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Clayton van Oliver

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Everything posted by Clayton van Oliver

  1. Hoping not to transgress the rules around what we can discuss... A big question last week was why we played Clarrie. I wonder if they are conscious of what resting him will do to his mental health, given how his injury last year seemed to trigger the tumult that came his way. I really want him to get his finger right, but can imagine that those consideration were weighed into the decision to play him.
  2. 3 tough weeks, everyone clearly spent from the get go. I'll take 2/3. Salem out hurt us early and nobody but Max able to get to the level. Posters throwing toys out of the cot need to reflect on all the other times they've overreacted. Shouldn't have to go back too far to find examples. Move on, take the flattering scoreboard into the bye and hit our winter at the G from a solid 4-2 position. Go Dees.
  3. Adorable. He also did something I often do while watching us... Whispers in awe: "Here comes Oliver"
  4. It's a baffling aspect of today's world that people get free content with hours of work behind it, yet complain as if they're a shareholder or something. You do terrific work fellas and it has really grown beautifully over the years . If the pod had a flavour it would be umami 😘👌
  5. Pathetic by Brisbane
  6. Love the expat love fellas. Can echo all those who describe how integral you are to keeping us all attached to our club. Thank you! P.S @DutchDemons and I have the international MFC museum in Amsterdam for anyone visiting 😂
  7. In seriousness, though, such a professional performance. Love the Happy Dees vibe. Love belting Hawthorn and love witnessing this period of dominance. ❤️💙
  8. Pathetic by the coach
  9. Eagles had gotten themselves right up there for me. Hard to live in the west as a vic supporter and not develop a constantly burning ember of hatred for them. However, cwood and the media sycophancy have done much in previous couple of years for them to regain the utmost of my contempt. Well earned you [censored] heads. Can't wait for the next time we face them
  10. Be more annoyed that we have a captain who kicks people
  11. Makes zero difference how forceful, he kicked another player. If he'd touched him even less it should still be 1 week. I would have thought that to be generally unacceptable behaviour
  12. Segment would need to be called 'In the bin'
  13. Great to have you back Skuit
  14. Here to celebrate a 4th straight season of knowing early on that at least my team can play good footy. So grateful for that. Our ground, our game Clarrie showed unbelievable skill and strength on the field and in himself Gawn imperious An angry Steven May is the best Steven May Don't know what 'goals' did to Jack Viney but he's got them in his sights and is gonna keep kicking them Kozzie + windsor combined pressure on the flanks is going to be my new favourite thing BBB knee be free, please. We look so much better with him holding up the cartilage A great win for the "Salo effecters" Go you mighty Dees
  15. Now Im really [censored] pumped! Put myself to bed early last night to make the hours go quicker, woke up to a nice spring morning here. Bit of cricket to while away the last hour or so. Carn the Dees P.S all you listing cities that aren't Amsterdam have clearly not been to Amsterdam and are most welcome anytime
  16. I'M [censored] PUMPED!!!
  17. Is that Verral in the ruck?
  18. Before 2021 would you have taken a flag if it meant following it up with '22 and '23 and whatever is to come? I would have.
  19. Feel the Deebrief lads need credit for this, was definitely being belted out by them circa 2021
  20. Open or shut, a window sounds like the starting point for a home base
  21. Love the thread 👏 Ferndale park circa 1992. First day of (what was then) VicKick. I had chosen to follow Mum and support the Eagles (vomit) but the old man cunningly chose to put me in his old Dees jumper. When it came to my turn in saying who I barracked for I didn't want to look like an [censored] so said Melbourne. Paid off 30 years later
  22. Did they capture Colli Feral?
  23. 100% agree with the optimism of @Slartibartfast. Without it, we wouldn't have such beautiful fjords in Norway. "Rather be happy than right anyday"
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