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Everything posted by McQueen

  1. Some photos of Lucas from the weekends Scorps game. If someone would post them as pictures, that would be appreciated. Thanks to Morgans Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=452147954809202&set=a.452123038145027.107763.395528237137841&type=3 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=452147998142531&set=a.452123038145027.107763.395528237137841&type=3&permPage=1 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=452149301475734&set=a.452123038145027.107763.395528237137841&type=3 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=452149408142390&set=a.452123038145027.107763.395528237137841&type=3&permPage=1
  2. I would say that up to a third of the total team of some affiliate teams are made up of senior players out of form, coming back from injury etc. Look at Casey on the weekend. A total of 12 MFC listed players were in that match, 5 of which have played senior AFL footy this year. I've not seen Cook play so I'll refrain from saying whether he is ready or not. Watts looked scrawny and un-co when he played QB 2009. At some stage we need to blood these young men like Cook. A game here and there won't hurt and it will do no harm to his development - injuries aside. Look at all the lightly framed kids that have played for GWS and GC since their inception? What's the worst that can happen to him? Get pushed out of a contest? Bring him!
  3. Moloney out Beams in We need the money to attract high calibre mids.
  4. I didn't know Ricky Jackson was in that flick as well.
  5. I'll challenge you on that. Who has had the better season out of Moloney and Magner? I'd say Magner. For me, this goes to prove that there is plenty of able bodied mids floating around in the VFL busting their gut to have a go at AFL senior footy. Brent's big body and output right at the moment is VFL level.
  6. My initial comment was that if the status quo has not changed by seasons end. I'll stick by that. Cheers.
  7. Jamar was hardly rubbish but I raised my eyebrows at the extension. Hope he and Brent can get back to the clearance duo they once were. Current form....
  8. As I said earlier, I hope he comes back into some great form. I just don't think he can and current form suggests as much.
  9. Maybe you should stop living off his past glory, stuie. Win by 13 goals, last years bnf gets stuff all of it.... Go figure?
  10. Surely he should do time given Mitch is out for the season.
  11. Most of the bodies in the VFL are the same sizes as the AFL. I though it was mainly skill differences. I could be wrong though. Cook = deep end
  12. He was awesome in blind fury with that sword. Would insert pic if I knew how.
  13. He needs to significantly lift his game in order to have a contract renewal. His current output does not warrant it and I'm not prepared to attribute it to Neelds game plan and Brent playing his role. He's struggling to adapt to it. If he really loves this club and wants to see it succeed, he should sever ties and move on at years end if the status quo hasn't changed. While I still hope he can regain form, I hold serious concerns that he just doesn't have the footy smarts to make it.
  14. Be prepared to share it. I'm sure Slooniewhateveritis will choke on it.
  15. And they've continued with the Clown theme to this current day..
  16. Why not? It would be weak of him if he didn't stick up for his team mates. I expect him to being an on field leader/coach.
  17. Once again, our midfield is the greatest concern. Jamar will have to feed it straight down the throat of our boys. I can't see GWS matching our forwards and backs at all. Also, I'm tipping our physicality will be absolutely brutal on Sunday.
  18. All past tanking coaches end up in South Australia. My tip is he'll be at the Power next year.
  19. "Just down for a look, Tom?" ED: Apologies to rpfc.... This is a question.
  20. Hmmm.... 2 years. He would've been exactly what we need. Next.
  21. Unbelievable to see this morph into another Royal bashing thread. Stick to topic.
  22. I hope he gets a few kicks on the weekend. Head Bum Nuts Shins
  23. Adding Steele to the structure would add some real mettle to the playing group..
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