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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Cant say I miss the smelly dunnies.It's the one area where sanitisation of the game has taken place for the better. Otherwise it is now a corporate game full of absolute b*llsh!t from all angles. As far as characters go-I think we may have a few coming throught that are a bit shy of showing themselves till we start winning . I hope we get to see Max Gawn strutting his stuff-he seems like a good character as he had the sense to vomit in Scullys bed when he was wasted. Ohterwise-it's robot like out there.
  2. The Eighties were OK. I remember the Drake sponsorship period as a meteoric rise from crapsville to within reach of the Grail. Pity Hawthorns plane didn't go down. Did I just say that? That's terrible. I'm ashamed.
  3. How about.... 1 Motivation Street. Championville. 1111
  4. Luke Ball tried really hard to get into the Melbourne Club but the Window was firmly shut.
  5. No ,my support is conditional. Every year I lay out my conditions to the club in a written document for the season entitled: Biffs Conditions for season 20--. The club usually responds by written letter agreeing to every one of my demands . The playing group then ignore the club and do whatever they want so every two years I put in a "sack the coach" automatic condition as well as a "sack the skip" clause every third year. Every fourth year I have a "sack the board" clause in my conditions for my continued personal support . In this way I manage to destroy any continuity or longevity of plans for the club and keep it a laughing stock so my friends can give me a stupid condescending smile/ look every time we talk footy or the Demons .
  6. Milne never played Centre Half Back and Nietz never allegedly raped anyone .Theres two good reasons why tiprat should not be mentioned in the same breath as Nietz.
  7. Why would you upgrade Dan Nicholson when he shirked it twice in one match and he can only hit a target in the crowd? He will be lucky to stay on the list for any reason at all.
  8. Keep talking....Don't let the fairytale end there.
  9. Never let a terminal illness stop you from hanging it on people. Although Don Scott was a proud carrier of the manbag from a very early period. One could even call him a pioneer.
  10. I only reveal my sauces in complete condiments.
  11. My favourite sauce would probably be Bernaise, There you go -named for all to see.
  12. Yep-he's a fruit. and he aint no oil paintin' either.
  13. Why stop there? He might have more. Davey to Davey to Davey to the Veteran Viney to Davey..... Goal.!!!!!
  14. Poor Kid-Words will mean nothing to his Mum and Dad right now.
  15. Churchill also-though he fought with other mens lives and lost so many in WWI in Turkey that he got the sack.
  16. Top post Deejammin. Whilst some of our performances this year were uninspiring,our actions off the field have been honorable for most of our history. Pity we cant say the same for Mike.
  17. There is an expression that basically summarizes all the potentialities and the realities . Coulda , shoulda ,woulda doesn't mean anything to me . The expression: It is What It is. Accept it ,move on and grow.
  18. I think you'll be very impressed with the Penski file if you care to take a closer look.
  19. Seems to be an MFCSS favourite past time. Respect the Flash!
  20. Not to mention the campaigns that kept Hawke and Keating in office .and too many Group One races to count . (More Joyous is one of his ponies).
  21. I've watched a bit of Toumpas playing Sanfl on You tube.he already looks the good and"hates" a goal too.
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