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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. True class, people talk about A graders, Robbie really was. 17 minutes of highlights, that would be close to a record.
  2. Thank's I'm a goose, will delete.
  3. I like the way you think maybe we could help them out. Perhaps Dawes and Dunn for the young fella.
  4. From:- Graeme Allan allegedly ordered GWS staffer to-delete email from Lachie Whitfield's girlfriend "Avoiding an illicit drug test would only have drawn a strike under the AFL's illicit drug code but seeking to avoid a test out of fear of performance-enhancing drugs being present falls under the WADA code and if found guilty draws a mandatory minimum four-year ban for the player and the two officials, Allan and Lambert. The AFL concluded a long and protracted investigation before presenting the brief to ASADA who considered the details and returned the brief to the AFL requesting they get legal advice on the next move. The AFL is understood to have since received that legal advice and is deciding how next to proceed."
  5. Nutbean you are way off track here. He said sightly not slightly, mind you that ramification is impressive.
  6. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/drew-petrie-keen-to-play-at-west-coast-in-2017-20160928-grq6l9.html Released North Melbourne veteran Drew Petrie has confirmed his interest in a move to West Coast, but he doesn't expect to know his future for another few weeks. Edit:- Looks like lots of forwards going west. Like Shane Kersten, I wonder if Mitch Clark will finally go home too.
  7. I am waiting on confirmation from a baker but based on the size of Jessie's head and the new European Pikelet-Pancake standards I stand by my pikelet assumption. However if it is in fact a pancake he's gone, unless it has jam and cream then it would be anyone's guess.
  8. I put this through my bs filter and it appears to be a very clever photoshop job, almost as good as those North Korean ones.That almost smile has been altered and added to Jessie's face, not sure about the pikelets, but they look legit.
  9. All very well but with which team? Or is it with a sponsor? Or is it a car loan?
  10. I once claimed that I was from outer space, no one ever doubted it, must be true. As for Jessie, that's great news hooray! Edit_typo
  11. Now I am confused. As Pauline Hanson would say, "please explain" I checked my scarves and for some reason yours look better than mine.
  12. Jobe Watson - guilty of theft by deception (Brownlow) - guilty of using PED's - guilty of lying when giving evidence - National hero FMD
  13. He lied about hundreds of injections he received on multiple occaisions -GUILTY
  14. Or this temporary guy,,, are both jets
  15. Perhaps his brother is a Brother.
  16. Jesse will come back from Perth meet a lovely Melbourne girl, fall in love, and the world will be a better place.
  17. Fair call, I was thinking that GWS were an independent team in a sporting competition where equalisation, honesty and integrity were sacrosanct. Silly me.
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