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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I saw that this morning, still funny.
  2. For those that don't know. Mony Python - The Argument sketch A man walks into an office. Man: (Michael Palin) Ah. I'd like to have an argument, please. Receptionist: Certainly sir. Have you been here before? Man: No, this is my first time. Receptionist: I see. Well, do you want to have the full argument, or were you thinking of taking a course? Man: Well, what would be the cost? Receptionist: Well, It's one pound for a five minute argument, but only eight pounds for a course of ten. Man: Well, I think it's probably best if I start with the one and then see how it goes from there, okay? Receptionist: Fine. I'll see who's free at the moment. (Pause) Receptionist: Mr. DeBakey's free, but he's a little bit conciliatory. Ahh yes, Try Mr. Barnard; room 12. Man: Thank you. (Walks down the hall. Opens door.) Angry man: WHADDAYOU WANT? Man: Well, Well, I was told outside that... Angry man: DON'T GIVE ME THAT, YOU SNOTTY-FACED HEAP OF PARROT DROPPINGS! Man: What? A: SHUT YOUR FESTERING GOB, YOU [censored]! YOUR TYPE MAKES ME PUKE! YOU VACUOUS TOFFEE-NOSED MALODOROUS PERVERT!!! M: Yes, but I came here for an argument!! A: OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse! M: Oh! Oh I see! A: Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door. M: Oh...Sorry... A: Not at all! A: (under his breath) stupid git. (The man goes into room 12A. Another man is sitting behind a desk.) Man: Is this the right room for an argument? Other Man:(John Cleese) I've told you once. Man: No you haven't! Other Man: Yes I have. M: When? O: Just now. M: No you didn't! O: Yes I did! M: You didn't! O: I did! M: You didn't! O: I'm telling you, I did! M: You did not! O: Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour? M: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five minutes. O: Just the five minutes. Thank you. O: Anyway, I did. M: You most certainly did not! O: Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh no you didn't! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: No you DIDN'T! O: Oh yes I did! M: Oh look, this isn't an argument! (pause) O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! (pause) M: It's just contradiction! O: No it isn't! M: It IS! O: It is NOT! M: You just contradicted me! O: No I didn't! M: You DID! O: No no no! M: You did just then! O: Nonsense! M: (exasperated) Oh, this is futile!! (pause) O: No it isn't! M: Yes it is! (pause) M: I came here for a good argument! O: AH, no you didn't, you came here for an argument! M: An argument isn't just contradiction. O: Well! it CAN be! M: No it can't! M: An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. O: No it isn't! M: Yes it is! 'tisn't just contradiction. O: Look, if I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position! M: Yes but it isn't just saying 'no it isn't'. O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! O: Yes it is! M: No it isn't! O: Yes it is! M: No it ISN'T! Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says. O: It is NOT! M: It is! O: Not at all! M: It is! (The Arguer hits a bell on his desk and stops.) O: Thank you, that's it. M: (stunned) What? O: That's it. Good morning. M: But I was just getting interested! O: I'm sorry, the five minutes is up. M: That was never five minutes just now!! O: I'm afraid it was. M: (leading on) No it wasn't..... O: I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more. M: WHAT?? O: If you want me to go on arguing, you'll have to pay for another five minutes. M: But that was never five minutes just now! Oh Come on! Oh this is... This is ridiculous! O: I told you... I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you PAY! M: Oh all right. (takes out his wallet and pays again.) There you are. O: Thank you. M: (clears throat) Well... O: Well WHAT? M: That was never five minutes just now. O: I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid! M: Well I just paid! O: No you didn't! M: I DID!!! O: YOU didn't! M: I DID!!! O: YOU didn't! M: I DID!!! O: YOU didn't! M: I DID!!! O: YOU didn't! M: I don't want to argue about it! O: Well I'm very sorry but you didn't pay! M: Ah hah! Well if I didn't pay, why are you arguing??? Ah HAAAAAAHHH! Gotcha! O: No you haven't! M: Yes I have! If you're arguing, I must have paid. O: Not necessarily. I *could* be arguing in my spare time. M: I've had enough of this! O: No you haven't. M: Oh shut up! (Man leaves the office)
  3. That's just contradiction, an argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.....
  4. No problems, but nobody commented on my----- Who do we have? Frost/Pederson/Orient are?--- I thought that was funny, we three Kings....not one bite. Must be a dad joke.
  5. How many dinosaurs can we carry? Should we have kept Jamar?
  6. Spencer? Or do we need a 3rd, 1st ruck in reserve? That was my point, Fitzpatrick could have been that player, if not injured.
  7. Very good. Hawthorn think he is ok as a forward/2nd ruck - Oh hang on that's exactly what we need. Who do we have? Frost/Pederson/Orient are?
  8. I'm disappointed now. I was hoping you were a grammar nazi. I shall remove my smart ars4 reply.
  9. Should have kept Fitzpatrick. PS:- No training this week?
  10. No extra cash involved, cameras commentators everything is done, anyway rather watch in HD no ads on Foxtel
  11. Doesn't work, just wasted an hour of my life. I have been with Telstra exclusively since Telecom, have over 10 phones and multiple email accounts NBN .... they don't recognise me. At least Foxtel works, yes I have that through Teltsra too...hmmff
  12. Yes, I got it. This software................... I complained about it several weeks ago and it has been working perfectly for me ever since, go figure.
  13. This was in my vinyl collection, an ex now has it - the whole collection!
  14. I did this months ago and received no response. I also told them I would not buy their products while they supported EFC. The Fujitsu logo looked splendid being worn by a convicted drug cheat. (simulated) If that is the association they want who would buy their products?
  15. Sorry DC, can't remember if you are of the cut snake variety................ no no all good, don't run away from DL just the loonies that lurk here.
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