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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Send him a bill for legal counsel. 15 minutes at Saturday night rates.
  2. I said could be.. Anyway-I'm not knocking the Armed Services. Never meant to. I apologise for the assumption. my point has been lost.
  3. An assumption sure. A bit like the Campbell Brown thread. Again,it's not a knock ,but could be a valid starting point as to why he might want to knock out 3 strangers with one arm in Chapel St . if you and your dad are well adjusted ,happy and functional ,good luck to you-many vets and their families aren't due to PTSD and related symptoms.
  4. verbal testimony ,first hand witnesses ,diaries etc. The fact that a paper trail was destroyed is also a pointer to their guilt.
  5. It means that his father may have had violent outbursts,drinking problems and or depression and passed these traits on to his son. This is not a knock on Vietnam Vets .
  6. i like the Ross Lyon attitude of "anywhere,anytime'. May take years before we get bums on seats again, but thats up to how well we play.
  7. BGS is the softest ,weakest football school in that comp. Ever. Xavier is usually the best as they have the most boys, a very blokey culture,country boarders etc. I'm not keen on a Brighton lead revival -FFS-unless it's social climbing were are discussing.
  8. Mental case. I remember hearing his father was a Vietnam vet so it's not a great shock. Living in Bali wouldn't help.
  9. It's disappointing that we haven't seen Rihannas Labia come out and make a statement about this. If she stands behind Brown on this then I refuse to look at her speeches again.
  10. Perfect-these guys are not worth the helicopter trip. I've got some bolt cutters as well- in case their toenails need a clip.
  11. We have ways of making them talk. A cup of tea and a biscuit is probably a good start. If they don't talk immediately, threaten to eat the Monte Carlos if that doesn't work then we attach electrodes to their balls and zap the [censored].
  12. What a failure of a bloke . he actually decreased respect for umpires because they would run out with different rules each week and inevitably stuff up. Just leave the game alone-don't tinker,don't adjust,don't modify or change it . Scrap the board and Gollum Bartlett-let them get a real job.
  13. A message to ground announcers everywhere-you are not wanted and not needed . People do not go to the cricket to hear some dickwad with a microphone "hype' the game. Would love to see the one at the G publicly stoned too-with rocks that is.
  14. I hope you are wrong RTG. It would give us all here plenty of joy if James Tird was run through the courts and had his career destroyed in a slow,methodical manner for everyone to see.
  15. Eloquent and to the point. Anyone that calls my phone with a survey gets the same treatment. Tabloid TV presenters are the pits and they need a good belting, regularly. Mal chose his words beautifully.
  16. They need not worry about such earthly matters.their focus must be on the work itself.
  17. Your chakras need balancing . I can read that here is too much purple in your aura. Breathe...
  18. We nearly beat them twice in our worst ever year-so I pity the dogs .
  19. The tabloids should be focusing on Rihannas [censored]-which has been her greatest asset .
  20. Did you wake up the Far Right side of the bed again Robbie?
  21. Did the countenance divine shine forth upon those darkened hills? And was Je Roos Salem builded here among the dark satanic DILLS? (and then subsequently turned into a warzone again)
  22. This is probably THE most important thing Roos will bring to our club. We spend 95% of the time training bodies and their minds let them down when idiots like Neeld come along. This will be the single most important thing Roos does ,and will let the players hit the "refresh"button after a bad game, quarter or week. Essendons attempt at getting an edge through drugs is in stark contrast to this simple,time honoured technique.
  23. Spoken like a Tiger. We may go into the wilderness for a time, but we don't buy property there. Melbourne is statistically a very successful finals performer. Port Power made a nice comeback,so can we.
  24. Must have dobbed on Essendrug about the post draft testing they conducted. Well done son.
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