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Ethan Tremblay

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Everything posted by Ethan Tremblay

  1. Yes. Let's judge his leadership based on one not so good choice that upset a few people.
  2. It's anabolic not antibolic and it's not a steroid. It's a variant of IGF-1 which is also not an anabolic steroid. It may be anabolic, yes, but not a steroid. Either way, I agree they're [censored]!
  3. Unfortunately it's a subscriber only article.
  4. My favourite line - "In 2011 indigenous marvel Liam Jurrah would kick 40 goals as a budding superstar who had to be benched when they tried to tank games, so easily did he conjure a goal". Just wow. Back on topic. The start of the new banner looks great. I like Jimmy and Robbie where they are. Keep the main section for the current players and possibly Roo's. Good stuff.
  5. Excuse my ignorance but weren't the players given the opportunity to enter a guilty plea and given a penalty which would have seen them able to play this season and by the NAB cup? Now, faced with suspension, are demanding if suspended, for it to be backdated? Haven't they missed the whole point of a plea bargain? I haven't been following the whole ordeal very closely, again apologies if I'm totally off the mark.
  6. I never said I was against the MoU. It's nothing new, it's not our first and won't be our last.I simply said it wouldn't stop a team from being reallocated. Anything that ties us to the community and to an organisation such as a university is a great thing.
  7. So are you saying a memorandum of understanding could potentially stop us from being reallocated? (If it were ever suggested by the AFL).If the AFL ever wanted to move the MFC a memorandum of understanding with a university would hold no weight whatsoever. It's basically a feel good, nothing more. May or may not have some benefits.
  8. It's the only way I drink Coopers.I still don't consider myself a hipster though, my pants don't stop and go tight or roll up to just above my ankles.
  9. I wouldn't say simply drinking Coopers makes you a hipster, however add the man bun and/or a bush ranger beard and you could be there.Image of man bun attached for your reference.
  10. Thanks again Saty, great photos. Spencer always was a big unit but he's looking bigger and fitter.
  11. There really is no need to put your IQ after your username.
  12. No. Honestly, who gives a [censored]. If you have the time to care what a player is getting paid, get a life, get a new job or get a hobby.
  13. It can't be Collingwood's, looks way to clean, no "shart" marks.
  14. Well this is awkward.... I spoke to a demons fan at a kids birthday yesterday, I thought he was interested in what I was saying... Moving on, I think the first 4 games are winnable, depending on which Richmond shows up. Could look at another win or 2 in rounds 8 and 11. 6 from 11 wins, could be slightly optimistic but sounds good to me.
  15. Thanks for the clarification, long day varnishing new doors, I didn't take the "apply in well ventilated area" warning properly. If I ever did meet him all i'd do is shake his hand and tell him it was nice to meet him. No sucking up required. And then I'd tell him to never varnish three sets of bi-fold doors, pay someone. I have two more coats and literally think I'm going to cry.
  16. Why would we apologise for his poor play being questioned if it were poor? Actually that question has gone over my head.
  17. Great write up and info, thanks again bruiser. Did somebody mention birds??? I saw a chicken cross the road once... it was poultry in motion...
  18. At least he had an excuse for being a [censored].Edit. Every word I entered is censored, have fun entering your own.
  19. Living in Perth, you're actually in the minority if you don't have a sleeve tattoo (the same goes if you wear footwear to the shops).
  20. Writing shiit and beating the auto censor got me a warning post.*Example only, please don't give me a second warning post.
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