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Everything posted by demonoid

  1. Big men on long-term injury list I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not but it looks like the big fella is out for another eight weeks. My calculations are that three rookies can be elevated. i would say Nicho, Magner and maybe Kel Lawrence if Davey doesn't come good.
  2. I don't believe ess can use them till the following year like us
  3. I thought it might have been a bit of a curve ball. Maybe his suprise is from the fact that they are working on getting him over and he was thinking how the heck does this bloke know. I reckon i am giving myself a little too much credit here but who knows.
  4. It was a great interview, I thought. They spoke about Aaron and he said that he knew exactly what was expected from him this year and what his role will be. Spoke about the facilities at AAMI and said they were top notch. Nominated Bater as a supercoach smokey. There is something he loves about him. Also Tom Mac will get games this year. I called in and asked him about a bloke he worked with at Collingwood who developed world class software to analyse stoppages. This software is now being looked at by NBA clubs and more. I know this bloke is engaged to one of the back office girls at MFC. I think he was a suprised by the question and suggested that perhaps I was in someway related to the guy. Perhaps, many times removed. I hope he can try employ some similar program or get the guy himself. All in all I thought it was a good interview.
  5. many thank many thanks- still getting used to posting protocol.
  6. oops beaten to it- great report though so deserves to get in twice
  7. great report over on ology from todays training. Anybody else get down for a look and have anything else to report?
  8. Was actually referring to the team as a whole and what neeld sees as the way forward to bringing a winning culture back to the club. If I don't have trust I don't have much. Will endeavour to be clearer in the future so as to avoid all those sentimentalists.
  9. Can't say that we have enjoyed a great deal of success over the last 13 years. There is a saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it". I say if it's broke lets get in the mechanic.
  10. been away from my desk and gasped with shock to see that this thread was still alive
  11. you seem to be a bit of an expert on all these topics therefore i suggest you pick up the phone and call the club to offer your assistance. As a Long suffering Melbourne supporter i find this the best time of the year as we havnt really done anything wrong yet. Enjoy the time and give the boys a big pump up. If we are in the same boat come seasons end i will indeed share your frustrations.
  12. Neeld said after the Sylvia incident that he had a clean slate and that indiscretions in the past meant nothing to him. So we then have to assume that moloneys demotion from the LG had nothing to do with his late night out. Don't we?
  13. Good on you long suffering. Refreshing to hear a dees supporter get behind one of our own
  14. at least the two of them are better than nathan thompson. I dont need to know that he doesnt like the look of stuart macgill.
  15. McLardy's manifesto Don't know if I will be driving home all that thrilled after a loss
  16. demonoid


    i dont care if the bloke turns out to be a serial killer as long as the clubs win games. its not a popularity contest.
  17. 31 is conspicuously missing......
  18. Maybe BOM are back on the radar and we are sniffing out the $100k. http://webapps.bankofmelbourne.com.au/thelocalproject/ a little is better than none
  19. Nice work trenners. some reports the other day that clarke might have sustained a slight hammy niggle last week. I know he was in the rehab group but how did he appear to be moving?
  20. Can someone remind me whether Brent Grgic was involved in the Moloney trade. If so, why is not more made of this triumph?
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