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Everything posted by jazza

  1. dont panic big fella 4 points in the bag see you there, im going to be the one in the blue and white stripped shirt
  2. worsfold: had the players and never made a move in his life. never needed too, didnt draft pace and is now paying for it. no thanks eade, no thanks ratten. yes please
  3. youve got to remember big fella, most people who post here have NEVER ran a footy club theyve got no idea its an unpaid 50 hour week and nobody wants to volunteer to do the dirty work we know they are angry, its no excuse to put krap on good people who are doing thier best maybe the boards not up to it, but im sure they are not trying to drag the club down buy a thick piece of rope to chew on for the next 3 years
  4. interesting years ago our local club was terrible for 3 years with my best mate as coach, over many beers we decided our list was rubbish and would wait for juniors to come through next season brought a new coach which nobody liked btw he gave us these stupid new ideas and said we could compete with the rest of the league i still didnt like him , he got me bf s job, buuuutttt, we did compete and the closer we got the more we won amazing what a bit of confidence will do and a coach who cares and makes you feel wanted
  5. your not rude, its true he has to play average listed players, thats all hes got he needs another pre and more muscle and miles into some junoirs the draft should get us 4 players until then hes got to play gravediggers
  6. how about better napkins at the food stalls
  7. had a chance with 50 media waiting like hyenas outside last weeks board meeting all he had to do was go out before the meeting and announce there will be no changes to the fd instead no statement was made and the press titilated themselves all day and caused emotion overspill a good leader would have cut off the media spin by making a pre meeting statement , ending any speculation btw firing arrows at jgk doesnt make you a good leader
  8. second quarter right in front of me , i sadly watched him drop the head in a marking contest AGAIN not sure whether thats confidence or gutz
  9. yep i will take anything also so yesterday to my wifes surprise i didnt spill any food on my shirt imagine the look in the bosses eyes when i finished the pie without spilling a drop best game for me this year
  10. not really, im just bored and thought id sling a bit of mud gotta milk in a tic and wanted to leave some bait
  11. peacock wasnt mumbling he had a mouthful of caviar and was trying to wash it down with the VAT69
  12. 16 days 3hours and 14 minutes why do you ask
  13. thin ice redleg, very thin ice get him saty
  14. settle down jgk used to be the TOP BANANA
  15. i said there were some minor problems on and off the field i agree that some of those are being fixed by the current FD i also agree that time is needed to see the results of these what happened in those last 6 games is still being paid for whats the real answer idunno but fighting among ourselves is not one of them
  16. ok, i will do this as best i can last 6 games 2011 the board had a chance to fix some minor problems that were quite evident on and off the field as i sat there with my best mate , we both commented this last 6 games will be the turning point , it6 was pretty obvious what the problems were and i was happy in the knowledge that it had come to a head and would be fixed asap so here are 2013 and the same problems have arisen which couldve been fixed re last 6 games 2011 and now were back again with supporters arguing , members turning on each other and ex players putting in there 10 cents as ive stated many times recruitment , management, fd, player satisfaction, and supporter redeement all could have been solved with a little bit of leadership and knowledge instead were back here disliking each other AGAIN
  17. to be quite honest, our club has meandered into average and accepted average for to long this current situation will hopefully create a murderous atmosphere which should bring out the best and help our club become strong again. i dont know if JGK is the answer but i do know we need a strong vibrant and take no prisoners type of leader to walk in and start the ball rolling. with swift and decisive decisions, weve seen how carlton hit rock bottom and out of thier shame comes g.williams s kernahan. pratt. they go and get the best recruiter. footy manager . club manager, and now supposedly coach WE NEED THAT TYPE OF PERSON to take control and make sure every appointment is right hopefully september will be our starting point for the future of all fans
  18. saw mark mclure on telly last night and he reckons its the last 20 years of bumbling thats got us to here, which i agree i think at the moment we are in big trouble and the longer this parody takes to play out the more conviction people with have to make a strong club again starting from scratch, moving deck chairs today will keep us buried in manure for many years to come the ox may have some good points but not in public please
  19. ox could go to the board and say lets end this madness and geta reasonable answer from them he could gather a group of exceptional dee people and confront the board he could send out a letter to dee members he could gather a group to challenge the board at years end interesting? my dad always said close the door of the krapper and dont let people smell your >>>>
  20. 1876 broughman spotworth the 3rd cost us a pretty penny that year
  21. kkkrap we are in a bad position because of choices made dont compare us to anybody else just report facts fact were rebuilding fact, it will take a little time fact like all clubs people will come and go fact some players on all lists are not up to it fact stop making up figures and comparisons fact stick with the club or rack OFF
  22. it would be better if you started a thread about collingwood and see how long it takes to turn into an anti neeld thread
  23. hang on lets get this straight , if a player improves its not neelds coaching? if a player has gone backwards its neelds coaching?
  24. think your wrong SATY most posters enjoy your honesty and inside knowledge keep up with the great work i think most posters would love to see a honest speech about the future layout of the club more than anything ps, will i get in trouble for thinking YOUR wrong?
  25. quote of the week by david king neeld must be sacked hes just not up to it no evidence no reason no damaging rumuor
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