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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I hope he gets a go next week. Our forward line needs another target, especially if they are going to play Dunn as a HFF. Any word on how Chip went in the reserves?
  2. There are no words to describe the injustice of that free kick. It happened right in front of us, and Junior was clearly looking at Bell when he handballed it. Had he held it up, he would have been pinged for holding the ball. Daniher was right in his post-match conference, the umpires were just NOT in the right position. It was a pathetic decision and it may well have cost us the game. As for that free kick against Neita, maybe it was there, but so was the push AGAINST him by Lade. When things don't go your way, they just don't go your way. This is by far the hardest loss of the year, and I hope that whatever little confidence was gained throughout the match, wasn't lost in the last 2 minutes of the game.
  3. Daniher hasn't destroyed anyone's career, but I wonder how in 10 years he hasn't managed to turn any one of our players into a real star. Also, players like Wheatley for example have gone nowhere when I believe they would have become very good players at other clubs. I hope CJ doesn't end up going down the same path.
  4. I agree wholeheartedly DD, there are plenty of others who deserve the boot ahead of Godfrey. He is an ordinary player, with an extraordinary attitude and application. That, in my mind, beats an above ordinary player who just goes. Having said that, if we're a serious chance at a flag, he won't be getting a game in 2008.
  5. Neither Essendon nor West Coast should have requested help from the AFL to help the players in question cover their medical bills. The clubs and the players both have enough money to do that all on their own, and since both cases are not football related, both should be dealt with by the individual or by the club if they choose to. Having said that, the treatment of Ben Cousins by West Coast and by the AFL is an absolute joke. Yes, he is going through a rough time, but christ he was hardly forced to take drugs. The fact that there have been no real consequences handed to him, further highlights why footballers feel as though they are above the law. Take drugs, go to rehab overseas free of charge, take a paid holiday and come back when you're ready. What sort of a lesson is learnt here? Then again, this is a West Coast player we are talking about here. That club seems to have the AFL over a barrel.
  6. Great news. If all goes well, he'll be playing seniors in no time. He'll probably debut in Round 9.
  7. CJ just can't take a trick. I don't see him in Melbourne next year if things remain the way they are, which would be a real shame. Was really hoping to see Buckley this week, but am more pleased that Jonesy is back. Hopefully there are no late- withdrawals, but I have a feeling either Jones or Bate will pull out.
  8. I'm sure you'll find someone else to debate with. Try picking a child next time... that way you'll definitely beat them every time
  9. Great suggestion. I think this love affair should continue over PMs. Alternatively, I suggest you stop baiting Rhino, because believe me he'll bite and it'll hurt.
  10. I get what you're saying, but Brown's mistake was typical and a good indication of where he is at. CJ hasn't been setting the world of fire, but he hasn't been getting much of an opportunity to do so either. For starters, he isn't being played in his rightful position. Secondly, if we banished every player who got caught with the ball on the weekend, we'd be looking at an empty team. I've seen some of the best players in the competition get caught with the ball, I have never seen any of them choose to kick across the opposition's goals, and then proceed to miss the target.
  11. I read his post, and I know what he is talking about, but I rather not comment. The point is, nobody should be drawing these conclusions based on Robbo's comment. If they do, they are either extremely bitter, trying to back-up their own point of view, or they know more than they are allowed to say.
  12. This thread is hilarious, and completely ridiculous. For those who saw the show, you'd know that Robbo made a passing remark while talking about ANOTHER team and another game. He didn't make a point of it, and he didn't come out and say "I wish my club did the same thing". So nobody here has the right to take his words as vindication for their own opinion, and they most definitely don't have the right to get stuck into Robbo. FFS, how much lower can we get, if we start crucifying our own based on their media performances?
  13. There are so many Johnsons /Johnstons at Sandy and Melbourne. It would be mighty confusing if you were the coach. Another strong showing from Newton might see him get a game next week. Go Juice!
  14. Argh, how does Nathan Brown get another gig in the starting 18, but CJ is dropped to the bench? What will that achieve? His stuff-up last week in front of goal was a clear indication that his career is pretty much done. Not surprised they dropped a ruckman, but was hoping to see Newton instead of Holland/ Warnock. Holland will probably come in and play on Lade and or Brogan. He seems a better match-up than Warnock. Hopefully Buckley makes his debut if one of Jones or Bate don't come up, but I really hope we get Jones back and with it a chance in hell of winning a clearance.
  15. Ha. That is just brilliant. I've had the pleasure of sitting in the middle of the Port Adelaide cheer-squad at AAMI Stadium a few years ago (not by choice may I add). I'm still traumatized by the experience!
  16. Despite the disgraceful amount of uni work I haven't done yet, I too will be there (such a brilliant excuse to procrastinate). At least we get to see Petterd in the flesh, if nothing else.
  17. You sum up our situation perfectly Ash. Getting into the finals but making no impact yet again, does nothing for us. We're forever stuck with middle of the road picks, and no premierships. That is a sure way of never getting anywhere. If we have a complete implosion this year, finish bottom 4, do some serious trading and drafting around the core players we believe can win us a flag (and there are a fair few), then we'll be a big chance next year. Whatever happens, a premiership is out of the question in 2007. I'm sure the club has accepted that, and it will be interesting to see what they do from here on in.
  18. Really? When was the last time that a team who finished 7th or 8th won a premiership? The old argument of "you have to be in it to win it" is a load of crap. Positions 5-8 play finals purely to make up numbers and extend the length of finals action. You could win a flag from say 5th IF the top 4 sides were Victorian and you got to play at home both weeks, but even then, not having the double chance or the week off, makes your chances slim. You can't win a flag from outside the top 4, especially not when the top 4 is occupied mostly by interstate teams. It's very simple really.
  19. Go read Choko's thread about the club function tonight... Ferguson is too slow and too weak. At least Godfrey isn't weak
  20. Well, if nothing else, at least the coach is realistic about some of his players. Not that it takes a genius to realise Ferguson's flaws. I love his courage, but his negatives far outweigh his courage. I'm hoping that Juice hasn't missed the boat with the return of Neita this week. Would be keen to see them drop the extra ruckman (probably Jamar going by what you said), and bring in Newton. The output won't decrease much, that's for sure. <_<
  21. Thanks for the info. Any word on whether Newton might be a chance this week?
  22. So we can keep holding onto our coach, until something better comes along, or we can bite the bullet (hardly though, as it has been 10 years), and give someone else a go. Remember, all great coaches were once just assistants. There a couple of really good candidates in my mind, and a few slightly inexperienced ex-players who I would love to get as assistants at the club. I hope that when Daniher does leave, that he takes his assistants with him. We need a completely new coaching department, hand-picked by our new coach. There is a risk in letting go someone who you know and trust and who has been around for 10 years with a certain level of success. It is better the devil you know, but then again, how long is the club prepared to sit on the fence and say "one more year" or "maybe next year". Replacing Daniher comes down to one question; does the club believe he can win us a premiership? If the answer is no, then what are we waiting for?
  23. Finishing 7th or 8th, and making zero impact on the finals once more (you can't win a flag from 7th), will do nothing for our future. I will never support the club tanking, but finishing 14th or 13th and getting a good draft pick, might be more useful to the club in the long term. I'd love to make the finals, and win a couple, but that is my selfish desire to see us play in September but I don't think it will necessarily do much for the club.
  24. It is a very sensible article, but it won't help Daniher's career. The board will look at his coaching over the past 10 years. They will most likely disregard the first 8 or so weeks of 2007 (as they should), and they will still be left with a 10 year coach who hasn't won a premiership. IMHO, he is gone regardless of how well or poorly we play in the second half of the year.
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