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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. The board member I have spoken to has two first names

    If you can't name the person why give this clue. A cursory glance at an AFL club's website, out that way shows who it is. Better not to give too much away, even if by accident.

  2. Sad news for Trenners as well as whatever deal we were going to try and do.

    In terms of his injury I saw on his twitter feed people telling him to talk to Hird, suggesting he came back after 2 years out with same injury to play career best football? Dare to hope?

    Hird had that Shane Carter guy helping him...yeah, the one who sourced TB4 for Danks from China.

    Trenners would be best served staying as far away as HIrd as possible!!!

  3. He is so professional he possibly went too hard when Richmond put him thru his paces. Jack probably needed to get back to full fitness on a gradual training program, rather than face a full-on fitness test which is probably at 'playing fitness' level.

    Whatever footy holds for you, you will always be a champion guy for how you carried yourself at MFC under terrible conditions. Good Luck young man.

  4. Ok...if we are to play GNF's guessing games..which clubs need to upgrade their round 1 picks.

    1. Hawks gave pick 19 for O'Rourke (their 1st live pick is therefore around 40).

    2. GWS seem likely to give up up pick 4 for Griffen (their 1st live pick is therefore low 20's)

    3. Brisb and Adel if they give up their respective picks 5 and 10. Adel more likely as they need some youngsters because of 2 yrs of draft bans.

    4. Sydney, if the AFL trading ban on getting players in this year and next then they may want picks

    5. bombers need picks and us DL don't want any of their players but our recruiters might.

    If one of GNF's players has not been mentioned before then I would guess the A grader is coming from the Hawkes!!! If I'm still guessing the other A grader is coming from GWS (maybe the 'downgraded' one if Plan A doesn't come off).

    GNF, if you have been muted and we figure it out you will be in big trouble with your source for giving away those initials.

    If the initials are just a redherring to confuse us DL's then we will mighty peeved as well!

  5. It just shows there's a wealth of talent up there at GWS, just waiting to be pillaged. Shiel, Treloar, Coniglio, Greene, Cameron etc.

    Not only pillaged but they will have to let some go soon as they still have to accommodate Smith, #1 pick Whitfield and #2 pick Kelly and of course they still have HWSNBN running around. Unless some of those are converted to HF or HB players which I doubt...too talented...better GWS cash in now. Afterall that is the reason they stockpiled so many mids with early draft picks. I have my money on a trade with GWS for pick 3 and 12 +/-.

    As an aside, I have to chuckle about a pick 3 trade. As of late Thur afternoon the club announces it will go to draft with picks 2 and 3 and on Fri Trengove tours Tiger territory and all of sudden pick 3 +/- is potentially off to the tigers. Have to admire the poker face way the club is playing its cards!

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  6. The ASADA saga is entering Bizarroworld as Hird continues his hopeless battle alone in the Federal Court and the players are seeking closure ~ ASADA to reissue new show cause notices to 34 current and former Essendon players this week

    It may well be the case that the lawyers will push the significant no fault provisions but it's a risky proposition at best because there are strong arguments to suggest that the players were partly at fault in accepting a drugs regime involving thousands of injections when signing onto it (remember the "waiver" notices).

    Moreover, the players will surely also miss out on any discounts for co-operation if they argue in the tribunal they are not guilty, lose and then try to cut a deal.

    Their best chance is to cut the deal ASAP if one is still on the table or available, hope that it's fairly lenient and that WADA also looks away as it did with the NRL (and the differences have already been pointed out).

    The other hope is for some form of political intervention which is always a possibility but unlikely even with scenes like this from earlier in the season.


    Reminds me of when, after the Fed court hearing Little talked about going to the pollies to find a way to make it 'all go away' and ended up with much egg on face!

    WADA was relatively gentle against pollies in NRL commentary. I hope WADA would go ballistic if pollies interfered again. This would have to be a hot potato for Abbott (and Costello)!

  7. Bit harsh to assume Trengove just plays for the money.

    For mine the issue is that he has shown great loyalty to the club through some terrible years. If we don't return that loyalty and allow him to honour his contract then how can the club ever ask players to show loyalty to it. Reality is that by just not saying no to the Tigers but instead putting the offer to him we've effectively said we want you to accept the trade.Of course thats if you accept that the trade is a Tigers suggestion...

    I'm with you. Its a bit hard to argue its a tigers suggestion. The club having said: '...all players are tradeable! pick 2 and 3 are on the table! bring us your offers...!' we can't then turnaround and say...'we haven't shopped x player around, its just that y club made us an offer'. Making all players and picks tradeable is effectively putting them up for sale!

  8. That midfield gets you in the 8

    Dreaming...key 'midfielder' missing! A ruckman! Jamar is getting on and no else is yet ready to step up. We won't get to the 8 without an equally good ruckman in the 'midfield'!

  9. Not only do I not want to see Jack go, I choke on the thought of letting Coll have 2 first round picks! 3 and 12 is vastly different to the Lions offer of 5 and 23! I just choke on the thought that Coll benefit so much from being bloody-minded in trading. Would almost rather it be any other team that benefits from 3 and 12!

    Beams isn't worth 2 first round picks in his own right...what's more he had his own injury problems - he was out in Aug when they thought he had done his PCL. Turned out he didn't but who knows if his injury problem will return.

    If it has to happen maybe 3 & 12 for Beams and Lumumba!!

  10. "...The Demons are aware he is a popular and loyal figure and remained coy about whether the deal would eventuate..." "We said after our last game to our playing list that we would look at all avenues to improve our list. Richmond came to us with a potential deal, Jack is aware of this and all parties will now take some time to consider our options," a Melbourne spokeperson said.

    So does this mean there is no super deal brewing?

    There is some hope he might not go... :rolleyes: Back to my glass of red...

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