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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. PJ's reaction had a 'no-comment' element feel to it. Disappointed?

    While we have a really difficult draw in rounds 4-7 it opens for us after that. So feeling optimistic for a much better year. I'm delighted we have the ANZAC Eve game and hope it becomes an annual event. This game is a big plus for us.

  2. Trengove - Navicular - Season

    Gawn - Meninscus surgery - ?? - A great unknown, you can play 3 weeks later after a clean up or miss several weeks

    Vince - Shoulder surgery - ??? - Depends if it was a full reco or some other surgery. Given Vince's high fitness base it shouldn't be significant

    JKH - Mystery demonland injury - return date unknown

    I would reluctantly add Jesse. All the talk is positive but he didn't finish the one game he played to manage his game time and he didn't play any part in the next Casey game. Have niggling doubt on how he finished up. Hope the medicos have learnt from their poor handling of him in the practice games early this year. Will sigh with relief when he has played out a few full games be it Casey or AFL.

    • Like 2
  3. I was at Edwins cafe outside aami this morning. Jetta, Hogan, Viney and one other i didn't recognise were having a coffee. On face value i really thought hogan would have been a bit of an introvert, but to my surprise he seemed to be the loudest person in the entire place (Censored he's a big boy!)

    I had parked across the road from the Tan and was getting out of my car at the same time as Frawley. (Gave him the cold shoulder, I'm sure he was offended!)

    Looking like he's dropped a bit of size but looks extremely fit à la Brian Lake

    So, he takes it easy last year, then gets the big coin and decides to put in some effort and get fit!! Shame he didn't care enough to do it with us...

    • Like 3
  4. our ruck coach is Greg Stafford and I also think we need someone to help the forwards but Chris Dawes and brad miller would be pretty good for the young guys. I hope that we get the OX down in a part time role.

    I would be more comfortable with someone who has had forward line coaching experience. Dawes will be busy just getting his own game into shape and Miller wasn't such a stand-out forward. Ox would be good for nous and skills - talked glowingly of the work that Robbie Flower put into his kicking for goal.

    With Hogan coming in, good small forwards and some goal-kicking mid-fielders I feel it is time to seriously beef-up our forward coaching expertise, IMO.

  5. That isn't what I am saying at all - I am saying that your utter rejection of players a 'phantom' picked 2 WHOLE PLACES LOWER is utterly ridiculous and maddening.

    The MFC gets to choose any player bar whoever is taken at Pick 1 and we are not confined to the 2 or 3 players these Phantoms say we should select.

    Totally agree! In fact the only real interest for me in the draft is to see what 'rabbit we pull out of the hat' at 3. Will be surprised if it is not a surprise!

  6. That is a bit of a sensitive point, deefrag. It was certainly far more recently than ours

    Unless of course, if Ess were stripped of their last flag, in the year 2000 it would magically become our flag!!!! So, the 13th is already done and dusted!

    Nope, when we win the 13th I want it to be fair-and-square so they can keep their last flag (even tho hey didn't win it fairly)

  7. Had a look at our coaching panel and it is:

    What interested me there isn't someone with forward line play/coaching experience. (Our website said Mcpherson played in defence/midfield for the Swans). I think we recruited a part-time ruck coach but couldn't find him in the 'Staff' listing so the ruck part is covered, if he is still with us.

    No disrespect to our coaching team but I wonder whether we need another forward coach to work with McPherson as our coaching team looks a bit weak in that area. I for one would like to see another experienced, forward coach (but i don't want to see all the ex Geelong players follow McCartney to the Dees).

  8. The Ess injection pattern matching TB4, players knowing TB4 on the premises etc no wonder Hird wants the ASADA/AFL investigation be declared unlawful!

    The players may get off lightly but if they are suspended at all and unless Hird wins the Fed court case he is gone and he knows it!!

    Isn't that what we all really want (even Ash 35 perhaps) to see Hird get his due and hopefully wipe that horrible smirk off his face...

    • Like 1
  9. If Mahoney says that Wright is "around the mark" and Roos has previously suggested that we won't take Wright then you could be forgiven for thinking that either Mahoney and Roos don't communicate, at at odds or something else is going on.

    I can confirm that we are "into" other players with Roos himself having very recently conducted interviews with the players and families.

    This appears to be the 'Roos Trademark'. He includes families. The first thing he did when appointed coach was jumped on a plane to visit Jessie's family. Also Salem(?) before drafting. Stretch and Brayshaw more recently?

    He gets family comfortable with their son coming to the Dees (no we won't stuff his career Mr & Mrs ...) and understands the players home life etc... I think we will see very few 'want-to-go-home' and more 'committed to AFL level footy' players at the Dees.

    Over 3-4 drafts Roos will have selected about 30 new players. Therein lies the culture change!! Roos goes up in my estimation every day.

    • Like 4
  10. Josh Mahoney told @TheRunHome the Dees have narrowed down their potential draft list to four - Petracca, McCartin, Brayshaw and Wright.

    Hmmm...that isn't what I heard. I thought he said we've narrowed it down to 3 or 4. Just said StK will do what is best for them and we will end up with 2 mids or a mid and and a tall but wouldn't be drawn on names...

  11. If that is the extent of the likely penalty, why in blazes have they been dragging the team through the mire for so long? They just need to respond claiming innocence and then when penalized piously say "don't accept we were guilty, but the best course for our players, supporters and the AFL is to take it on the chin and move on".

    Because a golden boy idol threw his mate, David Evans, under a big bus to try and save his own skin. Evans would have had it all wrapped up at end 2013 and would have accepted club ousted from the finals, coach suspended, club fined $$ and draft picks without much ado. Had it run its course players would have missed a few games in Aug/Sept 2013, preseason 2014 and (maybe a few in season 2014 games).

    Now ASADA/WADA will try and throw the book at them (we hope). Irony: James Hird did not save his own skin!!!! Fool!!!!

    • Like 1
  12. How is this possible? What is stopping us (or any other team) from offering a 2nd year player a huge contract to reject a contract from their current club and then sign with us as a free agent?

    It works only when the club delists the player but if the player refuses to sign a contract and resigns from the club he isn't a DFA and therefore can't choose a club. Risky for a player to refuse to sign contract, hope he gets delisted so he can be a DFA and go to club of choice.

  13. Lucifer just out of curiosity where did you read about ASADA being unable to use the ACC evidence? I had not heard that before.

    I cant remember where or much of the detail, felix as it was quite early in the piece. The gist was that ACC has far reaching powers and can collect info from any source (eg bikkie gangs) via unusual means (eg phone taps), seizing computers and records, raids, commanding phone records etc but apparently there are strict controls on how that info can be used and how/when it can be shared with other gov't agencies. Edit: forgot to mention-I think ACC interviewed Danks very early in the process so have collected more 'facts'.

    Other DL's may be able to confirm (or otherwise) via there general/professional knowledge etc. Dees2014 seems well informed on ASADA/Ess subject so he might also be able to add to the info sharing thing.

    ps big fan of felix the cat felixthecat4.jpg

    • Like 3
  14. Bit of a surprise that we had so few players traded out and only 2 (3 if Tapscott goes) primary list spots. Guess we expected to trade out a few players which didn't happen. I suspect the lack of trade-outs wasn't for lack of trying. If contracted players get delisted we will know our list management hasn't gone to plan.

    BTW we can probably take an extra rookie as we are allowed 4 which I'm guessing we will do in case Jack Trengove goes onto the LTI list. So atmo we have 2/3 primary list spots plus 2 rookie spots.

  15. GREAT NEWS! Looks like we will get the ANZAC Eve game vs Richmond:

    "Richmond and Melbourne also appear to have been successful in their joint push to play each other on the eve of Anzac Day, with the Tigers hosting what both clubs hope will become a regular fixture on the night of April 24. Next year that game falls on a Friday night". http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/tigers-to-play-14-home-and-away-games-at-mcg-in-2015-20141023-11at1h.html

    Would love to see Eddie's face as he vigourously fought this suggestion!!

    Would expect us to host in alternate years. Really excited for our club on getting this fixture going! :rolleyes:

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  16. I believe that the idea of delisting him and then rookie listing him would have to be based on mutual agreement between Jack and the club whereby his existing contract would be honoured in full.

    Is this allowed? I thought if we delisted Jack (or any other contracted player eg Evans, McKenzie, Bail) we must payout their contract on delisting. At this point 'normal' AFL rules re DFA or draft nominations apply. Happy to be corrected.

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