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The Gameplan


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During the brisbane lions era of dominance…….

Neale’s plan was to get tougher players and to play more like the lions

After Sydney won the flag………………

Neale openly admitted he wanted to play more like the swans the following year….to adopt their style of play.

After the eagles won the flag last year………….

Neale decides to adopt a run and carry style of play similar to…..let me guess…the eagles.

Notice a pattern here?

These three different game styles have all had ultimate success and they are good game styles for the respective lists, but isn’t it time we adopted our own style? Tried something that was unique to us? It seems to me that the results of trying to adopt another team’s style a year after they have won a flag are two fold; 1/ we are trying to change the way we play far too often. How can you expect a team to adopt a totally different game plan each year? Keeping in mind footballers are not rocket scientists. 2/ over the past three years we have seen three different game styles win flags so it makes it entirely possible we are using what worked in 2006 and probably won’t work in 2007….and even if does work again the side that won the flag the previous year will be better at it than us.

To my way of thinking we need to keep the same game style for a 4-5 year period with minor changes to it as the game evolves.

Looking at our success this year with the run and carry approach…….including practice matches which I think there was 3 of, we are 1 from 8 with that win coming over the tigers. Another factor is that in at least 3 games we have been very close to having the same handball to kick ratio. Not good. Injuries? Of course they have been bad….but the close to full list against st.kilda were pathetic, the workrate, regardless of personnel, nothing short of pathetic in all games…players and coaching staff.

Tonight i was flicking channels between our game and the blues vs brissy game, and was shuddering at the thought of us playing either team at the dome……..yep….mfc playing a basket case for the past 5 years and wondering how bad the damage would be.

I have no idea where we are going anymore, and it really is more than just an injury issue. Are we a genuine chance next year? Basket case about to start rebuilding…………. again? I don’t know anymore………but I think it would help to start with a game style and structure that our players can understand, that suits them, and that leaves them in no doubt what is required of them. They can base it around defensive pressure and aim to be the best tackling club in the comp. pressure applied in the right manner can break down any style of play.

I just don’t want keep changing to follow what everyone else does when it’s always a year too late.

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I agree that trying to copy a premiership team is just silly.

Brisbane, Sydney and especially West Coast have completely different strengths to us. They play on different sized grounds and have different players and set-ups.

Trying to adapt to winning styles is needed, and using a run and carry game plan to try and win on bigger grounds like Subiaco makes sense. Same goes for being more accountable and working as hard as the Swans. The problem is, as you said, that we try too hard to become a team we are not.

We don't have West Coast's midfield, or forward line for that matter. When we are injury free, and we kick long to our forwards, we kick goals. West Coast's forward line is poorer, therefore they have to carry the ball in. With Sydney, because they play on such a small ground, they are able to create a lot more contests and ball-up situations.

We play mostly at the MCG, where we have previously dominated with our own style of game. To try and become something else seems pointless.

To win a premiership takes more than looking at previous winners and copying them like monkeys. Truly great teams come up with their own unique style of play which best suits them.

Look at Rodney Eade for example. He developed the flooding style of game for Sydney, and then completely changed his tactics when he got to the Bulldogs. Different game plans to suit the strengths of each team.

BTW, I hope that Daniher realises that while we are so injury-riddled, we cannot play one-on-one footy and hope to win. Sydney molested us in the first quarter, and won every single contest. Thankfully by pushing players back, we managed to slow the scoring rate down.

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Look at Rodney Eade for example. He developed the flooding style of game for Sydney, and then completely changed his tactics when he got to the Bulldogs. Different game plans to suit the strengths of each team.

thats the perfect example. Eade has coached the swans to a grand final and could have been forgiven for thinking he could get the same style to the dogs and get success, yet he's recognised the strengths and weakness' of his side and adopted a style which i think will give them success when the side has the right balance.

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have we been that bad interstate to warrant a change to the game plan - where it negatively impacts upon the G and its results. yes we have been smashed at aami but honestly, we were undermanned and played poorly through bad turnovers!!

we owned the G for three years I reckon up until this year... we beat teams there and there was this air of authority!! we lost to the eagles, cats and bombers from what i remember... we played exciting football that everyone talked about - the switches of play, the hard running, the long goals, the long kicking, etc....

now when i watch us, i am frustrated by the handballing, the short and indirect kicking, the inability to beat a man but more importantly to win one on one contests.. this is a simple theory and the more we win, the closer we will get to a win!!

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do we actually have a Game Plan... or is it just punch drunk reactiveness ? Judging by our kick ins....there's no plan!! just my observation

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During the brisbane lions era of dominance…….

Neale’s plan was to get tougher players and to play more like the lions

After Sydney won the flag………………

Neale openly admitted he wanted to play more like the swans the following year….to adopt their style of play.

After the eagles won the flag last year………….

Neale decides to adopt a run and carry style of play similar to…..let me guess…the eagles.

So true. We recruit the playas with hard bodies who like to play hard and we instil a run and carry game. Boggles the mind

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What annoys me is the fact that we don't seem to have any skill, let alone gameplan?!?!?!

While watching the Bulldogs V Hawthorn game it made me realise how far below AFL standard the majority of our players are! The precision ball movement of the Bulldogs and the way they run the ball out of defensive 50, through the middle and make quick and smart split second decisions leaves our list looking like a VFL side....

I realise that a lot of our more skilled players are injured and/or out of form, but you only have to then look at Adelaide... They are as skilled as any other top 4 team at moving the ball from one end of the ground to the other, without fumbles and short-chip kicks that don't hit targets! They too are massively injured and missing their skipper!

A gameplan is desperately needed! There is no doubt! But to implement any kind of plan you must have the skill to be able to :

1. Be aware of what is happening around you

2. Be able to make split-second decisions

3. Hit a target which is preferably wearing the same colours!

4. Run, chase and put defensive pressure on opponents

5. Support and talk to your team mates!

Until we can do these things week in/week out then we are going nowhere in a hurry! :(

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What annoys me is the fact that we don't seem to have any skill, let alone gameplan?!?!?!

While watching the Bulldogs V Hawthorn game it made me realise how far below AFL standard the majority of our players are! The precision ball movement of the Bulldogs and the way they run the ball out of defensive 50, through the middle and make quick and smart split second decisions leaves our list looking like a VFL side....

I realise that a lot of our more skilled players are injured and/or out of form, but you only have to then look at Adelaide... They are as skilled as any other top 4 team at moving the ball from one end of the ground to the other, without fumbles and short-chip kicks that don't hit targets! They too are massively injured and missing their skipper!

A gameplan is desperately needed! There is no doubt! But to implement any kind of plan you must have the skill to be able to :

1. Be aware of what is happening around you

2. Be able to make split-second decisions

3. Hit a target which is preferably wearing the same colours!

4. Run, chase and put defensive pressure on opponents

5. Support and talk to your team mates!

Until we can do these things week in/week out then we are going nowhere in a hurry! :(

Excellent post, We are lacking game plan and it is obvious when you watch any of the other teams play. We have much deeper problems than injuries at the moment and i just wish more people could see it. Or players have no skill and no pace and no footy smarts and they are poorly coached.

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Our players have no skill and no pace and no footy smarts and they are poorly coached.

Don't get me wrong.... We have players with skill..... Just not enough of them and not enough emphasis on improving the others lacking in the "silky smooth" department....

I don't expect to have a team full of skillfull players, just a team would be nice!

A nice mix of skill, awareness, aggression, passion and heart! (with a bit of silky smooth thrown in)

That is my only wish! And if this coaching group cannot get me one, then find me one who can!!

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A gameplan is desperately needed! There is no doubt! But to implement any kind of plan you must have the skill to be able to :

1. Be aware of what is happening around you

2. Be able to make split-second decisions

3. Hit a target which is preferably wearing the same colours!

4. Run, chase and put defensive pressure on opponents

5. Support and talk to your team mates!

Until we can do these things week in/week out then we are going nowhere in a hurry! :(

i agree the skill level is poor, and injuries and poor form have hurt us in this area also. example; travis johnstone couldn't hit the side of a barn with a handfull of wheat at the moment, but we all know he is a highly skilled player. is it possible the continued changing of a game plan is affecting us in this area? for example, a player trying to run and carry, then finding himself under pressure and forced to dispose quickly, rather than what has been asked of him in previous years; spot up a target by foot, kick long to position etc. i think it takes a long time to adjust to a new game plan, possibly half a season. thats no good if your making game plan changes at the end of each year.

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i agree the skill level is poor, and injuries and poor form have hurt us in this area also. example; travis johnstone couldn't hit the side of a barn with a handfull of wheat at the moment, but we all know he is a highly skilled player. is it possible the continued changing of a game plan is affecting us in this area? for example, a player trying to run and carry, then finding himself under pressure and forced to dispose quickly, rather than what has been asked of him in previous years; spot up a target by foot, kick long to position etc. i think it takes a long time to adjust to a new game plan, possibly half a season. thats no good if your making game plan changes at the end of each year.

I agree with you about TJ's skill.... His ability to control a footy is unquestionable.... His attitude towards his footy is deplorable!

I do also agree with you on the topic of our game plan (I read your other post about this) and it is high time we find a game plan and stick to it! The spot up a target, kick long to position etc. has worked for us in the past, but it seems ND doesn't like to do what has worked for us in the past?!?!?!

I see nothing wrong with exciting football that produced more wins than losses.... Yes, our ability to play out a season to the end was questionable and we had to work on our fitness... But why change what was a good gameplan as well??

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I believe in 1998, 2000 and 2002 we played a game plan that suited the team and it worked.

It has only been the last few years that we have been neither here nor there as far as our game plan is concerned.

I think ND, due to pressure, has maybe followed trends more recently at a cost to the team.

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I think ND, due to pressure, has maybe followed trends more recently at a cost to the team.

IF this is so, then the writing is on the wall as far as I'm concerned!!

ND = Now Done as the coach of MFC

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I believe in 1998, 2000 and 2002 we played a game plan that suited the team and it worked.

It has only been the last few years that we have been neither here nor there as far as our game plan is concerned.

What about '05? With basically the same list as we have right now, we played attacking, direct football (a style which suited our strong forward line) and were basically top-2.

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funny noone notices the game plan we we actually win.... soon as u lose everyone asks wat the game plan is?

obviously if we dont win.... the game plan didnt work.... was not executed by the players well enough.... or

maybe our game plan doesnt suit our team.......

when we actually win maybe our game plan will be more evident

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Guest dee'viator
funny noone notices the game plan we we actually win.... soon as u lose everyone asks wat the game plan is?

obviously if we dont win.... the game plan didnt work.... was not executed by the players well enough.... or

maybe our game plan doesnt suit our team.......

when we actually win maybe our game plan will be more evident

When it 'aint broke' then don't fix it. Now he's gone & 'ucked it.

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funny noone notices the game plan we we actually win.... soon as u lose everyone asks wat the game plan is?

obviously if we dont win.... the game plan didnt work.... was not executed by the players well enough.... or

maybe our game plan doesnt suit our team.......

when we actually win maybe our game plan will be more evident

BB, I think your question is a perceptive one.

There is alot of talk of gameplan on this site and much of it has been misguided.

In round 1, we implemented our game plan poorly and together will poor skills got blown away. Yeah I know Brock got injured that day but what interested me was the period up to Brocks injury especially from 10 minutes into the first quarter.

However as the injuries have set in particularly in the midfield, MFC have been smashed in the centre clearances and have been in little or no position to dictate a game plan on the opposition. And when you are predominantly playing the game in the oppositions quarter we are showing none of the skill, application or teamwork to wrestle back the initiative.

Since we have had the injuries in Round 1, it is clear we sort to undertake a more direct game of football but lack of centre clearances, poor skills and inadequate pressuring of the opposition just cruels us. Until we can address those issues which hopefully will be lead by the return of our better players, the game plan issue is academic.

While many have focussed on our point kick ins and the opposition kick ins, the key point is not only what we are doing but what the opposition does when they dont have the ball and when they get the ball. They run hard to receive and to pressure. We just dont do it. I am surprised at the veracity of the impact of a turnover. The number of times that the turnover goes from one end to the other and we have not touched or interrupted its flow. Disturbing.

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this supposed whizbang plan was actually brought to bear.,.. in practice matches and NAB cup..where it shone as magnificently as a black hole !!

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If two teams are going at it, and giving 100%, and both playing to their respective skill levels with the players on the field, the final result should in my opinion not be more than a few goals. That is what we should have lost to Sydney by, not over 8 goals. Therefore their skills and hardness are lacking. If we played that way each week, giving it our all, we will sneak a few wins because other teams will start to take us lightly, but somehow I doubt we will - back to the culture thing !

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Guest dee'viator
If two teams are going at it, and giving 100%, and both playing to their respective skill levels with the players on the field, the final result should in my opinion not be more than a few goals. That is what we should have lost to Sydney by, not over 8 goals. Therefore their skills and hardness are lacking. If we played that way each week, giving it our all, we will sneak a few wins because other teams will start to take us lightly, but somehow I doubt we will - back to the culture thing !

I believe your right 'DemonDoug', & I think that Brock Mclean is right, in fact I believe that Brock Maybe unwittingly expressing his fears of, 'Oh [censored], just what have I been dealt here', for his aspirations of success.

I hope we don't lose him one day.

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this supposed whizbang plan was actually brought to bear.,.. in practice matches and NAB cup..where it shone as magnificently as a black hole !!

Its not necessarily the game plan but the manner in which it is implemented. And some of those implementation issues (eg skills and commitment of players) is showing through.

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before we worry too much about gameplans .. Id just like our team to have skills !! silly little things like kicking, marking and handballing, shepherding, backing up and on .. all too a high level !!

when we have these down pat...maybe we worry about the next level.

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Id just like our team to have skills !! silly little things like kicking, marking and handballing, shepherding, backing up and on .. all too a high level !!

when we have these down pat...maybe we worry about the next level.

Just apropos of this......

It really was quite sad being at the game on Saturday night and witnessing a team that seemed to get so confused and flustered when trying to bring the ball out of defence and through the middle of the ground. And the SCG is a small ground.

It was like no-one really wanted the ball, or the responsibility, and when they had it they just wanted to get rid of it as quickly, and with as little trouble as possible, but it never seemed to occur to anyone (on multiple occasions) to actually kick it quickly into the forward line.

And I am not talking about just bombing it onto the forwards heads either, as that did happen, eventually. But generally it was a painfully slow entry, if it got there at all, which helped the Sydney defence no end. Spoiling became very easy with the amount of time they had to set up.

But more often than not this headless chook routine in the middle led to hand balling to players under pressure (a common thread throughout this season) and therefore multiple turnovers, which in turn were turned into points by the Swans, very quickly. Giving our defence little time.

But what struck me the most was that kicking didn't seem to even be in their heads, and I do realise I am being fairly general in this assessment. I also realise that the kick is not always the best option, but it seemed as though it was not any kind of option.

Of course actually hitting the target, by hand or foot, was also a small problem :rolleyes: !!!

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