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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Ned? They need more crooks, gangsters and bushrangers (not cricketers)
  2. DC, real doctors and lawyers would have said steer clear, run away now, have nothing to do with these shysters.
  3. Perhaps they could claim they were signed under duress? Difficult when others didn't sign but possible. Perhaps EFC provided legal advice that the forms were ok and that they shouldn't seek outside advice.
  4. One of the first to chime in was former Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority boss Richard Ings, who said on Twitter: "Coming right out of a doping ban, Ryan Crowley signed by EFC as replacement for one of 12 banned for doping offenses. I do give up." Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/crowley-reax-20160119-gm9fp8.html#ixzz3xjYitcJq
  5. Ryan Crowley http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/former-docker-ryan-crowley-becomes-a-bomber-20160119-gm98o4.html
  6. Irony. The EFC have players banned for PED use. They are permitted fill in players. The first player selected is a banned drug cheat. I imagine the sponsors will be delighted.
  7. Sammy pulled out thought he might get hurt, and if he wasn't in the lead he would not chase.
  8. OK, we shall agree to differ. It is now proven that 34 players used PED's. Last year when they were found not guilty EFC did not ask for their money back as they knew that the penalties were for governance issues not cheating.
  9. Until last week the players had not been found guilty of using PED's. The penalties the club had received prior to that judgement were for other indiscretions, notably failure to keep records. How could the EFC have been penalised for something they had not been found guilty of? Now that they have been found guilty they should have some penalty. Simple. Please explain to me the penalty they received for organising and running a program resulting in 34 players being found guilty of using PED's? No, do not refer to governance issues I mean since guilt was proven.
  10. Sorry, you think it is vindictive to apply a punishment to a club (EFC) that used an experimental program of banned drugs and who knows what else on young men under their care in order to gain an unfair advantage against their competitors. I reiterate. Since the players have been found guilty of using PED's the club has received no penalty just concessions. Asking for a penalty for organising this program is hardly vindictive. Further, the EFC and the AFL have taken legal action against one of the players (Hal Hunter) in that program because he wants to know what they injected into his body. The EFC and the AFL are morally bankrupt organisations and they need to be shown as such. I am not vindictive, I want justice for the non cheats and players that were made guinea pigs.
  11. Maybe we could crowd fund a case against EFC & the AFL I'm in for $100
  12. The parents of former Essendon player Hal Hunter are "appalled" that the AFL and Essendon are pursuing court costs against their son after he took legal action arising from the disastrous 2012 injection program. "The approach by the club and AFL is totally at odds with the statements on Tuesday by Lindsay Tanner and Mike Fitzpatrick regarding the importance of player welfare and the admissions of serious failings at the club. "Instead what we have seen from the club and AFL has been a combative stance resisting Hal at every turn. Documents have been released in dribs and drabs and at the very last moment, there have been ongoing delays, argument and of course mounting costs. "Hal was 18 and the youngest player at the club when he was drafted in late 2011. Hal was part of the injection program from early 2012 and he received injections both at the club and offsite. "While we as a family and those close to him have tried to support Hal in this process, it has taken a huge toll on him. We have real concerns for his ongoing physical and mental well-being as a result of not only what happened at the club but the approach the club and AFL have taken to Hal's case since. "We would urge the AFL and the club to meet with us and bring this matter to a conclusion as soon as possible. Hal should be given as much detail as possible in order for him to address the implications of the injection program at the club and, to allow him to get on with his life." Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/essendon-saga-parents-appalled-as-afl-dons-pursue-costs-against-hal-hunter-20160115-gm6l85.html#ixzz3xHf5YhTm Follow us: @theage on Twitter | theageAustralia on Facebook
  13. Essendon and AFL pursue court costs against ex-player after he took legal action over injection program. Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/?reload=true#ixzz3xHeDlo14 Are all these people insane? They injected him with unknown drugs and they want costs from him? I am really angry about this.
  14. This club organised a program that led to 34 players being found guilty of cheating and the players have been given a modified 2 year ban. Since the guilt of the players has been proven (In a club organised program) the club has received no penalties but has received concessions, extra players and increased salary cap. I ask, can anyone see how the club has directly been punished in respect of the recently proven cheating program?
  15. The above bolding is mine. Exactly which punishment has the club been given for conducting a program where 34 players have been found guilty of drug cheating?
  16. Perhaps in exile Hird can take a role in North Korea as Integrity & Information Minister, they could rename the Kim Dynasty to the Jim Dynasty and he could carry on his good work there. Jim Jong Hird
  17. James Hird 28th Aug 2013 "There were things that went on that shouldn't have happened last year. As senior coach I have to take some responsibility for what happened and not doing more to stop it." Hird the hypocrite.
  18. Why would Essendon appeal? They have not received any penalty. At this stage they are not guilty of anything! (WorkCare and shoddy bookkeeping aside) What if a player appeals? My understanding is that the suspension stays in place during the appeal, that any appeal is held under Swiss law, probably in Switzerland and only points of law can be appealed. It could take 6-12 months before an appeal held. Good luck with that.
  19. I think we tanked. I think many teams tanked. Sides are rewarded for losing.# I think the penalties we received for bringing the game into disrepute were the same as a tanking penalty. Essendon received a penalty for bringing the game into disrepute, for shoddy book keeping. Since then WorkCare have found them guilty and CAS have found them guilty of actions far more serious than book keeping and no penalties from AFL house. Logically from this can we presume that if Essendon had kept good records of cheating that they would have received no penalty? #The draft should be a lottery.
  20. The EFC have received NO penalty for having 34 players guilty of taking PED's. They have received no penalty for organising & running a program that led to 34 players being found guilty of using PED's. Book keeping penalties 2 years ago do not cover this atrocity. They have received help to bolster their side and will be allowed a larger salary cap and will likely receive the 1st pick in the draft. The penalised players will be paid for not playing! Where is the penaty for the club that experimented with the health of these young men? Where is the penalty for the club that cheated?
  21. Sue, that does not hold weight as the players say they do not know what they were taking. It reinforces my belief that they are lying.
  22. The fine for bringing the game into disrepute was for failure to keep appropriate records, not for a program where 34 players have been found guilty of drug cheating. They have not been penalised for drug cheating and are unlikely to be, this is a travesty of justice.
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