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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Members, Supporters, Players and other innocent people at Messendon. This whole affair is a disgrace
  2. ITS our major sponsor VLAD!
  3. After all the payouts to all the deadbeats and if the MFC is going to pay 2m for the next Coach with the financial loss its 2013. Plus the loss of a major sponsor. Its a concern. I have not see this letter yet but will look for it when I go to my other home on the week end.
  4. It was to renew your MFC 2014 membership.
  5. I feel sorry for Daniher as the next couple of years will be hard at Messendon.
  6. My vote is for the coach as most improved. At the start of the season he was a shocker but by the end of the season the Coach was a real GEM. :rolleyes:
  7. Oh well I see the WCE's coach job has opened up. Who do you think could possible take on the job? I wonder ..... Dark forces are working against the MFC, dam you Mr Norm Smith and your curse!
  8. If we plead guilty to the AFL investigation does that mean we will finish 9th next season?
  9. Did I get it right, the WCE got rid of their coach because he won 13 games? I would of had a man crush on any MFC Coach who won 13 over games in the past 5 seasons.
  10. If it a funeral Directors I will get upset.
  11. Sounds painful
  12. I was once an WCE fan but I saw the light LOL
  13. I total understand your feeling in the matter. But good governance is more the looking after the interest of electors, rate payers and residents. If Council bases its decision on emotions and political pressure of small but vocal pressure groups only poor decision will be made.
  14. Now you are talking about a area I do know about, Margaret River and I have family living there. I personally would not have an issue with a store like MacDonald's setting up there, why would I? if the Shire of Augusta/Margaret River have a town planning scheme that allows a business like MacDonald's to open a store what business is it of mine to complain as I don't even live there. However if the town planning scheme does not allow for the business to operate and a scheme amendment is required, then that is a different story and people would have every right to object. Margaret River is so commercial now what difference wold a MacDonald's make? Personally I prefer to go to Augusta as it is a much nicer Town. As I started before I have no particular liking to MacDonald's and can completely understand peoples dislike for the company. But IMO that not the issue.
  15. That would be the same as the SAT over here. Council should have assessed the application on its merits and not made a bias unlawful decision. Councils are there to give good governance to all of the their community which would include the Land owner who wanted to develop his or her property. If Council decision was over turned on appeal then clearly they legally made the wrong decision. It would be interesting to know what the Council Officer recommend to the Council in their report about the development. It always a interesting discussion about what the Community wants as it been my experience most Australian don't really care. If Council held a referendum of the issue the could say one way or the other that the Community did not support the development. I suspect that the community has a small but vocal group that does not want the development and if that is indeed the case that is not the majority of the community. The real test will be if the majority of the community really do not want MacDonald's there, then they will not buy from the store and it will go out of business. Personally I don't care about MacDonald's but I do about good governance and proper processes being followed by Councils.
  16. Not living in the area I am not sure of the State or Local Planning Laws. But I am assume the business is allowed to operate 24 hour subject to certain conditions being complied with. Do you have a basis for your comment about having undesirable being attracted to the area or is it just a concern? DH live everywhere and so you can not stop them moving around. If they are looking for trouble then nothing will stop that from happening and it will only be the location of the incident that may change. If a business has the permission, resources (both financial and human) and the customers to make it profitable to operate 24 hours, why would not do it? To me the issue would be better addressed from a legislation stand point. For example not allow 24 hour trading at all or impose specific conditions such as extra security. My State has moved away from having local approval for things like opening hours to a more State wide approach with the local government being ask for their comment on such matters. Personally I seen many bias decisions made at the local level and matters of this nature should be treated in an objective manner. It should not matter who you know and how long you lived in the area. It could also be argued that if any issues arise then the Store Staff can report the matter to the Police. It also been my experience that stores of this nature offer discounts to Police to encourage them to regularly come and keep an eye out on what's happening at the store. I would assume the other traders don't want to or could not afford to operate their business 24 hours a day.
  17. LOL Its the MFC do we have the right people?
  18. From Hell to Victory! or From Hell to Glory!
  19. We now have a workable game plan
  20. Sounds like a smart girl. Now all you need is to get he in to the world of Demonland!
  21. How is it possible to have so many low picks in the draft and spend tens of millions of dollars to produce such a crappy side? But on the flip side may be it was needed to finally get rid of the deadwood what was stopping the Club from winning another Flag. All I can say is this club is never dull as there always something to talk about other then a win.
  22. I was born supporting the Mighty Blue and Red although the team was West Perth and not Melbourne. Was a WCE support up until 1999 when I turned to the light and became a Dees supporter due to my hatred of the host club system in the WAFL which cost West Perth a Flag. Became a member of the MFC last year due to my frustration with its lack of on field success but wanted to show my support to the Club. Joined Demonland after the lost to the Suns this year as I wanted major change in the Club from the Senior Coach to Board Members. Things are looking really good on that front for the 2014 season as finally we are recruiting people who can do the job that is needed. I live in country WA so don't know too many other Demon supporters and can not wait for the Clubs 13th Flag. Go the Dees!
  23. All I can say is after this week ends election the loser will be Australia!
  24. The ABC employees gorillas?
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