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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. You can be nominated two years in a row, as long you played less than 12 games in the previous year. Jones only played 8 matches last year, therefore he is still eligable. FYI, Jonesy will play his 18th career game on Monday. Gun! :D Edit: damn, someone beat me to it.
  2. I think you need to stop giving so much credit to journalists and media commentators. After all, weren't they the ones who wrote we should trade Bruce just 24 hours before the game? weren't they the ones calling our club '[censored] weak' before the opening bounce? weren't they the ones who didn't actually know who Daniel Bell was until the game was over (and failed to give him votes!!!)? Bruce's kicking is on the wrong side of ordinary, his decision making is about the same. That is not to say that he is not a great player, and a consistent one at that. But to say you wouldn't trade him for a Brownlow winner, B&F winner and premiership captain who is also 5 years his junior, is madness. Also, you have no idea whether he is or isn't coming to Victoria. Your guess is as good as mine.
  3. How is that different from saying "we should debut Newton" or "play the kids" or "we should kick the ball long into our forward line"? We just want what we want... and isn't it a pity we can't all get what we wish for?!
  4. His kicking yesterday was worse than usual... although he is becoming slightly more accountable, which is nice to see. Still, the kicking is really REALLY awful stuff.
  5. My neighbours' kids also went down today, and as avid Collingwood supporters, they just came over to tell me that 'Brock McLean is really nice'. I hope he was nice enough to convert them from the Filth to the Dees, because my brain-washing hasn't worked so far! :D
  6. Firstly, we know as much about our players as we do about our coach of 10 years. As supporters and members, we are all entitled to give our thoughts on the coaching position, and express our desires, be it for or against Daniher. This entire website lives on the opinions of people, even if they are not always 100% in the know. As for the board's review, it will be starting as early as this week I believe, and I assure you they won't be coming to Demonland for advice :D
  7. Ok, you just compared Belly to Brent Grgic. I can no longer take anything you say seriously. From now on, refer to my signature for my opinion on all Belly bashers.
  8. Was fantastic to see him given a specific job, after last week when he sort of drifted in and out aimlessly. I've seen Ian 'I'm ordinary' Perrie give us a bath before, so for Frawley to hold him to one goal (until he was injured), was a damn good effort. He was then given a run with role on Edwards, who lets face it, is bloody quick and bloody smart. He couldn't hold him, but then nobody else could either. I love that he has the balls to take them on. That's always a good sign. Hopefully he continues to get a game from now on, and given some big jobs just to test him out. So far, so good. Don't forget, it is much harder to come in as a youngster and dominate when you are a KP defender. The last true KPP who debuted for us was back in 2003 (Miller and Rivers) I believe.
  9. True, but he didn't barrack for all these clubs as a kid. Now before everyone bite my head off and say "oh, as if that makes a difference", when you are Chris Judd and you set your own terms, it matters a lot. I can assure you that he is still holds aspirations for play for his old club, even if they are in the back of his mind hidden somewhere. The bottom line is, Chris Judd will get what he wants, and if he wants to come home, I don't see why he wouldn't nominate Melbourne as one of his prefered clubs (and we'll be in a better position than most to trade, given where we are).
  10. Thank you for the support, but I assure you I didn't ring and speak to him. If someone else did and said the same thing, well then, they are right. I actually had to turn it off, it was upsetting me that much.
  11. We've done a good job! I feel like such a proud parent :D
  12. He's a journalist, where else do you think he gets his material from, if not supporter sites? <_< No reply, and I doubt I'll get one. The only reason I sent him that email is because I was drunk when I read it last night he is, in fact, a Melbourne supporter... and a typical one at that!
  13. 6- Bell (perfect game) 5- Green 4- Jones 3- Bruce 2- Carroll 1- Bate (hands of steel) Could give votes to a lot of players, but I think our backline in particular deserves some credit for once. I have been to many Adelaide games, and have seen us get slaughtered by their increasingly- average forward line too often. However, today's defensive effort deserves a collective BOG vote.
  14. I think I jinxed us when I said "we could still lose this" Must be spewing you missed Belly's greatest game ever in the history of medium defenders.
  15. Well well well, if Paul Wheatley isn't 87 times better than Ward and Brown, I'm a pineapple* Wheatley's first quarter on the wing was excellent, and when he just backs himself and kicks it long, he is a beautiful asset to the side. He can penetrate through a wall of opposition players without breaking a sweat, which is something every side needs. *Disclaimer: I am not a pineapple.
  16. We were stuffed in the last quarter, and it showed. But no excuse for holding onto the ball with 20 minutes to go when you are up by 5 goals. Probably mentally, the players (and all of us in the stands) were just terrified of losing this one, so they held onto the footy instead of continuing to attack. The problem is, the longer we held onto the ball, the better Adelaide were able to set-up their structure and the more they capitalised when we inevitably stuffed up. I don't begrudge the players for feeling nervous and just wanting to get the win (especially after last week), but hopefully now that we've jumped over that hurdle, and that we won by KICKING instead of handballing to stationary players, the team might have more confidence to attack the game until the final siren.
  17. Most certainly if not Brock, then Green as our next captain. He was inspirational last year when captaining the side as well.
  18. 37 possessions, 18 marks.... 2 of which are the best, most courageous marks you are ever likely to see. Supporters who call Brad Green soft should go stand in front of the mirror and punch themselves in the head... let's see how tough you are!
  19. Neither was his opponent. Did a brilliant job on Mr. Scott Thompson. Bell- hope McLean- hope Jones- hope Bate- hope Petterd- hope Sylvia- hope We are going places if these guys are leading us every week. I saw Brock stand on the boundary line and curse in anger when the Crows kicked a goal in the third. That sort of passion from our players, is what will get us moving forward.
  20. I heard 11 There are a few of us who have been behind Belly since the start. I'm glad that today, his 38th career game, he has stuck it up all those who didn't believe he could make it. Well done Belly, an absolutely brilliant defensive job today. You are as brave, as honest, as hard and as exciting as they come.
  21. Neita isn't injured. Davey has a jarred knee, and will have scans tomorrow. Worse case scenario, he'll miss a week. We have a long turn-around this week, so here's hoping he'll be fine.
  22. As I was driving to the game today, I was nearly in tears. Not because I thought we'd lose, not because we're 0-9, not even because my car was making strange noises up Punt Road. The reason why I was so devestated, was because on the radio, they were calling this club and us, the supporters, '[censored] weak'. Except I'm not a [censored] weak supporter, I buy a membership every year, I go to every single game played in Victoria, and I bleed for and with this club. So why was I so upset? Because the moron who was saying all this stuff, was not entirely wrong. Those supporters who call themselves supporters because they drive around with a Melbourne sticker on their car, or because they turn up to the Queen's Birthday match once a year, don't deserve to associate with those of us who care so deeply about this club, and who will do anything to see this club where it belongs, on top. WE, while in the minority, are passionate. We ARE Melbourne, because we love this club even when they lose, even when they struggle, even when everyone is telling us that we are [censored] weak, and that nobody cares about our club. Guess what, I care, and so do all the Melbourne supporters I know, and everyone who has come and gone and posted on this website. We love this club, and if there are only a few thousands of us, so be it. Just please, please don't let the moron who was calling ME and YOU '[censored] weak', be right. He isn't. And so, before I go and ban myself for swearing, let me say this... We are Melbourne, we are THE original and THE best and if we ever accept anything else, or let anyone make us think otherwise, we don't deserve to support this great club. GO MELBOURNE!!! *Edit: Title edited. Sorry if anyone was offended.
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