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Everything posted by rumpole

  1. Ah yes ... the innuendos and lies spread. Germany's propaganda minister during the war was Joseph Goebbels. His policy was that if you repeat a lie often enough the ordinary punter would believe it. There have been lots of unsubstantiated stories about CS. Now it's the $80k desk. Next week it's going to be the fact that he kept a dozen concubines holed up in an office near the Long Room. I agree with this People get a grip. These stories are becoming more and more ridiculous!!!
  2. Sorry but that line from Caroline Wilson simply beggars belief. It serves her argument well but doesn't hold water on a number of levels. If the Age sports reading public accept this then they believe in the tooth fairy and Father Christmas (sorry kiddies). What an absolute disgraceful piece of reporting from someone so senior in their newspaper! Shameful.
  3. The Jay Clark piece of scuttlebutt mixed with conjecture comes from one of the HUN's lesser journalistic lights and demonstrates that there's a dirty little game being played out here. Fancy dredging up the departure from a young developing club of Junior, a 34 year old veteran, and Bruce, only a few years younger, who has had five games with Hawthorn this year thanks to injury? Whatever you might think about whether this pair should or should not have remained at the MFC in 2011, the decision to retain players considered to be past their use by date is a matter of club policy that is as far out of the thinking of most youngsters as Rooty Hill. Would it play a part in a 20 year old's decision making as to his playing future? Please, give me a break!
  4. Hmmm, conflicts of interest, compensation issues ... very, very interesting. I can see this panning out in some learned legal counsel's chambers or a courtroom if things go a certain way.
  5. I sincerely hope our Board doesn't have the same negative attitude as you have on this. Every case is different and WJ has put a strong case as to why losing someone like Scully at such an early stage of his career would warrant more compensation than for someone at the end of his career. Pick 15 or 16 is not adequate compensation for the #1 pick.
  6. WJ, you make too much sense. I would give Davey the job on either Betts or Garlett. If he's tagging then he can't be tagged. Agree with Gawn, Howe & Morton.
  7. We need a strong key forward badly.
  8. It's virtually irrelevant who you put into the forward line if the team continues to play the way it's been going lately. We move the ball so inefficiently and poorly out of defence that we make the forward line almost irrelevant. We need a new direction in coaching. That's all.
  9. Somebody should ask Eddie McGuire about Murphy. He knows exactly who's signed contracts with GWS this week.
  10. Tomorrow's lead article in the HUN is about why the Bombers missed out on drafting Ryan Schoenmakers.
  11. Bill Barham, Paul Goss and the Cockatoo- Collins twins. There's a few dud brothers right there!
  12. Bloody Collingwood. One more goal and we would have moved ahead of Essendon on the ladder! Now we have to sweat it out and beat the Eagles by more than Essendon beats Gold Coast in Round 6 !
  13. Many of the Directors are professional people who would only have acted if they had legal advice saying that what they were doing was appropriate and above board. The deal was above board, full disclosure was made and it was a win win for both parties so I see no reason why we need dwell on this any further.
  14. Round two: Melbourne injury list Robert Campbell (achilles) - 6-8 weeks Troy Davis (thyroid disorder) - ongoing Jack Fitzpatrick (foot) - test James Frawley (shoulder) - test Jeremy Howe (ankle) - test Kelvin Lawrence (hand) - test Jordie McKenzie (groin) - 5 weeks Cale Morton (hand) - 1 week Tom Scully (knee) - 3 weeks
  15. And that's how it should be because Jake is two years and two months older than Max and in ruckmen's terms that's a hell of a lot of development time he's had ahead of him.
  16. Sad to say but no club will touch him now. It's over.
  17. Let the commentators say whatever they want and let's hope that the rest of the world believes that rubbish. BTW - a bit harsh on Strauss who is just finding his way in the game.
  18. Anyone hear the late Sandy Denny sing that song? Absolute goosebumps!
  19. The AFL is going to give Brizvegas salary cap relief to allow them to sack a player who is recovering from depression but has been silent on what concessions it might allow clubs if their own creation GWS pilfers 19 year old players from other clubs with AFL money. Conflict of interest anyone?
  20. Three Demons in the All-Stars squad: Jamie Bennell, Aaron Davey and Liam Jurrah. Obviously, they won't play on Thursday morning.
  21. ... and Al Jazeera is running with the one about Osama Bin Laden's imminent appointment as GWS public relations officer.
  22. Agree with that. We can't punt on Campbell as our senior rookie upgrade unless he's 100% Depending on what happens in the NAB Cup you'd think either Nicholson or Newton would get the nod.
  23. Well blow me down with a feather but please tell me Brett Ratten hasn't signed his death warrant as a coach by declaring that Carlton has embarked on a ruthless pre-season campaign aimed at making the players tougher mentally and physically - Ruthless Blues. Is that not similar to what Neale Daniher promised but failed to deliver some years ago at Melbourne. Ratten needs to carry his ruthless approach through because the word on Lygon Street is that the Blues are likely to have a new coach next year whose initials are M M and I'm not referring to Mickey Mouse or Marilyn Munro.
  24. Congratulations to the Whites - twin boys born today!
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