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Everything posted by junk

  1. If half of the suspended players do not want to return to the club,does that mean they can be traded and therefore receive early draft picks along with No.1 or 2 (carlton is a good chance to come last). Another alternative to tanking,what's net. The remaining clubs should get clarifation from the AFL before the season starts. Perhaps the all suspended Essendon players should be un-tradable,or be flogged off to bottom sides at a discounted rate/value.
  2. What would Dee supporters think if the EFC win more matches than the MFC,free red and blue hankerchiefs!! Slashing wrists. Allow them to have top up players but let them play for zero premiership points.
  3. The Dees,Crows,Port,Dogs and Saints should be given priority replacements in preference to Essendon. Imagine if the Dees were able to get Crowley,more bruises for the opposition,just what we need.Crowley has done his time and I don't have an issue with him taking drugs in the past.The AFL telling us we can promote a rookie due to some other team's fault is not good enough.The bombers won't always be an easy kill as some people may think.
  4. The Dees couldn't beat a [censored] weak Essendon Side last year,only playing them once is a blessing in disguise.
  5. Some of the Essendon playes after serving their penalty may be stuffed in the head,best to leave alone.Reminds me of Neeld's players who are almost gone from the MFC.
  6. What about getting our pick 24 back for Melksham.
  7. Monoccular nice work except when you have the same teams in the top for many years. Those teams have smart peoplle working for them.In the 50's the Dees won stacks of premierships.The Hawks and Kangaroos were pathethic during that time. In the EPL many people support their team knowing that they will not see their club win the silverwear.The [censored] weak clubs are offered a sedate draw,they get the good draft picks and still they fail.In this day and age you would expect all yeams to be closer. Perhaps we should introduce a handicap system the team finishes to deduct 6 games,the bottom teams are gifted 6 wins that will even up the comp.JUST JOKING for all you kiddies out there is no need to re quote.
  8. The Essendon players can only blame themselves,surely someone would have got advice in writing from the AFL or examined the AFL code of conduct rules relating to injection of substances.James Hird and co. should have known better, however they did not force a gun to anyone's head. The same thing applies to the AFL thou they were sloppy in dealing with the situation. The club was held responsible for the injection program thus they were exiled from the 8 in 2014 ,given a 2 million dollar fine.Later were given a chance to take a guilt plea thus reducing their suspension ( probably a weak one) but refused. The players who decide to take Essendon or the AFL to court may end up losing and therefore are up for court costs. The other clubs who obtained ex Essendon players,the drug cheats should be compensated because the players were deemed innocent at the time,promoting a rookie is not sufficient compensation.Those so called other clubs may sue Essendon and the AFL for insufficient compensation. James Hird should be suspended from coaching any team for the next 10 years for his ignorance in the matter.The AFL needs to prevent these sorts of things happening again.
  9. I red eye I blue eye,go to previos page,the suggestion I made would prevent tanking. Nothing worse than your side giving up in a match even before the whistle is blown.
  10. Teams that are constantly bad need to ask themselves why,Peter Jackson came to the Dees to clean their act up.Paul Roos became coach,recruiting improved and will to continue to improve. The team that is on top of the EPL is finacial poor and have very few stars compared to Man City,Man Utd,Arsenal etc and yet they managed to succeed.Extra games for non finalists will make the comp long winded and the players association would not allow it. When we recruited Neeld who in turn recruited duds ( except Hogan) we got what we deserved.The Management at the time were sub standard.
  11. Daisy cutter any conspiracy theory is better than none. Read in the Herald-Sun recently a Carlton supporter had concerns about Essendon recieving first round draft pick for coming last. Perhaps technical tanking could be used to achieve the required output. What pisses me off is how sides give up when they realise that they can't make the finals and their hidden agenda is to finish as close to last so as to maximize you beaut draft picks. My radical solution is for the bottom six sides from round 16 to round 21 play each other and the team who performs best (wins and percentage) gets the first draft pick,the second team get the 2nd draft pick and so on. To be fair to the remaining clubs in the last round the top side plays the bottom side,second team plays the second last team and so on. The AFL already implemented a radical plan by having a bye in the last round to prevent the fiasco that occured with the Kangas and Freo.
  12. The dees had a compromised draw in 2015,as usual the club couldn't take avantage of……. however rising up the ladder too quickly could do more harm than good. I beleive no side should be given a weak draw depending on where they finished. The Hawks played top sides twice and still managed to win a flag.
  13. Prior to the recent WADA decision the Essendon players traded to other clubs were deemed innocent.Essendon at that stage did not hoodwink anyone. However the players and club were responsible for cheating and in that case other clubs who obtained players should be compensated.Essendon should not be given No.1 draft picks for coming last,you don't rewards cheats. Essendon players who choose to sue their club may end up loosing and that will come at a cost.
  14. Jake could end up being F.ck in the head after the wada decision,a bit like Neeld players I suppose.!!!!
  15. Dazzledavey Alan Jakovich was a freak,in his era other players trained much harder than what he did.No one commented on Oliver,looks over weight that does not make him lazy,I will say it again you can train the house down but that's not necessarily going to make you a champion. Compare Scully an exceptional fit bod to Harmes who would you choose?
  16. What I forgot to say if the Dees don't obtain compensation,who is getting off the rookie list. The AFL should have policies in place if the Dons are found guilty.
  17. Under the buyer beware thread it was mentioned that Jake could be suspended yet the Dees as usual made a poor call. The question is does Melbourne get compensation for Jake along with other clubs who pick up Essendon players? Does Jake get paid by the Dees under the buyer beware rule. Why does the morrons who run the AFL allow Essendon players to transfer to other club whilst being accused of being drug cheats.Suspended players are likely to take class action against the Essendon Football club this will also likely to include de listed players providing they can get a Dr of… on their side to say that injection of chemical X led to a down turn in their ability or whatever.Lawyers will be the biggest winners. Is Essendon going to be entilted to priority draft pick if they come last in 2016?
  18. I am only interested in the team winning matches in particular especially the ones we should have one.I know it takes time to properly re build a club. I have seen the Demons beat the reigning premiers and runners up in practice matches only to achieve the wood spoon. It is great to invest and be interested in what the club does during the pre-season. If you look at Oliver you would probaby assume that he is lazy, so looks can be deceiving.Comments on players progress may also be distorted, a form of motivation.I didn't say preseason training was a waste of time. Some of you people out there may not remember a demon player in ALAN JAKOVICH , didn't put a great effort into training and was constantly a smoker. ALAN was a natural freak.
  19. Reading into the progress of players regarding their fitness doesn't mean much.Game time is the best way to improve player fitness. Why does the club need to make any comment on players,the opposition teams will also be privy to the same info as us!!!!
  20. I knew a 16 yr old up and coming soccer player who decided to skip training and play basketball with his mates… oops there goes the colarbone, a hospital job. Goodbye to his potential new career. Football players should keep away from other sports unless approved by the coach and why the club didn't have a policy in place to prevent this?
  21. Please let J.W thread R.I.P Just wait and see what happens.Some of us are like vultures.
  22. Cham5 hilariously stupid and obnoxious are ways people make money,thanks for the compliment and I see that I got your'e attention. Go the Dees in 2016. Have a nice day!!!
  23. Mr Deeman explain to me what does stupid stand for,perhaps it may refer to someone who has 5 mill in the bank or more! I know what was meant by SESH and the mispelling of DAMM was a typing error,I only wanted to see who was going to bite. Winning matches in 2016 is the most important factor in giving the club support,the club can't keep on getting it wrong.
  24. No disrespect to young LOVETT but he was not up to scratch,no other club was interested!!!!!
  25. Slime bag SYLVIA gets life membership,we should be reminded of his attituded when tne CATS smashed us by 186 pts. Was Tony Abott responsible for this? Giving Knighthood to his mate Prince whoever. Just a theory.
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