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Possible insight into Bailey's view on discipline?


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Did anyone just see the report on channel 7 news about our family day?

Apparently Bailey forced the players into a 6am training session this morning as punishment for poor discipline on Friday night. Crucified by the umpires or not, i love that attitude as players should not give the mongrels a chance to get near us.

He seems like a coach with a very level head, and one who wants to keep his players in the same mould.

Loving your work D (Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere)

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Fantastic coaching!! Finally we have someone that will make sure that demons won't be lazy or non-commiting again. It sounds like Bailey will punish anyone or everyone for lazyiness or lack of discipline. Lets only hope that the players don't revoke and sack Bailey :lol:

As the great Bob Dylan once said "the times they are a-changing"

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Did anyone just see the report on channel 7 news about our family day?

Apparently Bailey forced the players into a 6am training session this morning as punishment for poor discipline on Friday night. Crucified by the umpires or not, i love that attitude as players should not give the mongrels a chance to get near us.

He seems like a coach with a very level head, and one who wants to keep his players in the same mould.

Loving your work D (Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere)

I'm glad that Bailey was more concerned with our performance in the practice match than 90% of the posters here.

As an aside, one of the posters on demonology spoke to DB, who advised that Rivers will be available for Sandy rd 2, and hopefully for us by rd 3 or 4. Not good news.

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Fantastic coaching!! Finally we have someone that will make sure that demons won't be lazy or non-commiting again. It sounds like Bailey will punish anyone or everyone for lazyiness or lack of discipline. Lets only hope that the players don't revoke and sack Bailey :lol:

As the great Bob Dylan once said "the times they are a-changing"

To be fair, how do we know what ND did at times when he thought team discipline was lax?

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I'm glad that Bailey was more concerned with our performance in the practice match than 90% of the posters here.

i think you'll find Bailey wasn't concerned with the result of the match... the reason for the training session was the number of undisciplined free kicks that we conceeded... i have the feeling even if we had only just lost, the session still would've happened because of the lack of discipline...

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To be fair, how do we know what ND did at times when he thought team discipline was lax?

True true but i never heard of such events hense my reaction

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i think you'll find Bailey wasn't concerned with the result of the match... the reason for the training session was the number of undisciplined free kicks that we conceeded... i have the feeling even if we had only just lost, the session still would've happened because of the lack of discipline...

I said he was concerned with the performance, not the result. Performance includes discipline.

Discipline doesn't just relate to giving away free kicks either. It includes manning up, zoning off, playing in front, etc, etc. All these facets of the game add up to your overall performance.

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To be fair, how do we know what ND did at times when he thought team discipline was lax?

Whatever he did or DIDN"T do, he wasn't successfull @ getting the quality out.

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I think that the poor discipline being referred to might be the nine goals that resulted from free kicks.

as for elite footballers with a full preseason behind them not being troubled by running up hills...

well that sounds like garbage. i don't care how fit you are or how many times you've done it. if you're being pushed hard enough to your limits for an early morning unscheduled training session...well that sounds like a punishment to me

nice work bails

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After the game he had a talk to the players without anyone being present, all other coaching staff and trainers were told to leave the room. From what I hear he was absolutely furious with several players.

It will be a very interesting year.

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After the game he had a talk to the players without anyone being present, all other coaching staff and trainers were told to leave the room. From what I hear he was absolutely furious with several players.

It will be a very interesting year.

I'm waiting for Hannabal's scathing attack on Bailey, for overreacting to a practice match. "FFS Bails. it's only a practice match. Don't you realise that the plan is to lie down during the preseason, and make a surprise attack on the Hawks in round 1? Get a grip on yourself man!" ;)

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I'm waiting for Hannabal's scathing attack on Bailey, for overreacting to a practice match. "FFS Bails. it's only a practice match. Don't you realise that the plan is to lie down during the preseason, and make a surprise attack on the Hawks in round 1? Get a grip on yourself man!" ;)

I suspect that what you know about football could be scribed on the dot that ends this sentence. But at least you're a keen footy follower and Demon to boot, so good on you champ :)

You're right, I'm not concerned at all by losing practice matches when 21 of the group have played 51 AFL matches or less, and of those 21 fourteen have 10 games or less. I enjoy the kids getting a run. And when senior players are eased back in with 50% game time it doesn't faze me. I've never really thought of myself as a nervous Nellie, but we all march to a different drum, Mo. And I won't hear a bad word about you :)

I am concerned when 8 or 9 goals are gifted the opposition through undisciplined acts. Bailey has sold himself on his teaching ability and fast tracking smart footy. Eight goals given away from frees isn't overly smart, is it Mo ?

So I'll see you at Cranny on saturday, Mo. I expect a good hitout and with round 1 around the corner I expect a strong team and a good showing.

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I suspect that what you know about football could be scribed on the dot that ends this sentence. But at least you're a keen footy follower and Demon to boot, so good on you champ :)

You're right, I'm not concerned at all by losing practice matches when 21 of the group have played 51 AFL matches or less, and of those 21 fourteen have 10 games or less. I enjoy the kids getting a run. And when senior players are eased back in with 50% game time it doesn't faze me. I've never really thought of myself as a nervous Nellie, but we all march to a different drum, Mo. And I won't hear a bad word about you :)

I am concerned when 8 or 9 goals are gifted the opposition through undisciplined acts. Bailey has sold himself on his teaching ability and fast tracking smart footy. Eight goals given away from frees isn't overly smart, is it Mo ?

So I'll see you at Cranny on saturday, Mo. I expect a good hitout and with round 1 around the corner I expect a strong team and a good showing.

Just a few points about your condescending remarks.

For the 10th time, I didn't care about losing the practice match. It's the performance that concerns me.

What was the experience levels of the Dogs players on Friday? There were plenty of names that I didn't recognise.

The senior players that we're easing back, are they the same underachievers from last season. What makes you think that we'll turn things around at the drop of a hat? And apart from McDonald and Green, who are the other senior players you're expecting to be in the team come round 1?

After 35 years of being disappointed, I'm quite entitled to be a "nervous nellie".

You won't see me at Cranny, as I'll be working, but I'll be waiting for your spin should we underperform!

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Good to see a discipline reset from DB. Any new coach has to establish a tone and a set of unbreakable ground rules. The 6am hill climb and the Carroll suspension are doing that, from both a coaching and a leadership group level.

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For the 10th time, I didn't care about losing the practice match. It's the performance that concerns me.

You won't see me at Cranny, as I'll be working, but I'll be waiting for your spin should we underperform!

As you're not in my 'must read' category I'm afraid I've missed your nine previous offerings, and it seems that you're not overly familiar with me, which is quite understandable as I'm far more economical with my postings these days.

You won't get spin from me, Mo. I doubt anyone on here would ever accuse me of that. I was sick of ND and his second rate Footy Dept. They rewarded a bunch of softies for far too long. They played players that were half hearted to the contest and even rewarded one of them with a top 3 showing in the B&F a few years back. The list management has also been poor with many players considerably over staying their welcome. We just haven't turned the list over nearly enough. We haven't made enough hard decisions with under performing senior players. We were especially at fault a couple of years ago when we had too few picks in the Super Draft. We've been stagnating.

I too am sick of the soft culture embedded in this club. Where perhaps I differ is that I'm going to have complete faith in Bailey until he proves that it's misguided. I won't get my knickers in a knot over matches that he's using as a stepping stone to the season proper. I'm not privvy to his agenda or the internal machinations of the club. So, I'm reserving my judgment, whilst others get overly excited.

But go on. Knock yourself out. I'll have a beer for you on saturday.

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Well I thought the fire had died out a bit too. It still seemed strange to read that the venerable H was being accused of being an apologist for the MFC. I was half expecting to read that we did well to select Chip Frawley soon.

But no, Mo. FWIW I agree with you, BUT youve walked into the King St Sportsbar and asked the wrong guy to pay for the pool table.... (went to school with Phonse, as he was called then, never saw it coming. Thought I knew him well too...)

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Well I thought the fire had died out a bit too. It still seemed strange to read that the venerable H was being accused of being an apologist for the MFC. I was half expecting to read that we did well to select Chip Frawley soon.

But no, Mo. FWIW I agree with you, BUT youve walked into the King St Sportsbar and asked the wrong guy to pay for the pool table.... (went to school with Phonse, as he was called then, never saw it coming. Thought I knew him well too...)

Well Franky, this is why I directed my comments at Hannabal. This post was in response to doomsaying comments made by Schtacker. Hannabal suggests that we're hiding our gameplan, and the masterplan will be revealed in round 1.

"I know I'm wasting my breath, so to speak, and I should be using crayons, but here goes.

The Swans have never won a NAB Cup match with Roos at the helm. And other clubs don't want to do well in the preseason comp due to the protection of their upcoming gameplan. This strikes a cord with me. Bailey has one closed training session a week. Whenever Bailey or one of his assistants is interviewed and asked about the new gameplan all they offer is that "they'll be playing for each other". Well having been to training sessions, let me tell you that they practice far more drills and set plays than the previous coaching staff. Bailey doesn't want to let anything out. He also had no interest in winning these matches. That was obvious from the side that played Geelong. He's aiming everything at round 1.

Now the nervous Nellies, ill informed, footy stupid, overly emotional, pessimistic, and just plain dumb supporters can work themselves into a lather, but I'll wait til round 1. Obviously I don't know what we'll do this year, but I'm far from concerned by what's happened to date. And if we are terrible it won't alter my opinion of the preseason. I'd rather experiment with kids.

Frankly, I feel like spitting on the footy stupid. Especially you, Schtacker. And to think that you must love my all time favourite tv show."

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someone pass the beer and pies !! :P :D

FWIW.. i think a lot of people are kicking points here without too many goals scored.

My position ( and its only mine..lol )

Firtly ..we havent seen the whole game plan because simply all the required participants arent on the pitch yet. effectively it does hide it...but maybe not the over-riding intention..just a consequence.

I dont think Bails it concerned too much about the scoreboard. What he IS concerned with is , is Execution of game elements. These arent going too wel in some areas and he's understandably livid. The honeymoon is over me thinks..lol

As more of teh regs appear on the startinglist..then more of teh games elements wil be linked. This hopefully will indicate more and more as to how well the 'teachings' are coming along.

Any team can get lucky on days and cobble a hamfisted win out of a game. What I see us aiming for is a system that when put into practice will result in consistent results. The system obviously needs tweaking !! lol.

That Bails doesnt seem to be inclined to suffer fool or being taken for one is commendable.

I think the club is still gelling.. the players may have thought they knew what wa being expected of htem.. now they ar truly coming to terms with it.

Its still early days yet really .

My eyes are on the hawkers game...that will be a truer indication...but still only an indication...not a sentence !!

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Even at the best of times the results of practice matches should never be the sole focus. However what transpires between the sirens is what it's all about and I'll give an example of what may have occured on the weekend (no idea if this is true as I didn't see the game, this is just a 'what if...'):

In the first quarter the team was structured for our best case situation - ie fit first choice midfield etc. But practise matches are for trying different scenarios such as what happens if McLean gets tagged out of the game, how do we rearrange the midfield so as to turn it to our advantage?

The results are meaningless, it's how the players respond to their instructions which is of significance and as I'm unaware of what the coach is trying then I don't really have an understanding of whether the game was a success or not. I know I'm preaching to the converted to some of the guys here but there are others....

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The results are meaningless, it's how the players respond to their instructions which is of significance ................

YEP !! Id agree with that. Some are obviously a little better at this juncture than others !! lol :rolleyes::lol:

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