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Everything posted by waverleyheartbreak

  1. Thanks Sue, 7 are dinosaurs
  2. Stream blocked by a geo location error message in Germany, bugger, but why???
  3. Drop kick, drop punt? Careful you dont mix them up commentators! Oops! Long silence from the others…
  4. Is that the Mornington Peninsula sisso?
  5. Wayne Linton (Fitroy winger) `taught` me 3rd form Biology at Melbourne High in 1978. Seemed a nice bloke IIRC.
  6. right, gave my Sherrin away on GFD to a young local kid. will find another and put it through the big sticks (Pillars)
  7. Still there, although a lot of pressure to build on it. The refugee camp has now closed as they slowly integrate them into the regular community ( Um, unlike Australia but don’t want to start that discussion here!)
  8. That a challenge?
  9. What about Demons in Germany? Am I the only one?
  10. One more sleep. Have warmed the Watch AFL set and cooled the tinnies. The Berlin Dees Shop is ready to go.
  11. As it seems I am the only Berlin Dees fan, I will try to fulfill Andy Bellairs vision of a Dees Fan Shop in Kreuzberg. My boy ( now in the UK at one of the better public schools) can be seen here modeling some of the latest merch!
  12. Oh Louie Louie Louie what shall we do Louie Louie Louie…….we need guidance from Mona and youie, and Hobbo he hasn’t a clue
  13. I was also at MHS for non academic reasons! Captain of the 4ths under the legendary coach Tiger Reid. Still managed to get my HSC but sadly can’t join for the “ 40 years on “ reunion this year as Scomo is making it impossible for me to get back in!
  14. Met David Cordner when he was looking for a job at a wine shop I was working at while he was starting at Melbourne. Didn’t get the job IIRC. Nice bloke
  15. Hi Binman, off to get my Astra in Berlin today, over a 1000 infections yesterday, hope your wifes family are Dees supporters, thought I was the only one here!
  16. Billy Barrot used to do them as party tricks at Oakleigh in his later years, amazing to watch!
  17. annnnd he used to sit on a chair on top of the `Bus Shelter` coaches bench so he could see the game, comitted.
  18. I was at the Springvale ground in the mid 80s when he was coaching my beloved Oaks, at half time someone had locked the Oakleigh rooms so Paul picked up a length of pipe that was lying around and proceeded to threaten to smash the door down. IIRC the key was found pretty quickly. Legend.
  19. Berlin, Germany, thank god for Watchafl...
  20. Reckon about row 15, a bit off to the left. Bloody long time ago now though. We used to get mum to drop me and my brother off on the side of the Mulgrave Freeway and we would climb over the fence, until about the third time we got busted by the police and he made us walk all the way up to Police Rd. Apart from the adventure, it was a crap place to watch the footy and I am glad its gone.
  21. can only be 87, watching us miss so many shots from close in, I was directly behind the goals- shattering.
  22. Berlin with watchafl, born 1964!!
  23. Berlin? send me a PM if Belushis is not doing it.
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