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I know I harp on this, but seriously annoys the s#%t out of me every week. MANNING UP IS NOT STANDING 10 METERS FROM YOUR MAN!!! Being there to stand the mark when your opponent takes an uncontested mark is not helping. Deprive the ball holder of available go to options, and we may actually start to force a team to make "unforced" errors. Since the Neil Daniher days we have been a shocking defensive unit.

Better still, while we seem to do nothing about opposition uncontested possession, we can't/won't run to give options for our own players when we do have the ball. Is it a lack of of motivation and desire to work together as a team? Surely it can't be fitness, unless Dave Misson has lost whatever mojo he had working with Sydney?!

Don't get how, from one coach to the next to the next to the next, not one of them is pushing hard running and defensive pressure? Or is it just a super soft playing group who are happy to accept the losses at the expense of truely running their guts out and leaving everything on the park?. Or are they just not smart enough to get the message?

Sorry for the rant, just get so an annoyed watching the same lack of competitiveness week in week out.

Our players are too damn lazy to do this it was so obvious yesterday.Also why are we not as fit as other sides Freo ran away from us all day Another thing we we very slow to react we sit and watch the ball like school kids no urgency no anticipation no desire Worst game of footy i have watched sitting at the G The mood in the crowd was dismal

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Quit making excuses PSD, none of this list of cream puffs deserve it.

Hard work is beyond this lot. CS rewarded them before anything was done.

Don't question my support mate. Its been there since 1971.

This list of freeloaders are not playing football in 2013..it is not worth going. You can if you want, but you are wasting your time.

THE PLAYERS DO NOT CARE. And until they do it is we the supporter who get burnt.

Hell the players will be paid this week. Grimes and Trengove Captains wages!!! That is actually perversly funny :)

Im with you WYL I was at the game and I'm not sure anybody other than Viney and Dunn really tried hard enough

Jackie Boy was booed never seen it before !

he is so soft and didnt look to give a rats.

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Please Tell me Trengove and Grimes are seriously injured.If not then they are becoming part of the problem

Grimes wasnt seen and Trengove tried but was lost the whole day trying to keep up

If he cant run dont play him please

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Funny thing. A while back there was a thread trying to predict what our results would be for the remainder of the year. I said the Freo game would be a thrashing because they would see this as a chance to boost their percentage against a really bad side, and some muppet had a go at me for being negative when the team was improving under Craig.

I find this funny.

All there is left to say now is, are any of you still claiming that we're better off with Craig instead of Neeld? :)

Just because we are still wallowing does not mean we haven't improved after Neeld got the axe...

I have no idea what that smiley face is doing there - we are terrible. Just terrible.

But we are a better team under Craig than Neeld.

There is barely a comparison - if we are Fitroy like now, we were University-like under Neeld.

*Melbourne University entered the VFL for 7 years of failure from 1908 - 1914.

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I'm trying to find any small glimmer of hope from what has been a train wreck of a season. Yesterday, we were poorly coached, I'd rather have a chance of scoring goals than playing a loose man in defense. I thought we had some players really play hard in the first half and the last quarter we were done, one player on the bench for the second half really hurt and in the third quarter Tom McDonald was off for a long period of time no idea why.

We all know our midfield is bad but yesterday we saw the best of Viney, Sylvia was wasteful but still wanted the footy and Trengove had his best game in three years. Jones was down but that's OK he has been so good all year. To me that is the glimmer of hope, we do have 4 AFL standard midfielders, where as mid year we had 1 in Jones performing week in week out. I think all 4 over the past few months will have averaged over 20 touches per game. Grimes hasn't come back inthe same form that he started the year but he can play. We need 10 players to rotate through that midfield, you can't win games with 4-5 midfielders. Love to see Kent run off a wing, he kicks the footy like Rich it travels fast and goes longer than most expect. Would have been nice yesterday if Fitzpatrick held a couple more marks he got clean hands to it a few times but dropped them, still his last 6-8 weeks have been great. Terlich will get better with another pre-season same as Clisby.

It was bad yesterday like nearly all games this year, but for some reason I left yesterday thinking we will be OK, it may have been Jack Viney or it may have been the players sitting in the stands. One person that was sitting at the front end of the plane frustrated me all day and I felt for his team mates, they all worked hard expect this one player and everytime it didn't go his way he pointed and blamed everyone except himself. This former number one draft pick was my biggest dissappointment of the day, he wants everyone else to do the work for him and I can't believe he was allowed to play the way he did.

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Havent seen any of the game and only going on Dland site

Still have to say its the coach

The coach needs to get better output from Watts. Yes I know Viney seems able to generate his own intensity and thank god for him but Watts is a different article. Theres more than enough in the Watts threads to indicate the frustration with him but watching him live last week at Gold coast it is obvoius he has sublime skills in delivery. Thats not much use when the opponents kick over or around him as happened at GC or if hes so deep in defence that it makes it a little futile.

Why Magner can be left getting the ball at Casey and isnt being used to get it for Watts to deliver is beyond me Its the coach

we dont tackle well its the coach

We dont run hard enough Its the coach

We dont seem to have a great game plan or plans its the coach

We dont have players in the best position its the coach

we dont seem to use the squad all that well its the coach

we dont have the best selection its the coach

The players are not switched on when they take the filed its the coach

Dont think I have to go on its the coach

The players are all selected from the same pool as other clubs they all have different skills and different motivators the coach is the critical element

We must get this right

extensive and intensive analysis of the group and the candidates will get the right result and turn it around as with other clubs

Sorry end of rant

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I am getting to the stage now where I really don't care who is in or out .. We are an absolute rabble and I am at a loss to see where we are going to ever become a force again , at least in the next 5 years and maybe beyond.. Yesterday's game left me very "hollow"and all the hype about we will do this or we will do that and who is going to be delisted and who is going to leave etc. has just got me bewildered and thinking , let's just face reality.... WE ARE AT THE LOWEST POINT IN OUR HISTORY and the future does not at this stage look too promising.... Fark.. I have given up being optimistic about the future of the MFC and I am by nature an optimistic person.. Who cares who is in this week or out this week .. they are still the same old talentless faces..Of the many red faced moments I had yesterday (and there were plenty) the disgraceful moment when Howe totally stuffed up that goal in the goal square after we looked so good getting it to him .. All who were watching the game with me , including two bloody Freo supporters just shook their heads in disbelief and couldn't help feeling some concern for all Dees supporters about the way we are playing at the moment... So sad ... Where the hell are we heading ? I love this club, but I am not sure whether I will ever enjoy another AFL Season..

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Havent seen any of the game and only going on Dland site

Still have to say its the coach

The coach needs to get better output from Watts. Yes I know Viney seems able to generate his own intensity and thank god for him but Watts is a different article. Theres more than enough in the Watts threads to indicate the frustration with him but watching him live last week at Gold coast it is obvoius he has sublime skills in delivery. Thats not much use when the opponents kick over or around him as happened at GC or if hes so deep in defence that it makes it a little futile.

Why Magner can be left getting the ball at Casey and isnt being used to get it for Watts to deliver is beyond me Its the coach

we dont tackle well its the coach

We dont run hard enough Its the coach

We dont seem to have a great game plan or plans its the coach

We dont have players in the best position its the coach

we dont seem to use the squad all that well its the coach

we dont have the best selection its the coach

The players are not switched on when they take the filed its the coach

Dont think I have to go on its the coach

The players are all selected from the same pool as other clubs they all have different skills and different motivators the coach is the critical element

We must get this right

extensive and intensive analysis of the group and the candidates will get the right result and turn it around as with other clubs

Sorry end of rant

It's not the coach... It's our soft C..ck Player culture... We have been like it for years.. About 8 players willing to give something for the club and the rest just turning up and putting their hands out for an undeserved pay cheque.. We don't have a good enough list to prevent the "soft C..ks from getting a game.. and so it goes on and on and on over many years.. sadly..

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I find it rather funny that supporters call our players "cowards. Pea hearts, soft as butter" etc

When they are hiding behind an avatar on a internet site...Keyboard hero's comes to mind.....

Yes I know that we are all devastated by this season and it looks like the players don't give a dam but to me they just look completely void of any confidence or hope.

I agree with comments that we went too defensive from the start with players behind the ball as we on many occasions had no one to kick to up forward and therefore had to kick laterally and backwards.....I saw Nth do this as well against Ess, effectevely .......This type of footy sh!ts me to death......

Just as an aside......Freo had 60 more rotations for the game due to our injuries....

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I find it rather funny that supporters call our players "cowards. Pea hearts, soft as butter" etc

When they are hiding behind an avatar on a internet site...Keyboard hero's comes to mind.....

Yes I know that we are all devastated by this season and it looks like the players don't give a dam but to me they just look completely void of any confidence or hope.

I agree with comments that we went too defensive from the start with players behind the ball as we on many occasions had no one to kick to up forward and therefore had to kick laterally and backwards.....I saw Nth do this as well against Ess, effectevely .......This type of footy [censored] me to death......

Just as an aside......Freo had 60 more rotations for the game due to our injuries....

well I find it rather funny that anybody could go on to a football discussion site and criticise others when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Don't you watch our opposition? Don't watch games that the MFC aren't in? The effort and guts of pretty much every player in every other side leaves us for shame... in any case WTF does it matter who we are, we are talking about the supposedly elite professionals that are paid huge dollars of our money to represent the club. I am not 6'8" and 100kg or maybe I would have been given the opportunity to wear the red and blue and you can bet your balls I would be attacking the contest if I was

BTW the word is 'HEROES' not 'hero's' it is a plural FFS

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First....Thanks for the spelling lesson....

I AM 6'8" and weigh 95 kilos I actually trained with MFC under 19's a long time ago but was not good enough

The Western Bulldogs were described as a complete basket case earlier this year....said to have no one putting in....All the football "experts" said that there was no spirit in the group and they were going no where...Even Melb beat them......Funny that with a bit of confidence sees them playing a lot better football with structure and purpose.....That's all I was saying....

Confidence and trust are powerful traits that we just don't have in our team at the moment and therefore look "soft"......Calling players cowards (as one poster stated) is just ignorant IMO

Hope my spelling is correct..

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First....Thanks for the spelling lesson....

I AM 6'8" and weigh 95 kilos I actually trained with MFC under 19's a long time ago but was not good enough

The Western Bulldogs were described as a complete basket case earlier this year....said to have no one putting in....All the football "experts" said that there was no spirit in the group and they were going no where...Even Melb beat them......Funny that with a bit of confidence sees them playing a lot better football with structure and purpose.....That's all I was saying....

Confidence and trust are powerful traits that we just don't have in our team at the moment and therefore look "soft"......Calling players cowards (as one poster stated) is just ignorant IMO

Hope my spelling is correct..

nope I cannot swallow this. We have been bemoaning 'peaheartism' ever since 2001, when we started to 'yo-yo' up and down the ladder under Daniher. Even in 2004-2006 when we were OK, peaheartism was alive and kicking as we watched promising seasons go down the toilet thanks to dismal fadeouts in the final rounds of the season. The whole Bailey era, Neeld era and now Craig era have been peahearty. It's been a good 12 years of pea. Enough!

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First....Thanks for the spelling lesson....

I AM 6'8" and weigh 95 kilos I actually trained with MFC under 19's a long time ago but was not good enough

The Western Bulldogs were described as a complete basket case earlier this year....said to have no one putting in....All the football "experts" said that there was no spirit in the group and they were going no where...Even Melb beat them......Funny that with a bit of confidence sees them playing a lot better football with structure and purpose.....That's all I was saying....

Confidence and trust are powerful traits that we just don't have in our team at the moment and therefore look "soft"......Calling players cowards (as one poster stated) is just ignorant IMO

Hope my spelling is correct..

Bossdog, I agree on one thing most of our players had a crack yesterday, they all worked hard and considering the injuries we had no one can question most of the players. I wonder if you attended the game yesterday, the way Jack Watts played and the way the coaches allowed him to play was the worst thing I've seen from the club this year. The positioning and the role that Jack was doing was a coach thing and was an extremely bad move, he wasn't a loose man in defense to defend he was put there purely to be used to create attack, we had 20 goals kicked against us it was the poorest bit of coaching I've ever seen. Jack himself refused to compete and that is a real concern he wanted someone to give him the footy rather than win his own footy.

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Bossdog, I agree on one thing most of our players had a crack yesterday, they all worked hard and considering the injuries we had no one can question most of the players. I wonder if you attended the game yesterday, the way Jack Watts played and the way the coaches allowed him to play was the worst thing I've seen from the club this year. The positioning and the role that Jack was doing was a coach thing and was an extremely bad move, he wasn't a loose man in defense to defend he was put there purely to be used to create attack, we had 20 goals kicked against us it was the poorest bit of coaching I've ever seen. Jack himself refused to compete and that is a real concern he wanted someone to give him the footy rather than win his own footy.

It's not the coach... It's our soft C..ck Player culture... We have been like it for years.. About 8 players willing to give something for the club and the rest just turning up and putting their hands out for an undeserved pay cheque.. We don't have a good enough list to prevent the "soft C..ks from getting a game.. and so it goes on and on and on over many years.. sadly..

its the coaches job to get the soft c...ck playing culture changed. If JW refused to compete its the coaches job to recognise that and do something about it.

If they put hands out for undeserved pay check then its the coaches job to identify that and rectify it.

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This year can't end quick enough.

Having said that, I'm going to go into football isolation during this preseason because if I hear "the boys are training well" again, I think I'll drop to the ground, rocking back and forth sobbing like a little baby howling "NO, not again"...

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This year can't end quick enough.

Having said that, I'm going to go into football isolation during this preseason because if I hear "the boys are training well" again, I think I'll drop to the ground, rocking back and forth sobbing like a little baby howling "NO, not again"...

John Meeson board.

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Think we can assume that Watts is going nowhere. Who the fire-truck would trade for him after what he put out today

If he succeeds at another club I will be totally amazed and will lose faith in my judgment which is normally not too bad..You cannot put courage and ability into a person whom doesn't have any... Sorry Jack , you may be a nice lad but an AFL footballer ? NO ! All was too easy when you were playing against schoolboys and under 18's.. but the real men have found you out.. Good luck with whatever you decide to do Jack .. I am not bitter .. It was not your fault you were put on a pedestal by some bad judges and were thrown to the wolves in your first game... Please continue to keep your signature off a MFC future contract and go and annoy Carlton or somebody else.. You are not needed here if our Club wants to get fair dinkum about it's on field future.. There are 7 or 8 mates you could take with you and I hope you do... Go Dees ..

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You can have a 'Jump to Conclusions mat' with which you can select our next coach or the club we will trade Watts to.

Eade and Triabunna Reserves (Tasmanian Country Football) just saying.. :)

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its the coaches job to get the soft c...ck playing culture changed. If JW refused to compete its the coaches job to recognise that and do something about it.

If they put hands out for undeserved pay check then its the coaches job to identify that and rectify it.

If you do not have enough character and desire to get off your Anus and DO something to improve yourself and NOT rely on a coach or someone else to motivate you ..then you will NEVER make it... !! Don't blame the coach for your Farkin poor attitude and your lack of motivation... How P/Weak is that ? How much motivation do REAL pros need... From my experience virtually NONE !! THAT is what's wrong with the culture in this Club and it will continue to remain behind everyone else while that culture exists. Get some players and people with real qualities around our club ...NOW.. !! The coach cannot change the players' soft c..ck culture whatever he tries ..It is an inbuilt mental weakness coupled most times with a lack of the required talent..

Edited by [email protected]
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