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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Frank Walker from National Tiles-Bazooka.
  2. I can get the job done with bolt cutters but young jack doesn't actually owe me money so somebody will have to stump up the surgery costs. Stump up... Sometimes even I'm amazed at how funny i am.
  3. Poor Bloke. I'm not a golf fan but a boy from Shep who made good in a rich kids sport and a demon to boot-what's not to love? praying for a miracle for him.
  4. Prohibition doesn't work. The title of the thread is misleading.Only the clubs leaders have made their decisions public at this stage. I will say this. I have associated with Dermott Brereton more closely than is necessary for any decent human. Two things he will tell you. Not one Hawthorn premiership player drank in '87 or '88 for the whole season. He got up after the hit against Geelong with a punctured lung and broken ribs to send out a message that he would not be beaten. He is a great root. Ok three.
  5. Kyle Sandilands,his druggy mates, some billionaires,1.5 million Chinese "students", half a million Lebanese ,a few fashionistas and a handful of non cocaine using decent people.
  6. Unless it's on the subject of serial killing ,I never take people from Adelaide seriously.
  7. take in water before you get too mentally retarded.
  8. That WAS fun! Unfortunately it's time for me to stab my cuticles with hot pins and then soak my fingers in lemon juice mixed with chilli.
  9. That's not true, he's alive in Brazil with Hitler and then the real Paul McCartney was killed in a car accident and Elvis actually disappeared off the coast of Portsea and 9/11 was an inside job . Ask Dieter.
  10. I don't come here to be insulted. I can go anywhere for that.
  11. He knows nothing about football Ethan. I only pay attention to the big hitters.
  12. It's clear Wayne has not consulted ET#Trade-breaker.
  13. Funnily enough I was just reading about people exploring the depths of our sewerage system and who should pop up but you.
  14. This Thailand cave drama is intriguing. Apparently the Catholic church offered to help rescue the boys last week with their own team of divers . When the clergymen stated "It may take months to pull them safely" the Thai govt began to look at other options.
  15. Lewis should slot in nicely and the slower pace might suit his game.
  16. Since Queens Birthday our glaring weaknesses have been leg speed and defensive pressure. Frost ,Garlett and Smith are pretty quick. I thought Smith had a fair first half. VDB got 16 tackles in the reserves. Spargo goes alright but he has limitations. Lewis had another mistake riddled game. If Vince and Lewis aren't getting pushed out we are not moving forward.
  17. What a pair of arse cheeks. The swear jar might be full by half time. FMD.
  18. In my day we would go for a spot of seal spearing under the tundra and then warm up with a bit of nude langloffing before we took the oval. Kids these days.
  19. Better prepare the hipsters for some backward fashion sense and some filthy manners Ethan.Uncle Bitters and his pants will be entering the building.
  20. Stalin wouldn't hear a bad word about it. I've got Georgia on my mind.
  21. The lads are roasting up nicely. Unfortunately someone bumped into the Merc whilst I was putting some essentials on your account at the grocer.
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