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Dee Zephyr

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Everything posted by Dee Zephyr

  1. Not really a fan of driving to Casey but willing to leave on the Friday before the North game just to beat all of you there. They will let us in, yeah?
  2. Dee Zephyr


    Cowboys, Colts, Steelers
  3. Missed it all so updates really appreciated. My favourite part was Brown mentioning Spargo as one of the players he’s looking forward to working with up forward. ✔️ for lil Spargs.
  4. After last night’s hit telecast of the draft they should also televise the announcement of the fixture. Round by round, 10 minute intervals in between. Ask the captain how they feel about travelling to Perth round 1. Almost Christmas and not a single fixture stuck on the fridge, feels so wrong.
  5. Dee Zephyr


    Raiders, Cardinals , Browns
  6. Dee Zephyr


    Steelers, Packers, Chiefs
  7. Dee Zephyr


    Seahawks, Texans, Steelers
  8. Dee Zephyr


    Titans, Colts, Buccaneers
  9. Was almost a replica of last year’s prelim between these two. Cats dominated the first half again and should have been further in front at the main break. Some unforced errors by the Cats early in the third quarter enabled Richmond to catch up quickly and proved costly. I enjoyed the contest and made better by a decent crowd. Those lucky enough to attend were treated by one Dusty Martin. What a champion!
  10. Dee Zephyr


    Browns, Bills, Chiefs
  11. Good for an early morning laugh, some of the comments are funny. “I heard when they unrolled it 10 Victorians jumped out and made a run for it!”
  12. Gutsy mark by Sam Walsh but MOTY??? Not sure about that, saw at least half a dozen better marks during the highlights for each round’s votes.
  13. Very sad to hear, been through this once ourselves a few years ago and I thought once was sad enough. At the time I felt a little numb and wasn’t sure how to handle it until I realised how hard it hit my wife. Just being there and supporting is all you can really do in tough times. Best wishes to the Jones family.
  14. Dee Zephyr


    Cardinals, Rams, Colts
  15. Bad option by Kelly to handball inboard. He had players loose on the outside.
  16. Dee Zephyr


    Saints, Seahawks, Ravens
  17. Not so sure finishing 7th in a B&F vindicates the ‘Blunder’ of letting Frost go. Wish him well but I don’t think using this is a strong argument considering the OP doesn’t give credit to the bloke that finished 3rd in our B&F.
  18. Wow @Macca, my idea? And because I’m an ‘original’ I should force people to add extra picks? Wadda suggested something, some didn’t like it and that’s where it ends for me. Was fun while it lasted here, good luck for the spring mate. No hard feelings.
  19. Firstly Macca, I don’t class myself as an original here. I have not suggested we add extra picks. All I did was put my 2c in and say I didn’t mind the idea. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with people making suggestions. Some will like them, some won’t. You and others have made the points of why you think it should stay at one pick each and they are valid points. I also said I’m happy to stay as is which is what most on here prefer, so there’s no need for me pick to pick a race, organise everyone and get to it.
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