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Return to Glory

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Everything posted by Return to Glory

  1. Kennet can spend more time worrying about his own team
  2. Did cross my mind too Mrtwister
  3. Cook and Taggert back in - I'm almost more interested in their progress than that of the Dees this week - almost. Cook named in development side as well?
  4. What's this crap - 'Dr, your forum future is in your own hands - put up or shut up - answer the question or seal your own fate ...' How about you just moderate.
  5. Old 55, how the hell can you be a moderator when you insist in abusing and bating Dr Who and at the same time telling us that you want a quality board. Resign or lift you're game. Moderator does not = obnoxious know all.
  6. I don't mind him - sorry. Gerard Whately is the best imo
  7. It's not a big statement at all when one reads your posts. I don't wish to offend you though as you're posts may become even angrier.
  8. WYL, no you're not. You're rabbiting on about heroin dealers in Footscray and how much you hate the MFC
  9. Bing 181 - that's a good summary of Cale's performance. He spoilt his performance with clangers....but showed we should perservere without doubt.
  10. Sloonie, it's not accepting mediocrity, it's merely stating that this was our best effort so far and there were positives. If you want to list every single negative feel free. We all know there are worries and I was p###ed off that we lost again. But come on man
  11. Dee - licious, I agree with your comments entirely. It's all about game time for these kids
  12. Add Sylvia and Jurrah, as was said earlier, and we look a great deal better. I do think Trengove is struggling but it will come.
  13. Stop!!!!!!!! This was our best performance for the year CLEARLY. Seriously, we played the game out and, you know what, Morton was ok. Some of you need to get a grip. It's as if you can't wait to bag the crap out of your own side.
  14. What I will say is that, at least he's accurate. I'm watching my cousin's son play (Luke Parker) and of course, want him to do well. So far, Commetti has called him Kieran Jack 4 times. Just gone half time.
  15. Ta Jackaub, I guess I've witnessed some horrible muggings of my beloved Dees in recent times as well. So yeah, there's a link there as well
  16. In respect to the Senior players playing in a 'mickey mouse' competition, it can actually sometimes be harder for a forward as the delivery is often up and under.
  17. I'm normally up with the up and coming players but beyond Viney I'm not really clued up re this years highly touted players. Who are they talking about re top picks next year?
  18. Jnrmac, you're a very angry, some would say too angry man. cale Morton is not responsible for all of Melbourne's woes. I thought he did ok today to be honest.
  19. martin is tremendoudly out of form and is miles away from the form of mid last year
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