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MCC members ALERT !


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You're not a supporter if you don't support the club by buying a membership.

You're a casual AFL fan pretending to be a "fellow MFC supporter".

You support nothing.

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Got no time for Melbourne supporting MCC members who give nothing to MFC

Funny that, I've got no time for people who's favourite Melbourne player is "Maloney".


Just proves even the most bright and even of us can get excitable.


Pay up.

I'm cool.

Not into spending money on nothing, doesn't make sense to me.

You're not a supporter if you don't support the club by buying a membership.

You're a casual AFL fan pretending to be a "fellow MFC supporter".

You support nothing.

So purchasing merchandise from the MFC store is not a mechanism through which to support the club?

You were talking about attempting to diminish the club's elitist image earlier, yet your comments within this thread only serve to reinforce it.


Look, I agree that if you're already coughing up $600 then another $50 shouldn't be too hard. I have no problem with that. It was the "I care for the club more than you" argument that made me want to throw up.



I'm cool.

Not into spending money on nothing, doesn't make sense to me.

You're a good consumer, but as a supporter...

Look, fine. And I get the excitedness expresses earlier is on the nose re: what Nasher said.

But you're infuriating me with your 'nothing' meme.

Do you think any of us got 'value for money' during 07-09? We all paid for 'nothing.'

I think that if you ponder it deep enough you'll understand that sometimes nothing isn't really nothing and that sometimes you should concede that.

10,000 MCC members have given $50 or $160 for 'nothing' for 2011.

And that's something.


So purchasing merchandise from the MFC store is not a mechanism through which to support the club?

You were talking about attempting to diminish the club's elitist image earlier, yet your comments within this thread only serve to reinforce it.

So, you're forking out for an MCC membership, but too tight for an MFC membership, yet I'm promoting the club being elitist?

No. I welcome any supporter, whether they are a member of the MCC or not.

That membership is of little consequence.

My condition for you to be termed a "supporter" is to buy an MFC membership.

That's it. That's far from elitist.

If you care to delve deeper, I guess the condition means that you are willing to give something for nothing in return.

True support. When the only thing you get in return is knowing that you are helping your club.

Thats the way I see things.

But I've said my piece & I don't really wish to debate it any more.

As has been said, it's an ugly debate.

I'd hate to stop those who don't currently buy a membership, from maybe doing so in the future.


You're a good consumer, but as a supporter...

Look, fine. And I get the excitedness expresses earlier is on the nose re: what Nasher said.

But you're infuriating me with your 'nothing' meme.

Do you think any of us got 'value for money' during 07-09? We all paid for 'nothing.'

I think that if you ponder it deep enough you'll understand that sometimes nothing isn't really nothing and that sometimes you should concede that.

10,000 MCC members have given $50 or $160 for 'nothing' for 2011.

And that's something.

I hear what you're saying, and I admire you for parting with some of your cash for the good of the club, but from my point of view, I want my money to offer me something in return.

I'm happy to buy merchandise from the club shop - jumpers, t-shirts and the like - but when it comes to simply handing over cash for no apparent reason, it just isn't for me.

Perhaps my perception will change in time, and romantic notions such as the one you're peddling will mean more to me, but at the moment, I'm thinking about things in a more objective manner.

So, you're forking out for an MCC membership, but too tight for an MFC membership, yet I'm promoting the club being elitist?

No. I welcome any supporter, whether they are a member of the MCC or not.

That membership is of little consequence.

My condition for you to be termed a "supporter" is to buy an MFC membership.

That's it. That's far from elitist.

If you care to delve deeper, I guess the condition means that you are willing to give something for nothing in return.

True support. When the only thing you get in return is knowing that you are helping your club.

Thats the way I see things.

But I've said my piece & I don't really wish to debate it any more.

As has been said, it's an ugly debate.

I'd hate to stop those who don't currently buy a membership, from maybe doing so in the future.

As I said above, these romantic ideals currently mean little to me.

I'm a big fan of the MFC, I hardly miss a match, can name every player on the list and their associated strengths and weaknesses, but due to the way I value my money, I don't wish to fork out for a membership which offers very little.

Buying someone implies an exchange, yet when you buy one of these so-called memberships, no benefit is forthcoming.

This is why I prefer to buy MFC-related products of my choosing, and I probably spend more on those than I would on any membership. Oh, but I forgot, you need to sacrifice something for nothing in order to be considered a true supporter.

Well, sorry, I don't buy into such notions.


As I said above, these romantic ideals currently mean little to me.

I'm a big fan of the MFC, I hardly miss a match, can name every player on the list and their associated strengths and weaknesses, but due to the way I value my money, I don't wish to fork out for a membership which offers very little.

Buying someone implies an exchange, yet when you buy one of these so-called memberships, no benefit is forthcoming.

This is why I prefer to buy MFC-related products of my choosing, and I probably spend more on those than I would on any membership. Oh, but I forgot, you need to sacrifice something for nothing in order to be considered a true supporter.

Well, sorry, I don't buy into such notions.

It isn't nothing.

Any MCC member reading this thread - it isn't nothing.


yet when you buy one of these so-called memberships, no benefit is forthcoming.

Many of us MCC members may not feel we get much from the MFC membership.

There may be no benefit for the individual (other than the pride of being a member of the mighty MFC), but there is certainly benefit from the club's point of view.


Buying someone implies an exchange, yet when you buy one of these so-called memberships, no benefit is forthcoming.

If you're all about the cash you would can the MCC membership and have an MFC membership. $550 for general admission and no finals guarantee or $400 > $500 for a Level 1 or 2 resevered seat for 17 games and a GF ticket? MFC membership is far superior in value, I think the only reason people hang onto MCC is because of the waiting list and a perception that it is a privelege to have one, I'm glad I saw the light, MFC membership gets you more, thats the bottom line.

There is no way any MCC member can justify spending $550 as opposed to $610 for the MCC/MFC membership, its $60 measly bucks on top of a premium only affordable to those who in the grand scheme of things are wealthy people. The only reason one wouldn't pay it is because they are a total tightass.


Your post illustrates that you have minimal understanding of how the MCC works - or why people take it up each year.


Your post illustrates that you have minimal understanding of how the MCC works - or why people take it up each year.

How so? I had an MCC membership for 15 years, I'm comfortable with my understanding of it. If you go to the cricket or non-MFC games more than a few times a year thats certainly a reason to choose MCC over AFL club membership, I've found those people are the minority though, other than that I don't see the value. Everything MCC offers AFL clubs do and more, including guest passes, final tickets and social areas... what are AFL club memberships missing? A waiting list and a pre-historic dress code and alcohol policy?


How so? I had an MCC membership for 15 years, I'm comfortable with my understanding of it. If you go to the cricket or non-MFC games more than a few times a year thats certainly a reason to choose MCC over AFL club membership, I've found those people are the minority though, other than that I don't see the value. Everything MCC offers AFL clubs do and more, including guest passes, final tickets and social areas... what are AFL club memberships missing? A waiting list and a pre-historic dress code and alcohol policy?

You do not sit on the Members wing of the MCG without an MCC membership. Level 2 is truly the best seat in that vast stadium.

The MCC membership is well worth keeping.


You do not sit on the Members wing of the MCG without an MCC membership. Level 2 is truly the best seat in that vast stadium.

The MCC membership is well worth keeping.

If you're on Level 2 there is little difference between sitting on the wing or the flank.


If you're on Level 2 there is little difference between sitting on the wing or the flank.

Depends which way the Demons are kicking. From the wing it doesn't matter. B)


How so? I had an MCC membership for 15 years, I'm comfortable with my understanding of it. If you go to the cricket or non-MFC games more than a few times a year thats certainly a reason to choose MCC over AFL club membership, I've found those people are the minority though, other than that I don't see the value. Everything MCC offers AFL clubs do and more, including guest passes, final tickets and social areas... what are AFL club memberships missing? A waiting list and a pre-historic dress code and alcohol policy?

I've never been an MCC member but don't they get into the finals and GF for free with their memberships? With a club membership you may get a guaranteed ticket (with the premium memberships) but you still have to pay extra for that ticket on top of your membership fee.


If you're all about the cash you would can the MCC membership and have an MFC membership. $550 for general admission and no finals guarantee or $400 > $500 for a Level 1 or 2 resevered seat for 17 games and a GF ticket?

I do not understand this part of your post. It seems like you've flipped the two around.

As far as I'm aware, our top membership packages only offer you access to purchase a ticket for the GF.

The MCC membership gets you in automatically, guaranteeing finals and GF.

MFC membership is far superior in value, I think the only reason people hang onto MCC is because of the waiting list and a perception that it is a privelege to have one, I'm glad I saw the light, MFC membership gets you more, thats the bottom line.

To say that the MFC membership is far superior in value is ridiculous.

MCC membership gives you access to over 40 matches at the MCG each year - including blockbusters such as ANZAC day. It gives you priority (and cheap) access to other sporting events - including Socceroos matches.

It also provides access to all 5 days of the Boxing Day test (which would cost you over $200 to sit in the cheap seats).

If you go to the cricket or non-MFC games more than a few times a year thats certainly a reason to choose MCC over AFL club membership, I've found those people are the minority though

This is cetainly not the case amongst the MCC members I know and is largely irrelevant to the argument anyway.

Everything MCC offers AFL clubs do and more

I think I've illustrated that this isn't so.


After all the club has been through, for some Melbourne supporters to be saying they believe they get no value from being a member of the MFC. $50 if your already a MCC member, this arguement to me is unbelievable. in the last 15 years we have almost lost our club twice, to own a membership gives you a say in the club as you have a vote, so feel I have some ownership of my club because I am a member. I also feel that supporters should do there bit for the club to help keep it viable if they can.

I know that some people just simply cannot afford to buy a membership and I totally understand this as living expenses must come first for stuggling individuals and families.

However to those that pay $450 for an MCC membership and don't pay an extra $50 to support the football club, this is a poor excuse as far as I am concerned.

A poster to this site wrote about a brave club, which we have, seems we need a lot more brave supporters.

I am a full MFC and MCC member, and this is my opinion on this subject!


After all the club has been through, for some Melbourne supporters to be saying they believe they get no value from being a memeber of the MFC. $50 if your already a MCC member, this arguement to me is unbelievable. in the last 15 years we have almost lost our club twice, to own a membership gives you a say in the club as you have a vote, so feel I have some ownership of my club because I am a member. I also feel that supporters should do there bit for the club to help keep it viable if they can.

I know that some people just simply cannot afford to buy a membership and I totally understand this as living expenses must come first for stuggling individuals and families.

However to those that pay $450 for an MCC membership and don't pay an extra $50 to support the football club, this is a poor excuse as far as I am concerned.

A poster to this site wrote about a brave club, which we have, seems we need a lot more brave supporters.

I am a full MFC and MCC member, and this is my opinion on this subject!

Good on you, Deevout.

You and around 10,000 of MCC members like you are the reason we have 35,000 MFC members and not 25,000.

Can any of us imagine the sh!tstorm that would be the Demons of the last few years if we took 10,000 members off the rolls because it is a 'nothing' membership?

Maybe we should keep that in mind when we have the opportunity to give that $50 or $160 donation.


We should be welcoming all levels of support, whether that means buying a $50 mcc/mfc membership or not. If someone chooses to buy merchandise and attend all dees games sitting in the MCC.... That still brings significant benefits to the club, adds to our attendance and merch sales.

For those attempting to argue that an MCC membership doesn't offer value...you are kidding yourself. There's 180,000 names on a waiting list that disagree with you. Last year I attended around 35 games at the G, which included 2 prelims and the grand final...plus 2 days of the test.


We should be welcoming all levels of support, whether that means buying a $50 mcc/mfc membership or not. If someone chooses to buy merchandise and attend all dees games sitting in the MCC.... That still brings significant benefits to the club, adds to our attendance and merch sales.

For those attempting to argue that an MCC membership doesn't offer value...you are kidding yourself. There's 180,000 names on a waiting list that disagree with you. Last year I attended around 35 games at the G, which included 2 prelims and the grand final...plus 2 days of the test.

Yeah, good post, and one that isn't as myopic as some of the others in this thread.

Really, what does it matter if I buy a membership or not?

I support the club through other means, such as attending games and buying merchandise. That's how I choose to do it, largely because I don't want a membership that doesn't offer me a great deal. That's just my opinion, and I'm sure there are others floating around this site who hold a similar viewpoint that don't have the nuts to say so. Either that, or they just purchase a membership anyway so they don't feel inadequate amongst the clowns who choose to brand people as fairweather fans if they don't have one.

As Junior pointed out, all levels of support should be welcomed, and to me, those holding an elitist 'if you don't buy a membership then you're not a true supporter' mindset are morons.


Yeah, good post, and one that isn't as myopic as some of the others in this thread.

Really, what does it matter if I buy a membership or not?

I support the club through other means, such as attending games and buying merchandise. That's how I choose to do it, largely because I don't want a membership that doesn't offer me a great deal. That's just my opinion, and I'm sure there are others floating around this site who hold a similar viewpoint that don't have the nuts to say so. Either that, or they just purchase a membership anyway so they don't feel inadequate amongst the clowns who choose to brand people as fairweather fans if they don't have one.

As Junior pointed out, all levels of support should be welcomed, and to me, those holding an elitist 'if you don't buy a membership then you're not a true supporter' mindset are morons.

Unfortunately, I live in the real world.

Where member numbers are a badge of honour (or dishonour) for clubs.

Without the MCC/MFC donators that give money for nothing OUR club would have 25,000 members and a hell of a lot more pressure on us.

We do a great service for this club, over and above the merchandise we buy from Brunton Ave.

We'll be happy to have you.


Maybe we should keep that in mind when we have the opportunity to give that $50 or $160 donation.

Or more...to keep the kids happy. :)

...the amount of stickers I find laying around the house...&^$!


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