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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. intersecting DS. A big call fr selectors coming .
  2. I think many of us feel similar ways. we need a frikn home base... where exactly it is ( within reason) feels like a secondary concern.
  3. They were an old side with little or no improvement left in them during the season. They got injuries, other younger sides went past them and then they lost the magical ingredient ... confidence. Its good to remember what happened to them though I think. Things can go south very quickly for reasons that would have been hard, if not impossible, for them to foresee at 9-0. We don’t yet know what challenges we’re going to be thrown or what our ability to adapt to them will be. But we’ve started well and history is ours to write now. I just pray it’s good reading and not another depressing chapter!
  4. 4. They just lost a game they really should have won and they know it. We represent an immediate second chance to grab the scalp they just missed and reset their season.
  5. not so fast. i’d love u to be right but imo the tigers are faaaaar from done.
  6. you must have some great stories. Glad you’re around.
  7. Was hard on Sat eve with the ball being so slippery. He dropped a few he'd normally swallow whole.
  8. Interesting. A semblance of fairness at least.
  9. centre clearances were 17-4 against! I wonder how long it’s been since ANY team has been beaten like that in that stat. When you think about the quality of the players in there ( three probable AA’s) it’s just hard to fathom. I look forward to seeing our positioning and % of wins in the centre evolve!
  10. He really is. So loose and fluid in his movements. He can do it all, on the ground and in the air. Still feels to me he’s not getting the media attention he deserves. somehow he’s still not in contract next year.
  11. I’m with you on this. Viney is an inspirational player but was not a great captain and i’ve got a sense CP5 is in the same mould, fr different reasons. reckon he’s maybe 5 years away from a position like that... if ever. He seems like he’s everybody's mate and that’s great to have around a club as he’s probably a type of glue between players. But i don’t see him as a captain... no disrespect to him saying that as nor is dusty either. Got to let players be who they naturally are I reckon and let them do what they do best. i think captaincy is far better suited to someone like Lever.
  12. haha..Love it. Fritta free to play, CP5 signing in long term. maybe I will join you on that bathwater express. At least until Sat evening...
  13. i think mills was off for the rest of the game though. and frikn yay! go fritter.
  14. Hate to be depressing but I think reality is about to drive through our top of the ladder party. This is the 3rd time they’ve sat at the top since 2004 , the first 2 were fr just a single week and i’m afraid it may be the same in 21. we’re missing Fritsch, arguable our most important fwd, viney a midfield bull and gun and tommo. Tommo on his own isnt a gun like the other two but his abcense throws out of the dynamic of the strongest part of our game. So we will be unsettled both back, fwd and perhaps in the middle . This while we take on the side placed 4th , with 2 of their real guns returning, coming off a major win. I hope i’m wrong but i see a 5 goal loss coming. The coaching panel with the additions of Yze and Choco has rightly gotten many accolades this far. But they’re about to face their strongest tactical challenge in 2021. we’ll soon see how much or how little has changed in our culture when the winds are blowing hard against us.
  15. It’s the truth of it. We know we’re a good side. But If we’re going to really challenge we can’t be worried about the opposition being at full strength. We’re on top and we are officially the hunted. Hopefully the boys will be up fr the big challenge of 1 v 4 on the ladder. The dees are back on the big stage and all these types of pressure games are great experiences for the younger players.
  16. Petracca is having a great year. I don’t mean to downplay his importance but he’s also not beyond criticism. His set shot kicking for goal has gone back to where it was a few years ago and needs attention. looks like he can’t decide whether to run straight in his run up or take advantage of the stand rule of the mark and run around and the confusion to me is visible, He got called to play on at least twice today caught in that indecision. His misses haven’t hurt us yet but i’m hoping someone is talking to him.
  17. so you're saying theres a chance :-)
  18. FFS...should know better. Can understand he was upset but should know better. On the positive even a suspension wouldnt affect him.
  19. Brilliant! 2 Friday night games in succession. Dees back in the limelight.
  20. I’ve been thinking the same and would be terrible lose yze so soon. Time to start hoping the pies finish 9th not 15th.
  21. how often do just casually just run into big max???
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