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Bull or Mutton?


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4 minutes ago, dieter said:

Ah, Wreck, you and your leftis/rightist axis. Really, the world is a bit more complicated than that.

And here is me thinking everything was binary....

Of course it is more complex than that but with you and I it is left v right. We are polar opposites in that regard so i focus on it. We have Melbourne in common but I'm guessing you would be glass half empty and I would be too optimistic for your liking.

Maybe we could agree on a good bottle of red (Austrlain grapes). 

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15 minutes ago, dieter said:


I'd like to think I'm neither left nor right. I've always regarded these orientations were more to do with which arm you write, brush your teeth and wipe your bum with. Not to mention which side you hold a violin or a cricket bat.Not to mention the noble art of Nose Picking: Right handed or left?????1f601.png?

dieter you need to accept you are far left just as i am hard right. 

I'm not racist just as you are not luny we both have opinions and convictions. Unlike Turnbull we can each be proud of them.

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23 minutes ago, Wrecker45 said:

We have Melbourne in common but I'm guessing you would be glass half empty and I would be too optimistic for your liking

No sir, I am cautiously optimistic. A realist in relation to where melbourne is at at the moment. I think it's poised to become a strong, powerful side. They certainly play some very exciting footy. And they are getting better, more composed, more confident. The glass is what it is...

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47 minutes ago, Bravo Oscar, Bravo said:

He was hiding behind the Stalking Horse.


Prediction: Morrison will last till the next election, the LNP will get wiped and they'll resort to Dutton just to prove yet again what out of touch troglodytes they are.

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8 minutes ago, dieter said:

Prediction: Morrison will last till the next election, the LNP will get wiped and they'll resort to Dutton just to prove yet again what out of touch troglodytes they are.

They proved how out of touch they were when they let a leftie run the centre right party. The only way they survive is by listening to their base. Turnbull had to donate $2m to his own campaign because grass roots supporters like myself stop putting our hands in our pockets because we hate him. Watch the funds return now that the leftie wanka has gone.

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19 minutes ago, dieter said:

Prediction: Morrison will last till the next election, the LNP will get wiped and they'll resort to Dutton just to prove yet again what out of touch troglodytes they are.

Let me guess a far left poster who would never vote Liberal thinks the Liberals need to move to the left?

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2 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

They proved how out of touch they were when they let a leftie run the centre right party. The only way they survive is by listening to their base. Turnbull had to donate $2m to his own campaign because grass roots supporters like myself stop putting our hands in our pockets because we hate him. Watch the funds return now that the leftie wanka has gone.

Saw an article today about that exact same problem: the liberal party has no funds. I suppose it expects bug business to fund its elections.

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2 hours ago, dieter said:

Saw an article today about that exact same problem: the liberal party has no funds. I suppose it expects bug business to fund its elections.

The liberals will have plenty money once Turnbull goes. I'll pay just to kick him out the door.

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10 hours ago, dieter said:

Australia is trying hard to emulate Italy this way. The trouble is Australian can't really emulate the Italians: Italian food, wine and culture is way way superior and Australia still hasn't produced a Sophia Loren .Still, those Italians, Lou Reed said, need a lesson to be taught..

love the Lou Reed quote. Italy is awesome and effed at the same time, what I love about the place, although I am riding over the bridges with some trepidation. 

Anyway-I'm hoping Penny Wong gets the gig before they call an election, give the mouth breathers something to really hyperventilate about. Go the Bernie Saunders option and give the people some proper choice. 

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6 minutes ago, DaisyDeeciple said:

love the Lou Reed quote. Italy is awesome and effed at the same time, what I love about the place, although I am riding over the bridges with some trepidation. 

Anyway-I'm hoping Penny Wong gets the gig before they call an election, give the mouth breathers something to really hyperventilate about. Go the Bernie Saunders option and give the people some proper choice. 

The Italians are pagans, ungovernable, beautiful people, true anarchists. Make the greatest wine in the world- Barolo. Amarone isn't bad either....

Penny Wong would be great: I'd love nothing more. Imagine the bile that would solicit from the Murdoch Press and Ray Hadley, Andrew Bolt and Jones. 

It now seems that Australian Politicians feel they have to answer to these shock jocks. I guess that's democracy for ya...

Edited by dieter
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On 8/25/2018 at 10:21 AM, Wrecker45 said:

Turnbull's NEG was a disaster. Trying to legislate unelected UN bureaucratic plant food restrictions was the height of left wing idiocy.


Que? Please explain! 

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Interesting discussion with my neighbour this morning. I asked him if he was missing the cut and thrust of life in Canberra as he was a minister in both the Hawke and Keating Governments from 1983 to 1996. He put forward the proposition that in his opinion ScoMo may have encouraged Dutton to take on Turnbull so he could come in as the compromise “Jim Hacker” candidate with no blood on his hands, leaving Dutton as the fall guy holding the bloody knife.

Who knows he could be right. 

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On 8/25/2018 at 4:28 PM, dieter said:

Saw an article today about that exact same problem: the liberal party has no funds. I suppose it expects bug business to fund its elections.

Bug business?  Is that the IPA entomologist again? Im sure she'd be happy to support the Liberals.

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On 8/25/2018 at 10:14 AM, Wrecker45 said:

Exactly except the right wing bit. Turnbull was the Prime Minister of the conservative party that the left could stomach but never vote for.

I voted for Turnbull.

I would never vote for Dutton, Morrison or Abbott.

I was never part of the 'Liberal base' (obviously), after alternating between Labor and outright destroying my ballot. No other candidate, Labor or Green, has motivated my vote more than Turnbull did. I really believed he had great potential and was saddened when he was brought down by his own party.

Liberals can be great reformers. Howard instituted gun control against the outrage of the 'Liberal base'. Queensland MPs lost their seats, but it was the right thing to do. I saw this potential in Turnbull and that's why he won my vote.

I doubt I'll see that in another candidate any time soon.

I think his knifing, and the backbench plotting and sniping that proceeded it, was childish and selfish in a way that should exclude those who were guilty of it from a job that requires them to represent the Australian people. Exactly what I thought when it happened to Rudd/Gillard.

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4 hours ago, Choke said:

I voted for Turnbull.

I would never vote for Dutton, Morrison or Abbott.

I was never part of the 'Liberal base' (obviously), after alternating between Labor and outright destroying my ballot. No other candidate, Labor or Green, has motivated my vote more than Turnbull did. I really believed he had great potential and was saddened when he was brought down by his own party.

Liberals can be great reformers. Howard instituted gun control against the outrage of the 'Liberal base'. Queensland MPs lost their seats, but it was the right thing to do. I saw this potential in Turnbull and that's why he won my vote.

I doubt I'll see that in another candidate any time soon.

I think his knifing, and the backbench plotting and sniping that proceeded it, was childish and selfish in a way that should exclude those who were guilty of it from a job that requires them to represent the Australian people. Exactly what I thought when it happened to Rudd/Gillard.

I've never liked Turnbull. He always reminded me of a revolving door: in other words, very agile at slipping into the role he felt he needed to play. The fact that he allows the right wing of his party to mould any principles he had - Climate Change and Same Sex Marriage - speaks highly about what really motivated Malcolm. The worst thing he did - apart from allowing Peter Dutton to run riot as the Immigration and Home Affairs minister - was his absolute decimation of the NBN. In other words, he put in place a third world system because that was what Rupert would allow. I have no pity for him whatsoever. Though I am laughing till I cry at the antics of the Nazi elements of the hard core right wingers of the so-called - 'factionless', Malcolm called them once - Liberal Party.

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Just now, dieter said:

I've never liked Turnbull. He always reminded me of a revolving door: in other words, very agile at slipping into the role he felt he needed to play. The fact that he allows the right wing of his party to mould any principles he had - Climate Change and Same Sex Marriage - speaks highly about what really motivated Malcolm. The worst thing he did - apart from allowing Peter Dutton to run riot as the Immigration and Home Affairs minister - was his absolute decimation of the NBN. In other words, he put in place a third world system because that was what Rupert would allow. I have no pity for him whatsoever. Though I am laughing till I cry at the antics of the Nazi elements of the hard core right wingers of the so-called - 'factionless', Malcolm called them once - Liberal Party.

Fair enough.

The man clearly isn't perfect. Just saying I thought he had great potential and was worth a shot, so much so that I voted for a party that often presents policies I disagree with based on the notion that he might move them more to the centre.

You might want to lay off the Nazi references though, that sort of of stuff is why these discussions got shut down in the first place IIRC.

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51 minutes ago, Choke said:

Fair enough.

The man clearly isn't perfect. Just saying I thought he had great potential and was worth a shot, so much so that I voted for a party that often presents policies I disagree with based on the notion that he might move them more to the centre.

You might want to lay off the Nazi references though, that sort of of stuff is why these discussions got shut down in the first place IIRC.

I guess I'm just quoting from the fringes of those hard liners, people like Ahn and his final solution references. Katter and Co are not that far removed from the principles shared by Dutton, witness the racial hatred he spewed about Africans recently. 

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6 hours ago, Choke said:

Fair enough.

The man clearly isn't perfect. Just saying I thought he had great potential and was worth a shot, so much so that I voted for a party that often presents policies I disagree with based on the notion that he might move them more to the centre.

You might want to lay off the Nazi references though, that sort of of stuff is why these discussions got shut down in the first place IIRC.

Isn't perfect? He was an incredible failure. 


I also had some hopes. They came to nought. He was the Liberals' Jack Watts. The thing that surprised me most was his lack of nous. I thought that was the one thing he had. That decision to call a double dissolution - what a dill. That's why we've got Anning et al.  Turnbull couldn't even handle a vicious know-nothing like Abbott. In the end he was so desperate to hang onto his job he was willing to sacrifice his supposed core commitment - climate change. No spine. Dunno how he got so rich - just lucky, I suspect. Sold out just before the dot.com collapse, if I recall correctly.





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On 8/27/2018 at 11:19 PM, Earl Hood said:

Interesting discussion with my neighbour this morning. I asked him if he was missing the cut and thrust of life in Canberra as he was a minister in both the Hawke and Keating Governments from 1983 to 1996. He put forward the proposition that in his opinion ScoMo may have encouraged Dutton to take on Turnbull so he could come in as the compromise “Jim Hacker” candidate with no blood on his hands, leaving Dutton as the fall guy holding the bloody knife.

Who knows he could be right. 

Interesting,,, maybe, following your line, Morrison worked on the finance minister Cormann, to encourage Mutton to have a crack. And the Baroness was also pumped out of a cannon, as fodder for the sheep.

I remember the appearance night before when Turnbull came out for the cameras, flanked by Corrman and Morrison.  Morrison ending with his boyish support for the PM.


This is the whole problem with modern politics, modern business, and modern life...   everyone wants, wants, wants.  And they all devour one another in the process.

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On 8/25/2018 at 10:52 AM, Wrecker45 said:

And here is me thinking everything was binary....

Of course it is more complex than that but with you and I it is left v right. We are polar opposites in that regard so i focus on it. We have Melbourne in common but I'm guessing you would be glass half empty and I would be too optimistic for your liking.

Maybe we could agree on a good bottle of red (Austrlain grapes). 

Gee Wrecker, I would have picked you for one of those Range Rover driving powder hounds ?

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On 8/27/2018 at 11:19 PM, Earl Hood said:

Interesting discussion with my neighbour this morning. I asked him if he was missing the cut and thrust of life in Canberra as he was a minister in both the Hawke and Keating Governments from 1983 to 1996. He put forward the proposition that in his opinion ScoMo may have encouraged Dutton to take on Turnbull so he could come in as the compromise “Jim Hacker” candidate with no blood on his hands, leaving Dutton as the fall guy holding the bloody knife.

Who knows he could be right. 


Seems the Saturday Paper agrees with this hypothesise. Morrison set the whole thing up! 



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