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Everything posted by Philthy

  1. Can somebody confirm if it's swirly conditions out there? 7.13 isn't a great scoreline and could hurt us in season proper.
  2. I like the idea of Port Melbourne, plenty of space to develop a top notch facility!
  3. I can't wait for next weeks episode and hope we get an insight to the struggles Vanders has endured during his career.
  4. Nailed it! I believe there is some ruckman called Brodie Grundy who had 73 Hit Outs and 10 Clearances in a prelim....team still lost. Is Gawny an important player? Absolutely! But he is by far, not our MOST important player.
  5. Likewise.
  6. Loved the Wizard growing up! By far my favourite player and was absolutely heartbroken when he went to Freo.
  7. Can't believe i forgot about Oskar! Needs a huge 2020.
  8. I see your 36 and counter 33 Like Uncle Byron and the Wizard.
  9. This!!! How many speedsters did if Hawthorn have during their 3 peat? Isacc Smith and that was about it.
  10. Fun fact, they are actually from Edenhope and went to St Pats College here in Ballarat. Not Ballarat boys per se. And no....we shouldn't trade Tom
  11. Who cares if we end up with Pick 2 or 3? At the start of the year, we would have all been expecting a pick in the range of 16-18. Instead, the club got ahead of itself, players turn up unfit and well, the rest is history. Anybody who thinks we have been screwed by the AFL because GC get pick 2 need to take a good hard look at themselves imo, If this club actually stood for something, we wouldn't even be discussing the possibility of getting an early 1st round pick!
  12. This was some rubbish rumor posted by some Nuff named Stu on his Melbourne News page. It's complete BS!
  13. Max Gawn should be the captain of the MFC.
  14. Bad news my friends (and I really hope my source is wrong) Work with a bloke who is par of the Fremantle talent pathway and would be VERY surprised if Kobe Farmer doesn't elect to go as a father son for Freo ? It's only "his opinion" but after seeing him on the news in Freo colours the other week, I think our chances of getting him are slipping away.
  15. Want to Happen. With the season being a complete write off, I don't see any value having Lewis play.
  16. OUT: Viney (No need to risk him) Lewis (Thanks for your service) Petty (Injury) IN: Weid, Baker (Much needed run) , JKH (Although not part of our future, VFL Form warrants selection.)
  17. My Assistant Coach Wishlist Blake Caracella/NIgel Lappin Adem Yze Brendan Bolton Fitness Guru- Darren Burguess, sign a blank cheque and let him name his price! Would love for the club to get Brad Green or Neita in to work on Goal Kicking too
  18. One thing I noticed in the Goodwin extension is how much the boys love him.
  19. What an absolute [censored]! WTF did he keep Son of Shaun out there when clearly he was injured? Can't wait to see Misson GTFO.
  20. Can this thread be closed? Waste of time even asking the question!
  21. Does anybody else find it amusing we are 208 pages into a thread and we still don't have an official word if he is staying or going?
  22. Fumble king....it's a no from me.
  23. I would really like to see Hunty played on the wing or as a defensive forward.
  24. I don't believe we can trade our 2019 1st rounder as we have traded our last 2 1st rounders.
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