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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. For a full forward, its a pretty big cherry!
  2. I am glad the responsibility does not rest in the hands of supporters. They would be the last people who should be making such decisions on list management. I think you need to understand what you do when sign a contract for 2 or 3 years it represents a commitment to the player and their stakeholders to honour that contract with the Club or seek other terms of trade with another Club that will at least fulfil the contract provided the player honours their conditions. You really damage the relationship with the actual players, their teammates, their player managers (who often represent a number of clubs). Player managers have a big influence on the terms and conditions that players contract with your club and other clubs. Pulling the contract or just paying it out causes immeasurable bad blood about the Club within the industry. Its something no Club let alone our Club can ill afford to do. Furthermore we can hardly go cap in hand to the AFL for further funding if we are repeatedly paying out contracts early. It smacks of incompetence and bad business. Every Club holds players on their list they will ulitimately delist. But they dont pay out early except in extreme circumstances pay out any player because of it.
  3. You have penchant for suggesting this treatment. Do you understand the ramification for doing this with other players, their player managers and the AFL? Clearly not You just dont go and do this unless the situation is extreme. (eg Carroll). Its not a viable nor sensible option. We either keep him for a year or trade him.
  4. Pity he hasn't done likewise for the past 3 years. His efforts circa 2009 are embarrassing against the efforts in the first half of this decade. It would be nice if Robbo had the intelligence and good sense to shut his gob and not talk to the press. He has a history of making ridiculous and dumb comments in the naive belief that he is a "media player". His recent comments about in the Hun online about Carlton in R22 were inept and does little for the Club that he apparently "bleeds red and blue for".
  5. Both Miller and Newton have question marks about whether they will make it or not. Newton has some talents but really is flaky between the ears and I dont think gets whats required at AFL level. I think he is start to twig to it but its a slow process. Miller does not have that same ability but relies on his athleticism and work ethic to make the most of his limited talents. IMO its not enough and at year end Miller is likely to be delisted. Newton is a question mark. He has another year on his contract but sands in the hour glass are starting to run down. He needs to get his head right to maintain his position in the AFL. That includes kicking goals from gettable shots. ATM he is as good as a golfer that cant putt. With Watts coming on, Jurrah looking special and Bate starting to mature I am not sure the window of opportunuity that has been crying for Newtonto step up will be there in 9 to 12 months unless there is a big change. He will be fascinating to observe re his progress or lack thereof.
  6. Just what we need another midfielder crippled with OP. Fantastic. Imagine the fireside chats Bell, Beamer, McLean, Sylvia, Buckley and Miller could have! What war stories. Honestly you would think we would have learnt from the experience we have had with players with OP that we would have the good common sense to steer well clear of Ball. Apparently not. When we are seriously challenging in 2014 there is a good chance Ball's body would have said enough. There's a good lesson here to be learnt. He could have been a top player. Unfortunately his body wont allow him to get to the next level. Trade pick 2......geez there are some dumb deals given. I might look at him in the PSD but otherwise no thanks.
  7. Its still the same culprits in the midfield ATM. Only Sylvia has shown anything that resembles class. Bennell and Grimes may indeed end up in the midfield but neither have played any notable time there this year. Blease, Strauss and Wona have shown no more than potential and there is a hope that they will succeed but there are no certainties there. There is nothing substantive there. Our midfield has been appalling. Hopefully the future is brighter.
  8. Now or when Moore was playing? I just think that 5 years is too much of an unknown to be trading a first round pick for. You just dont know what value you are getting. I am not as optimistic as the OP on our midfield emerging. Its third world and crying out for real class. If Scully and say Trengove are available then we should take them.
  9. Burger would cost you a first round pick (approx 10 to 16) if Brisbane were to trade. I doubt they will. They have Clark, an aging Charman and who else to ruck? Burger will be retained by Brisbane. I would not trade a first round pick for a young unknown ruckman. And I certaintly would not trade our PP or high 1st round pick for him. I note that Collingwood traded pick 14 for Cameron Wood. They must be feeling good on that one. If we have picks 1 and 3 or picks 1 and 2 then I want Scully and the best available player. If that means two midfielder so be it. Its not as though we cant use them. As for our rucking issues, Jamar can compete with other rucks ATM. Hopefully, Meesen might give us something. PJ is will be gone at the end of 2010. I would be looking to develop Spencer and rookie another ruck for 2010.
  10. No one said we didn't and I hear you about Gutnick. We are definitely choirboys indeed
  11. Who are they? Buckley is in the mix and out of contract.
  12. No. Not at all. Its been an expensive compromise for Eddie having both Bucks and Malthouse on the payroll for two years.
  13. As WYL pointed out, MFC fessed up but I am not sure it was for ulterior motives. I wont go into anything to do with Gutnick but to compare the culture of MFC with Carlton is likely comparing a mountain with a molehill. I am sure you realise that.
  14. Same same. More of the same again. Add Blease and Strauss as well. Jamar on form so far was a big loss throughout the year when injured.
  15. Even the most optimistic Robbo fan would find it hard to craft a case for a contract extension next year.
  16. Oops. I will edit my response. B) I like Peter German but FCS his Coaching reports have more sugar and syrup than some of the most optimistic Andy Lovell reports at Sandy. Either that or Robbo's Mum wrote it for German!
  17. I wouldn't. I originally thought that was your report and thought you're kidding. But it was Peter German's report. Good grief. A number of senior players when they come to the end of line often end up in the reserves where they provide performance, experience, example and leadership to younger players. Yze, White, Bizzell, Brown all provided that. But not Robbo. He might have had a great career with MFC but he is finishing like a sulking primadonna that been overlooked. You are right about the conditions. They were hard for forwards. But did Robbo's teammates give up in the conditions. Could they be bothered to chase, keep their feet and put in the hard second efforts?? You bet they could.......but not Robbo. The gulf between the side's work rate and Robbo's rate was enormous. He will get a send off game in R21/22 but he wont get it based on the performance on Saturday. Its a sad finish for a player who has given and got so much to the Club. It makes a lie of those pining for another on the basis that he somehow takes (but not challenges) the best defenders and being a role model for younger players. Disappointing.
  18. It means MFC are better with Sylvia in than without him. He is a player who can seriously impact a game in a short space of time. We have few of those at the moment and none in the midfield. He was the one who turned the game against the Tigers last time.
  19. Really? I doubt Adam Simpson would agree After Simpson was at the centre of the chook video fiasco, he had actually offered to Laidley that he resign/ retire immediately. Simpson wnet through personal hell where his good character was questioned and punished. Its been a nightmare that only hastened the inevitable notwithstanding the football he played recently. Nevertheless, over the course of his career he has been a fine leader and a tremendous underrated footballer for the Club.
  20. I hope you are right but it is far far too early to call at this stage. Prendergast has been involved in the recruitment of Watts, Blease, Strauss, Bennell, Jetta, Bail, McKenzie and Jurrah. Jurrah looks special. Bennell and Jetta have potential. Watts Blease and Strauss have shown near nothing. For the record, Cameron gets sometimes an unfair rub on this site. As a recruiter, he has has some poor picks but his best year may well be 2006 where he got Frawley (12), Petterd (30) and Garland (46). And didn't Cameron handle the recruitment of the 2007 draft? Morton, Grimes and Cheney?? If this team matures into a top flight side which we all hope, Craig Cameron's imprint on the recruitment of the side will be strong, as may Barry Prendergast's name as well. Good recruitment skills is worth the gold that gives trade picks value.
  21. Agree wholeheartedly. It would be great if in the future Cale could emulate some of Goodes achievements. Agree with that. The issue with Newton is whether he will ever get his head together to make it at AFL level.
  22. Agree. Both played two years too many. Absolutely. Robbo has a habit giving interview answers that are either naive or delusional. I remember White and Yze made the same statements about looking for a spot on another teams list. No lesson learnt I think they will do that with Robbo as they did with White and Yze. It is amazing. But that sort of thinking is prevalent around here.
  23. There has been none of that. Too much melodrama As they should. Harsh. He would only be list clogging if we re contracted him we wont. He has had a good career at MFC. The game has changed and Robbo has struggled with it since 2006. Time to move on.
  24. And the salary cap breaches over the past decade and the club presidents with criminal records. It tells a story. Work it out.
  25. Your wish came true. Collingwood 14.10.94 Carlton 4.16.40 A flogging - Parkin and Schwab - Carlton skill level deplorable - Chris Johnson a disaster with disposal and thinking.
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