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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Good Luck with your life outside of playing football and thanks for your efforts.
  2. I am with you. Cull, Cull and Cull some more. As a team they are truly hopeless.
  3. Hard Words True we have lost our way but this is the bitter pill we needed to rebuild the Club for success. Time will tell if it actually worked. I am for one looking forward to the future now.
  4. 2000 preliminary Final win against Carlton. 2008 come from behind win against Freo (Greatest come back win for the MFC EVER!)
  5. Every MFC Supporter is worth 20 of any other Club so in fact we will out number them.
  6. They can have Juddy we don't want any more DH here.
  7. Selling him and buy a few Mids
  8. If you think they are bad now. Wait until they get player suspensions. Then the World of Messendon will be in free fall. What do you think the Club would be saying to their members, supporters, players and us when this happens? At this stage they are just upset that their GOD "Hird" has been publically disgraced.
  9. The Pain and Suffering has GONE! (Assuming we get Roos for Coach)
  10. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! What wrong with FROGS? I have dozens of them in my yard and I really enjoy them and they can make as much noise as they want. Their sounds are music to my ears, mind you Mrs Frog said I could sleep thought a nuclear war. But I would not be surprised if you think for some strange reason I like Frogs.
  11. But we are Melbourne, injuring pain and suffering is what we do best.
  12. I feel there is nothing that could make the MFC current team perform well. But I would live to be proven wrong.
  13. good to have a good news story for once.
  14. But Vlad found us guilty of embarrassing him and his mates in public.
  15. Oh its apparently been all a big misunderstanding However I just don't understand why the accepted a guilty verdict as clearly there are all so innocent. Oh well Life was not meant to be easy.
  16. 1 Day to go. I can hardly wait until the pain has gone, wait Mark Neeld has already left. I am feeling better already.
  17. No pressure of Mr Roos if he does come the MFC next season. We don't expect a Premiership until 2015 and then one every year after that. Oh and most MFC supporters are very normal, it just hard to find them these days.
  18. If the Yanks do it let do the opposite
  19. If the Yanks do it let do the opposite
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