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Everything posted by dieter

  1. Have they installed an eftpos machine yet? If they have I'll leave my current address - the Tatry Ski Club at Mount Buller - and slip down the mountain. But only if they have eftpos facilities.
  2. What your pwobwem wid da bogan?
  3. Hooray for ABC Classic FM. I listen to it all the time.
  4. Hey, Bitter, want some tinea? I got pleanty to spare...
  5. The bottom line is that many sides beat St Kilda. They are not invincible. Yes, we can, yes, we should is my motto.
  6. It was hot. We did not field our best team. There were turnovers galore, a couple of crooked decisions, but we was THERE. Viney was down, Gawn couldn't crack a mark and a couple of bounces went westwards. However, we was in the West and the West, fielding their best, won. If I were a demon player, I would look forward to playing them there on a level playing field. Do not despair, brothers, sisters, and the Biff-like go-betweens, we are close to being there.
  7. Is that like a Phucket list? I'm confused. I am an innocent lad brought up in North Sunshine, Albion, Sunbury - the dreaded Salesians where I became the world's greatest cricketer - and all this from the humble origins of Klagenfurt and Rischweiller. You must agree I have come a long f...king way. To what avail? What, to end up on this site of whachko screwballs exchanging flatulence like platitudes, all under the smoko screen that we follow the same team the noble Barassi once played for? Then again, though I have mixed with prime ministers, presidents, headmasters, goons and gangsters, Bond-like entrepreneurs, Academy award winners, the greatest almost Grange-like wine makers of this fair land, attended dinners hosted by Premiers of this state in honour of the literary capabilities of my Polish born wife, I come back to this site, mainly to cross swords with the Prodees and the Wreckers and the Biffmen who forget that the church of Demons is a multi denominational and multi gendered and multi cultured. We won't even mention the LGBTIKHGFK word.
  8. This 'topic' is like Sodom and Gomorrah. Shame on you pillars of salt!
  9. Shouldn't that be peversevering with? Can't you spell any more, are your brain cellulites still up the river with Kurz and the pound of butter?
  10. Our own George Brandis is a master at this. Bloody Germans.
  11. Is this Vietnamese speak for Rice paper rolls, or what?
  12. I'll bet my bottom buck you wont hear any Kantainisms out of that place.
  13. Is Kantianism worser than Onanism? Please let me know and I promise I'll attempt to give up the less worser.
  14. in Donald's case, surely he was erected, Mr Twitter
  15. Injuries are part of Football. The lord giveth, the lord taketh away. Remarkable how often sheer bad luck descends on the chosen few. I wish them all the best. I really feel for them. Every club seems to have that tragic warrior. Once again, I really feel for those poor baaastards.
  16. We don't need to add to the catalogue. Let's allow the moron to keep shooting himself and the American people in the foot.
  17. I'm not really worried about what the opposition are up to: as long as the Demons play to their potential what other teams do is immaterial. We have the player resources to finally have success again.
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