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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. He is the biggest potato going around. Looks like Jenkins but plays like Jane if Jane had one leg. Because Jane is no potato!
  2. Oscar you need to face the ball my friend. I really can’t stress this enough.
  3. TMac down back. Had to happen. Backline was some sort of stick taped mess of NQRs. At least TMac is a big body with some defensive experience.
  4. Harmes on Walker. Inspirational move. God I hate Walker. Such a [censored].
  5. Smith is sore. Has he ever played a full AFL game without being injured?
  6. Gawn to Melbourne is the equivalent of a 10 dating a 2 because she’s “nice”
  7. We are totally [censored] if we keep letting Adelaide get the ball inside 50 because our backline is trash today.
  8. How many years has Garlett not been able to kick set shots?! I feel he’s had 92460 years playing AFL.
  9. We have no backline. Who replaces Fritsch down back? They got Stretch in there too now. Desperate times.
  10. I heard that and Dad and I nearly choked on our tea. You can’t be underrated if you just aren’t rated.
  11. Defense is in the toilet. No wonder given no Lever May Jetta Salem and Hore.
  12. Any risk our defenders get near an opponent today?!
  13. Hate these dumb games. Sadly we play better here than at the G
  14. A behind. Another wonderful display of goal kicking.
  15. Well thank god. Better a dodgy kebab than an injury. Our entire structure is faaarked now. Lucky this season is irrelevant now.
  16. Now Salem out for Weid. What the [censored]?!
  17. What’s on Gus’ arm? It looks like some sort of weird compression band.
  18. Correct. Short memories around here. Jones could have left just like many before him did to chase a flag (Rivers, Frawley etc etc) but he stuck around with this rubble of a club and he deserves to get to 300 even if it means nursing him for the last 10 or so games. To be honest he’s been playing as well as most of our other mids this year anyway and had no pre season. Give him a break!
  19. Surely Joel Smith doesn’t just have a “groin injury” of the stock standard variety. Some more details about what is actually wrong with his groin might make me less worried that our medical team are a bunch of drunk amateurs. Does he have OP?! Has his groin fallen off? What’s happening?!
  20. Cardiac arrest according to news.com Still so sad about this. I would not survive if I lost my mum or my partner. My heart breaks for those kids and for Brad.
  21. Melksham with a setback. I’m telling you right now that anyone at Melbourne who gets a foot injury is basically doomed. Put him on ice for 2020.
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