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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. It would be nice when you have a post removed to be informed why it was removed.
  2. For the record, Stuie and I disagree on many things and are not in each other pockets (or worse) as you imply . see above, I may have overstepped the mark in suggesting that you may have issues regarding what is and isn't acceptable, but I do think you carry baggage that may colour your views, as we all do. Bombay Airconditioning replied to McQueen's topic in Melbourne Demons The incentive is money plus the knowledge they can bend the father over as much as they want with full backing of the law. You may well have good reason to hold your views but that is a distraction from Dustin Martin threatening to stab someone in the face, which I think most agree is totally unacceptable and should be punished. There are many side issues here all worthy of discussion.
  3. I quoted stuie's post immediately preceding yours to put it in the correct context. You blab on about your bias's and you question others who have provided some evidence, when questioned you say you work in construction as if that excuses you from providing any proof. Based on your posts on this matter I think you may have issues regarding what is and isn't acceptable. And yes I understand we all have bias's.
  4. Garland is more than depth, I'd swap Dunn for Garland in your list. Dunn can play forward.
  5. That's your answer? You do understand that it is not OK to threaten to stab someone in the face with a chopstick even if they taunt you don't you? Many people have been on the wrong end of unfair treatment, this never justifies threatening to stab them in the face, just accept that. The fact that the victim is a female just shows how weak a character Martin is. PS. Yes I would say that to his face. Men need to stand up to men that are violent towards women. I have done it and will continue to do it.
  6. There is a lot of victim blaming going on here. What justification is there to threaten to stab someone in the face with a chopstick? NONE To suggest she was ........lets say a [censored] or rude or smugly goading. SO WHAT! A real man would do one of the following, 1 Apologise 2 Leave 3 Smile and laugh it of. A real man does not threaten to stab someone in the face with a chopstick. That is the act of an insecure bully.
  7. jnr, we have been talking about violence, based on Dustin Martin's threats, ( A female patron of Windsor eatery Mr Miyagi has accused the 24-year-old of threatening to stab her in the face with a chopstick after she told him to settle down. ) http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-12-07/dustin-martin-apologises-after-restaurant-altercation Now I don't doubt your statistic but is is disingenuous to suggest that your statistic is in any way related to the Dustin Martin's threats against a women.
  8. Did not happen this time as I had been logged out.
  9. My avatar is clipped in the new circular shape. I have no idea in this new software how or where to alter my avatar. This is not urgent so when the important stuff is done can you let is know how to fix this. ---------------------------------------------------- This is what happens when I try to add a reply, it picks up my previous post in the same topic. I either have to delete everything or log out of site and re enter. Others are probably experiencing the same. Great work on the site by the way.
  10. Sorry Mauriesy, your "Poor people get bashed. Rich people get bashed too", is the bad example. The percentage of poor people bashed compared to rich people bashed is not regarded as disproportionate. But the payment of gst is. All violence is bad. Violence against women is bad, adding violence against children to the argument although equally abhorrent actually weakens the cause of reducing the violence against women. None of us are arguing for violence against anyone (except maybe stuie) JOKE. I think we agree on the core issues, and that Martin should be appropriately punished.
  11. You can decry both, and we all should. But when the original issue is with a group that is disproportionately affected then to add other affected groups tends to diminish the original problem.
  12. Another example would be, Poor people pay gst and it is hard to make ends meet. Rich people pay gst too! Even though rich people pay gst this diminishes the plight of the poor. Edit:- Black people in the USA get shot by the police. White people get shot too. Yes but the problem is far greater with the black population, mentioning the white shootings diminishes the black shooting problem.
  13. Song, Stuie has an ability to get under ones skin, thanks for sharing the info and for also saying that Dustin Martin was in the wrong. I wish we had a dislike button, Stuie would be world champion.
  14. Stuie is a pain in the 4rse most of the time. This time I think he is right. Violence against women is a major issue and Dustin Martin must be educated and penalised. All violence is bad but don't try to diminish the violence against women problem by saying there is violence against men too. Stuie chooses to argue and is often selective but he is not always wrong.
  15. Chris, these young men are tech savvy. ASADA recommends checking with their site. You enter the questionable substance and the site tells you if it is illegal or not then gives you a response number to record that you have obtained the information. Why would none of the 34 have followed recommended procedure and checked if the substance was legal? (Rhetorical) They new they were cheating and chose to stay quiet.
  16. All players are instructed every year by every club about the drug policy. Between 1990 and 2007 more than 6000 anti-doping code tests were conducted in and out of competition. In 2007 the players put this out http://www.sportingpulse.com/get_file.cgi?id=1225710 about saying no to drugs. Are you seriously suggesting compassion for a group of elite athletes trained annually in drug policy that fail to contact ASADA or any independent professional to clarify if the 100's of injections are all above board? No my friend they are complicit and need to be punished. No compassion, do the crime do the time!
  17. I am not sure who you mean here. Perhaps partners and families of the players, sure. But the EFC, the Coach/s, the organisers, Dank, the Doc, those that new and did not raise the alarm and players and their management someone/ everyone should have raised the alarm and failing to do so taints them all in my opinion. Suffer the consequences for cheating the lot of you. If you feel sorry for the players you should read the WADA code, they are responsible for everything that enters their bodies. *Limited exceptions - Whilst unconscious in an emergency room for example.
  18. HT, my comment was tongue in cheek. If the players love Goodwin so much that they win each game by 100 points then Roos says you no longer need me as coach. NOT LIKELY, but one can dream. I agree we need to keep him at the club in some capacity as long as possible.
  19. My avatar is clipped in the new circular shape. I have no idea in this new software how or where to alter my avatar. This is not urgent so when the important stuff is done can you let us know how to fix this. Edit fix typo
  20. I think it is a great idea to have Goodwin coaching the NAB Cup games. Hopefully the players buy in and Roos decides to leave early as Goodwin is the man. Edit: This is a tongue in cheek comment. - This edit is after H_T had apoplexy.
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