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Bluey's Dad

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Everything posted by Bluey's Dad

  1. Sorry I should clarify. Higher resolution shot of Robbie. That one is a little blurry, looks like it came from a newspaper. Finding higher resolution shots of him has proved difficult
  2. West Coast must be tanking by recruiting Moreton then? And by extension, by offloading him, we are showing that we're serious about trying to win games? Can't possibly be tanking if we got rid of him!
  3. Since this investigation prompted all this to come to light, if we are found not guilty, can we charge the AFL for bringing the game into disrepute? One could argue that even the investigation itself has done more harm than those it has been targeting. (clearly sarcasm, just wanted to indicate that the whole 'bringing the game into disrepute' charge is extremely subjective and could be more damaging in of itself)
  4. Or maybe easy access causes that culture to arise? I suspect that both feed off each other, enhancing each other to an obviously detrimental effect. Let's hope that their government can sort out this mess. Not only would it save lives, but it would demonstrate that the government is capable of reaching a consensus when lives are at stake. The realist in me says that that would be extremely unlikely though. I don't know if you read my post a few pages back where I spoke about an American friend who kept assault rifles 'in case his neighbour wanted to bulldoze his house'. I lost touch with him years ago, but over new years spoke with some friends who didn't. I turns out he and his house-mate were arrested for growing large amounts of weed. He told my mates that when the police came to the door, he looked over at his rifle and his first thought was 'is this the day I finally shoot a cop?' I never knew he thought like that. Scares the crap out of me that I knew this person, pretty happy he's no longer in my life.
  5. Wish I could watch youtube at work, looks interesting.
  6. Indeed, see my post about Walmart above. Access is a massive issue.
  7. There was a thread a while back where Andy was taking submissions from anyone who wanted to design a new one. Personally I like the old to new theme on this. The only change I would make would be a better shot of Robbie, but a lot of us looked and couldn't find one.
  8. Apparently she attempted suicide twice before. http://www.theage.com.au/world/hoax-call-nurse-was-depressed-friends-20121223-2btl9.html
  9. My parents took my brother and I to Disneyland when I was 11 and he was 9. Had a brilliant time. Space Mountain was the best. I had such a great time that my wife and I had our honeymoon at Disneyworld in Florida :D
  10. Oh I forgot, I wanted to tell this story. A few years ago I was speaking with a friend who lives in the US about guns and things. I was shocked to find out that he owned 2 assault rifles and an automatic handgun. I asked him what possible use he could have for such an arsenal. He looked me in the eye and said "Because if Bob from next door ever comes over here with his bulldozer and tries to destroy my house, I can take him out." He was completely serious. He legitimately thought that his neighbour might destroy his house with a bulldozer, and his solution was being ready to kill him for it. After a lot more disturbing conversation, he and I came to this conclusion: When an American looks at a gun, he sees safety and security. When an Australian looks at a gun, he sees danger. I later showed him the stats on gun deaths in Australia following the legislative changes in 1996. He was astounded and had trouble believing what I was showing him. His media tells him that our gun laws just shouldn't work. The reduction in gun deaths due to our gun control laws just don't make sense to an American who owns a gun. After all, if a gun makes you safer, how could it be possible that a country that destroyed thousands of them would be safer following it?
  11. I read an article the other day that said that the largest seller of guns in the US is Wallmart. [censored] WALLMART. Think about that for a second. The place that sells the most guns is the place where you take your family to go grocery shopping and fill up your car with petrol. Guns are sold by untrained minimum wage workers who only man gun sales part time. Guns are not stored securely, because it's [censored] WALLMART. Hardtrack is right - removing easy access to guns is the first step. It's too easy to just go to the local Wallmart and swipe a gun when the teller isn't looking. It's just shoplifting. No one should have access to guns in such a stupidly easy way. It's not like Wallmart recruits gun experts to man their gun counters like a professional gun shop would. Minimum wage workers are unlikely to give a crap if the counter is unsupervised and don't have the knowledge to be selling them in the first place. Below is a link to a blog dedicated entirely to Wallmart Shootings. Shootings where people go into Wallmark, either buy or steal a gun, and immediately start shooting. http://walmartshootings.blogspot.com.au/ That blog makes me physically ill.
  12. A good Android tab will do all of those things. They get a bad rap because Andriod is an OS and can be used by anyone. So you have lots of cheap Chinese products in the market that aren't well built. Apple controls both the hardware and operating system of their devices, whereas Google does have its own products but lots of other companies use Android too. Getting a name brand like a Galaxy makes a huge difference. Mine has not crashed since the ICS update and the Play Store got a whole lot more useable. I agree, it used to suck balls. I haven't tried a Nexus Tab, but they look amazing. Since the hardware is by Google it'd be optimised for the OS. I've never had a virus, but I've installed a virus scanner that checks all my apps before download. Google's requirements aren't as stringent as Apple's, that's definitely true.
  13. I read that one of the notes says she was critical of her co-workers at the hospital. Anyone calling for her colleagues to get sensitivity training or something? Sounds like a perfect storm of factors to me, not one soul reason.
  14. Judging by this it looks unlikely that the call was the soul cause of the suicide. May have been a contributing factor though, I wonder if they will release the contents of the notes.
  15. I find Apple is really restrictive which is why I prefer Android. I won't use them simply because I don't want to get sucked into their eco-system. Stuff doesn't always 'just work', but I can choose my own media source. Not using iTunes IMHO is the best feature of Android. I have a media pc I stream to the tablet with VLC and network shares. Works really well and didn't require much set up at all. Can't speak for home automation because I'm poor and can't afford to have my tablet open my front door (as much as I would like to).
  16. I have a first generation galaxy tab 10.1 and to be honest was a little disappointed when I first got it. Since then though, it's gotten a MASSIVE operating system upgrade (ICS 4.2 I think) and it runs really really really well. I love the thing now and it goes with me everywhere. There are also a lot more apps on the store now than when I originally got it. It is a *little* on the heavy side. If I were to buy a tablet now, I would get an 8.9 inch Galaxy Tab instead just for the weight. I don't have the 3g version since it can use my phone's internet connection and that works pretty well. I have no complaints on speed using my phone's 3g nor wi-fi. I can't speak for on-board 3g because mine doesn't have it. Demonland works really well on it, although the browser for some reason doesn't have a spell checker and I'm not really good on the on-screen keyboard so I need to recheck my posts for spelling when using it. I'm sure this could be rectified by a browser add-on and a new keyboard app but haven't looked into it. The mfc website videos for some reason don't work with the built-in browser. I can hear Kitty from Progressive Car Insurance talking but I can't see her face . I haven't tried an alternative browser. Most websites I can use without an issue in the world. I think the browser by default is set to display mobile versions of websites, I just changed it to desktop because it looks and operates fine on a tablet. I use it a fair bit for gaming and there are lots of fun choices if that's your cup of tea. Haven't used it to read e-books because of the weight, but probably would if I got the 8.9 inch version. Mine came pre-installed with Amazon Kindle but I haven't used it. The inbuilt gmail app is fantastic, as is google drive. I use ABC iView a lot. I was surprised that there wasn't an app for it, but if you go to the iView website, the browser has flash so it works fine. A few times when the boy is hogging the TV watching the Wiggles I've just sat down and popped on some ABC on the tablet so I can watch him and a show at the same time. Overall would definitely recommend it, and they are only getting cheaper.
  17. Yep, that's exactly what I was talking about before. Better technology means more choice. Hopefully that means more people will choose not to listen and the FM stations will need to adapt or die. So we may get the result of having less crass entertainment broadcast without having to legislate to get that effect. I wonder how their ratings stand right now compared with 10 years ago? I would have thought lots more people would plug their mp3 players into their cars and listen to those than before. Or maybe rating don't take those people into account but they just look at who is listening and divide the numbers in, not the whole population including who is NOT listening. In which case their numbers would in theory look good, but less people in reality would be tuning in. I would suggest that retaining the youth market is an issue that keeps companies like 2day FM up at night. I guess like newspapers, they may start to become redundant.
  18. Lol, I'd rather listen to a shitty FM DJ than Andrew Bolt any day. At least I can laugh AT the DJs. Bolt just depresses me with his divisive whining. Unfortunately, yes, there are a lot of people who like to listen to FM DJs crap on. I can only hope that with the advent of internet radio that their ratings will suffer with the increased choice people will have.
  19. Gawn tap down to Viney, clearance to Clark then goal. Repeat all season. Buy Mrs Choke a wheelchair.
  20. I'd like to dpos, but I'd just be repeating myself. I am however more than happy to post mocking images and memes in place of counter-argument, since actual argument in this thread is no longer constructive. This will at least achieve our primary aim (as stated earlier) of entertaining Biffen wherever possible. Hopefully H_T will split the thread, so that the people who were originally talking about the drugs issue can get back and have their say, and our little detour will be relegated to the gulag that is the general discussion forum.
  21. Reminds me of one of my favourite reaction gifs :D Is anyone else waiting eagerly for another HG update? Thems good readin'.
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