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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. It’s a disappointing figure at 6-0.
  2. ok i 100% know i’m dreaming now. 6-0 had me wondering... but a nibbler appreciation thread on DL surely gives the game up. i’ll play along for now, but don’t think i’m not fully aware of which reality is which.
  3. I’m with you Nasher. I feel their pain. It won’t stop me enjoying a smashing win and laughing arrogantly at their ineptitude should that eventuate . But part of my heart knows far too well the territory they’re in.
  4. I, for one, am both confused and disorientated by this... i want to know what the hell is going on
  5. i’m not sure about the “ best list” when i think about the schwarz, lyon, jackovich era. But it’s def the most united, fittest, team orientated one. that undefinable team thing that’s SO hard to get we now have. We’re officially in the premiership hunt!
  6. We’re going to find out if we’re a serious contender tonight . We can all see we’re at least a good side in 21. maybe even v good , and i’ve enjoyed that much. Whether we’re elite and genuinely in the hunt this year is a deeper question and the answer I reckon will be obvious by 3/4 time. Hoping fr a cracking game and for this question to be answered in the positive whether we win or not! so pumped! go dees
  7. Think i’m correct in saying that the last time we started 6-0 ( if we win sat eve ) was also in 1965. edit: snap P2J
  8. Thanks for keeping us in the loop SWYL. I shouldn’t compare the two, but getting an elite home base would feel almost as good as winning a flag! If BC were to come on board and help with that in someway, then brilliant.
  9. Stoked. he’s SO important to the club and carlton u can just go [censored] off!! I wished he’d signed fr longer tbh but I appreciate coming into FA he’d be looking at a monster contract. gotta get the job done in the next 3 years or our window will be gone. now or never dees!
  10. I reckon the hawks may play Frost on Fritsch ( try saying that quickly) and not cover Jackson so strongly. If that happens he’s going to need to stand up , hold those marks and kick straight to throw the tactical game back our way.
  11. Feel the same about Daw. Just feel he’s going to have some important role to play at some stage. I know you can’t pick and choose full backs for different opposition, but against Lynch or McKay ie the monster forwards, he’d be my go to over Petty.
  12. Re comparisons of Dean and Lyon . I used to think the same. He definitely did seem to look and move like Garry at the time ...which was and is still a massive compliment. Losing him was a real blow back then. He was a dominant force in the 87 finals series with only something like 20 games to his name. A cruel blow.
  13. Agreed and you can probably add Brisbane into that mix too. My hope is in the sense I have that this team is still gelling. Kozzi just getting into full flight , Jackson emerging, Brown yet to play and clearance tactics that seem way more refined and flexible. So I agree, right now we’re not looking like a team that can play at the level of the top 4 or 5, but there’s at least a chance we might be by seasons end.
  14. so what your saying is, its a simple process?
  15. I’m all for a more evenly fixtured comp and the 20 team idea would give us just that. The current biased draw sets up all kinds of inequities that I hate! i grew up with 12 teams and 22 rounds , one home one away vs all teams. I still miss the sense of justice in that. Top 12 is daft. Just go for a top 10. Don’t think teams below half way on the ladder should be included in finals. Tassie deserve a gig. not sure where the other team come from. maybe a third from WA or SA? Anyway I seem to be one of the few that likes this whole idea in general.
  16. Great write up, and a good read. ? I was watching last weeks geelong v Hawks game, hoping the cats would win fr two reasons. 1./ The style they’re playing is slow and outdated and I don’t think they’ll beat us with it in 2021. I wanted them to win so they would be encouraged not to change it. 2./ Despite their first up loss i feel like they’re still a cocky team who’ve drunk a lot of success. Fair enough if you’re richmond or west coast but they’re not in that sphere anymore. i reckon they’re an team on the cusp of a big fall. Id like them to stay falsely cocky fr one more week and get barrelled by us. I feel a bit insane saying this but im going the dees by a lazy 45 pts plus.
  17. yep. that’s 3 weeks in a row i think we could have won by 10 goals plus. It’s a happy complaint to have fr sure though isn’t it. we’re 3-0 and I still feel they have another whole level they can get to. Its not just our 4 outright guns of gawn, petracca, oliver, May anymore. lever is bk on, Langdon must be close to AA, Salem and hunt have both been a revelation to me so far, Kozzi and i could keep going. plus the contested ball stats and new found leadership from the box. Starting to get genuinely excited but the game on Sunday will reveal a lot re fantasy vs reality fr me .
  18. Could be. 3 -0 is a just massive start...and creates something in a club. Its so close, just hanging there like low lying fruit, waiting to be taken. hoping the dees are up to it.
  19. feeling this strange, unfamiliar, sensation of match day confidence. Don’t be concerned fr me though, I’m sure by the time the game starts it will have worn off.
  20. An interesting stat isnt it. For some odd reason I watched Buckley in his post match interview, and he was asked all about this. Mentioned Gawn a couple of times in his response saying dominant rucks are easy for the opposition to nullify or counter. Pointed out the real advantage they were looking for Grundy to give wasnt his hitouts but his precense around the ground. Feel like we're in much same arena w Gawn re players on both sides setting up to read his taps.
  21. Agreed, especially re fritter. he’s soooo tense when he kicks. you can see that a mile away. Needs to find the right relaxation/ tension mix. atm he’s just trying too hard and he’s losing his natural flow. hoping someone is getting in his ear and helping him in this way. but it was the same last year too. he’s out an out elite re marks inside 50... but it may be time to move him further upfield for a stint. or fr stints within quarters. release the pressure valve a bit.
  22. Bullies looked unbelievably good tonight didn’t they?! so clean when it really mattered. We’ve pretty much got the raw materials to compete with these teams i reckon but we feel wasteful and out of tune atm. Hoping we find our real flow and finish.
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