. CIP has given great information before, he's a fanatical Demon who gets tidbits of info from people at the club from time to time. If you don't believe this happens then you are kidding yourself. Just because you haven't heard a piece of information from one of your "mates" the players, doesn't mean it isn't true.
  7. It was more the comment on Jack's sex life that concerned me!
  8. To be fair to Jesse though Ernest, how much of the saga is due to Jesse himself and how much of it is to do with the hand-wringing of anonymous internet posters? He's done exactly as he said he would at the start of the year, waited to discuss it til the season finished.
  9. Yep all credit to him he never sought the limelight for it. I know a nurse who used to work there who was amazed at how often he'd come in and how long he'd stay for. Said he was an absolute gentleman with the kids and families which doesn't always fit with the Sylvia we knew. I don't know him from Adam but always felt he's just a big kid who's never really grown up.
  10. This. Used to do things like pop into the Royal Children's Hospital unannounced and stay for hours talking to young Melbourne supporters or just kids in general. For all his faults, he was incredible in this regard.
  11. Would be unreal if so but think it's more likely to be stay tuned as in expect more photos/reports as the night goes on
  12. Couldn't be best first year player LH as this is his third year, maybe best young player?
  13. I love him. He's quickly become my favourite player.
  14. The 8-time All-Australian, Brownlow Medal-winning Mark Ricciuto who averaged a goal a game from midfield? You're seriously underselling him mate. He had an unbelievable amount of x-factor, could turn games off his own boot. Bloke was a freak.
  15. Well if they want him it's Neale or Fyfe. Picks alone aren't going to do it.
  16. Said it before but I reckon he's a Mark Ricciuto clone. So similar in so many ways.
  17. A bloke who couldn't even get a game in one of the worst teams of the last 20 years? Pass.
  18. Pick 7 and Tom Bugg for pick 10 and two late picks. Just ponder that for a second.
  19. Great point PD. You've forgotten Hunt too, maybe in place of Frost...
  20. His lack of consistency and professionalism is all the more frustrating cos he's got an unbelievable amount of talent and is the exact type of player we're crying out for.
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