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Cam Bruce Captain?


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Coll - Nick Maxwell - tipped to be appointed

Carl - Chris Judd 24

Ess - David Hille

Nick Maxwell will be 26 next year. Matthew Lloyd is Essendon's captain and David Hille will be 28 in June 2009 anyway.

Judd is a superstar of the game, and Carlton had a dearth of leadership.

That said, I wouldn't have a problem with McLean being named captain. Wouldn't have a problem with Bruce or Miller either. Green doesn't seem (on the available evidence) to be rated enough of a leader by the rest of the players to get the job though.

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Brilliant, non thinking Jaded! So we appoint a younger player to preside over the seniors. Try that in the Armed Forces. Admiral of the Fleet goes to a 22 year old. Yeah, that would inspire all the older, longer serving sailors. What about appointing the school Head Prefect from Year 9? That would really impress all those in Years 10, 11 and 12. This might seem nonsense but basically that is what you are suggesting. Your boyfriend Brock will get his turn IN DUE COURSE. (When he has earned his stripes.) To maintain team harmony you must give the captaincy to a more senior player in the group. Can you think of any really young AFL captains at the moment? I certainly cannot.

Your defending of Bruce is becoming more abusive and inappropriate than almost any "anti-Bruce" post I read. I'd take a deep breath before posting next time.

By the way my post was in reference to ALL our senior players, but then if you weren't out there just waiting to target anyone who says anything less than glowing about Bruce, you'd know that.

Our numbers are firmly skewed towards a young list, and a strong capable leader will lead at any age. Was Neita the oldest player on our list when he was appointed captain? Doubt anyone had issues respecting Judd or Cousins or Carey when they were given the captaincy.

IMO we have to start building a group, a unit, and that starts from the top. Appointing an "in-between" captain who is a so-so leader because we're too scared to bite the bullet and go for someone a bit left of centre (Miller) or someone who is still learning (McLean), is going to be a disappointing move in the face of all the progress we've made since the end of 2007.

For that reason I hope that neither Junior, nor Bruce nor Green are appointed as captain. However I do think that we should entertain the idea of having co-captains, by possibly paring a senior player (yes, even Bruce :rolleyes: ) with a younger leader, thus making the transition smoother.

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Guest Golgothan
Brilliant, non thinking Jaded! So we appoint a younger player to preside over the seniors. Try that in the Armed Forces. Admiral of the Fleet goes to a 22 year old. Yeah, that would inspire all the older, longer serving sailors. What about appointing the school Head Prefect from Year 9? That would really impress all those in Years 10, 11 and 12. This might seem nonsense but basically that is what you are suggesting. Your boyfriend Brock will get his turn IN DUE COURSE. (When he has earned his stripes.) To maintain team harmony you must give the captaincy to a more senior player in the group. Can you think of any really young AFL captains at the moment? I certainly cannot.

That's hilarious. If you're making analogies between the military and footy, i would think that admiral or general would be reserved for the coach and that Colonel would be a better comparison for an AFL captain, as they're the ranking field officers. And i think you'll find that there are plenty of Colonels and Majors that are younger then the men they are commanding. Some people enter officers school and would come out as an officer in their earlier 20s, a much higher rank then regular soldiers who could've been in the army for years.

If you can't respect someone who's younger then you, then you're a sad, sad person. I'd hope that our players are a little more mature then that. Respect in football terms comes as a mixture of things, not just experience or age.

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Guest Schtacker
That's hilarious. If you're making analogies between the military and footy, i would think that admiral or general would be reserved for the coach and that Colonel would be a better comparison for an AFL captain, as they're the ranking field officers. And i think you'll find that there are plenty of Colonels and Majors that are younger then the men they are commanding. Some people enter officers school and would come out as an officer in their earlier 20s, a much higher rank then regular soldiers who could've been in the army for years.

If you can't respect someone who's younger then you, then you're a sad, sad person. I'd hope that our players are a little more mature then that. Respect in football terms comes as a mixture of things, not just experience or age.

well said - that military comparison is the textual equivalent of fesces

in our particular army there is absolutely nobody in the upper bracket who deserves to lead and only one possible candidate in the young

seriously I will absolutely do my block if anyone other than McLean gets it

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The question is not who will captain the MFC in the long term but when he will captain it.

12 months ago Brock was involved in 2 high profile altercations overseas and then a few months later was banned from parking his car at Trinity as a result of some fairly immature behaviour. So to answer the question as to when he will captain the club a further question needs to be answered. Do we think that in less than 12 months Brock has matured enough to take on such a high profile leadership position.

In our quest to rebuild the club and attract sponsors I could think of nothing more damaging to the MFC right now than if Brock was appointed captain and then was caught up in more of these types of situations.

My view is that there is still some risk associated with Brock being appointed captain at the moment and he needs to work hard on getting his body right and playing great football and if he keeps his nose clean then the captaincy will follow.

In the meantime, get off Cam Bruce's back. He has been a great servant of our club who has been a consistent performer for many years. He has his faults of course, but as already has been mentioned he had the players support for the captaincy and I dare say they know a little bit more about the character of the man than we do.

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I am going to "weigh-in" and give my two bobs worth on this whole fiasco....

If Cam Bruce is made captain of the Melbourne Football Club it will only be for one season..... Yes.... ONE season! The football club is rebuilding and I believe this to be the wrong choice (but who am I to know how things run in the inner sanctum). If I was Cam, I would flat out refuse the position! He of all people should realise that he is not a captain's a-hole..... If Cam wants what is best for the future of our club, then he will put together a short-list of better candidates for the job!

We will.... mark my words.... be more of a laughing stock in the eyes of the AFL world if this appointment goes ahead... A captain should be recognised as a quality player, great leader and tough SOB! Cam Bruce may well tick the first two boxes, but he sure as hell is not a tough SOB! And for all those who would like to prove that there are other captains in the league that are not tough sunza [censored], then by all means, try!

This club needs a leader who will stand on the front-line with the rest of the Melbourne army and be our Mel Gibson from 'BraveHeart'...... Not a bloke who skirts around the edge of the battle field and picks up the ammo that others have dropped on the ground!

Fair dinkum MFC.... Work it out!!!

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I actually think the outside football world would be surprised if we chose anyone else but Bruce. His reputation is very good from what I here from other supporters and the media. It is a choice out of him or Green for mine. They are the only ones who seem to deserve it and have shown they can succeed in that position. No one else has done enough to earn it. Maclean has potential for sure, but I think needs to be concentrating on his own body and form. Leave the added pressure and work that a captain does to those who have shown they can play through a full season maintaining solid form.

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If I was Cam, I would flat out refuse the position! He of all people should realise that he is not a captain's a-hole.....

Unfortunately ego plays a big part in football.

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They are the only ones who seem to deserve it and have shown they can succeed in that position.

Bruce & Green? Really? Enlighten me....and save yourself the finishing 1st and 3rd in the B&F jargen!

No one else has done enough to earn it.

McLean hasn't done enough? What else do you have to do?

Maclean has potential for sure, but I think needs to be concentrating on his own body and form. Leave the added pressure and work that a captain does to those who have shown they can play through a full season maintaining solid form.

Even Bruce & Green had inconsistent seasons. Bruce finished off the season better than he started, and Green vice versa.

McLean would have been that far in front after Round 14, its not funny.

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My choices in order

1. Brad Green

2. Brock McLean

3. James McDonald

Nobody else should even be considered, though Jared Rivers would be a good choice if he was ever healthy.

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Yeah, Rivers is a tough nut... and loves getting under the skin of his opponents...

If he could put it together for 20 rounds out of the year, then he'd be a monty to be in the leadership group (in this squad, anyway)...

The only issue is the potential that's always hovered over his head that he might go home. If he gets an AA gurnsey as CHB this year, and is made skipper next year (or stand-in this year) it doesn't look good if, after a good season, he feels the price would be right for him to go home...

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We want a captain who puts in 110%, bleeds for the red and blue and doesn't expect any less from his team mates. e.g Green, Mclean, Moloney, Macca etc.

But also has the balls to let them know !!!!!

Answer = Captain - Brock Mclean

- V/Captains - Brad Green & Macca

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We want a captain who puts in 110%, bleeds for the red and blue and doesn't expect any less from his team mates. e.g Green, Mclean, Moloney, Macca etc.

But also has the balls to let them know !!!!!

Answer = Captain - Brock Mclean

- V/Captains - Brad Green & Macca

When I see "bleeds for jumper" or "bleeds for the red and blue" in deference to one player over another its a sign to switch off comment. Its tripe.

FWIW, I have seen Brock, Green, Moloney and Macca play some good games. I have also seen them play some shockers where they have not put and the coaching staff has picked them up for it.

Its Juniors last year and if 2008 was anything to go by, he gave his all but he is struggling to hold his own. No Captaincy.

Moloney has missed so much football through injury and his year last year was patchy. Lets see him make it as a player.

Its leaves Green or McLean. IMO its McLean by a smidge and Brock has alot to prove in the role as a player and leader. Green frm all reports is a great guy but not a leader amongst the players.

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That's hilarious. If you're making analogies between the military and footy, i would think that admiral or general would be reserved for the coach and that Colonel would be a better comparison for an AFL captain, as they're the ranking field officers. And i think you'll find that there are plenty of Colonels and Majors that are younger then the men they are commanding. Some people enter officers school and would come out as an officer in their earlier 20s, a much higher rank then regular soldiers who could've been in the army for years.

If you can't respect someone who's younger then you, then you're a sad, sad person. I'd hope that our players are a little more mature then that. Respect in football terms comes as a mixture of things, not just experience or age.

Strange that you didn't mention my SCHOOL analogy. Maybe that had no substance,eh? You obviously have a younger boss at work.

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Your defending of Bruce is becoming more abusive and inappropriate than almost any "anti-Bruce" post I read. I'd take a deep breath before posting next time.

By the way my post was in reference to ALL our senior players, but then if you weren't out there just waiting to target anyone who says anything less than glowing about Bruce, you'd know that.

Our numbers are firmly skewed towards a young list, and a strong capable leader will lead at any age. Was Neita the oldest player on our list when he was appointed captain? Doubt anyone had issues respecting Judd or Cousins or Carey when they were given the captaincy.

IMO we have to start building a group, a unit, and that starts from the top. Appointing an "in-between" captain who is a so-so leader because we're too scared to bite the bullet and go for someone a bit left of centre (Miller) or someone who is still learning (McLean), is going to be a disappointing move in the face of all the progress we've made since the end of 2007.

For that reason I hope that neither Junior, nor Bruce nor Green are appointed as captain. However I do think that we should entertain the idea of having co-captains, by possibly paring a senior player (yes, even Bruce :rolleyes: ) with a younger leader, thus making the transition smoother.

Where did I mention Bruce's name in my reply. You had better read posts more carefully next time. I assumed you meant ALL senior players on our list and that's how I answered.Your comment that my defending of Bruce is abusive is very illogical indeed. And I thought that you were a student of some kind. So by defending him or any other Melbourne player I am being abusive? Can you please tell me which of my posts I have done this? I don't expect an answer but one never knows. I also wonder about your actual experience in PLAYING the game of footy. All the theories in the world won't be a substitute for experience on the field. I only wish our umpires had been former AFL players as is the case with many of our cricket umpires. Knowing the rules is simply not enough!

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Where did I mention Bruce's name in my reply. You had better read posts more carefully next time. I assumed you meant ALL senior players on our list and that's how I answered.Your comment that my defending of Bruce is abusive is very illogical indeed. And I thought that you were a student of some kind. So by defending him or any other Melbourne player I am being abusive? Can you please tell me which of my posts I have done this? I don't expect an answer but one never knows. I also wonder about your actual experience in PLAYING the game of footy. All the theories in the world won't be a substitute for experience on the field. I only wish our umpires had been former AFL players as is the case with many of our cricket umpires. Knowing the rules is simply not enough!

Your reply to me was condescending and rude. Calling someone a non-thinker and claiming that Brock was "my boyfriend", is an extremely childish and silly way of bringing across your point. Furthermore, as you seem to follow me around this board, replying to any Bruce-related post, it's pretty obvious you only got on your high horse because Bruce's name was involved.

And what on earth does playing football have to do with understanding leadership? I deal with leadership issues everyday in my studies and my work (and have taken various leadership roles in both). Besides, it is not a prerequisite of this board that you must have played the game to comment on the game. When was the last time you pulled on a Melbourne jumper? :rolleyes:

I also bet that I have a far better understanding of the army than you, so please, get off your moral high ground.

If you don't want to hear me or other posters' comments on issues relating to Bruce, place us on the Ignore List, or better still, stop reading.

I can assure you that this is going to be the very last time I engage in this idiotic and pointless Bruce debate with you, particularly as I have not expressed any offensive or inappropriate opinions, so you can stop wasting your time (and mine).

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