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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Thanks, also looked like he really knew where to go to get the pill. Quite a few handball receives if I remember correctly
  2. I think Jetta has shown enough to keep going, and he has been injured quite a bit. Also considering our lack of small forwards, I'd say they will hold on to him.
  3. Looked great in the championships but hadn't heard his name pop up before then as a high prospect. Has he been a bit of a bolter?
  4. Hah! Colin was a key to the future years ago, and look at the club now! We are in this position largely because of people like Col with sh@thouse attitudes and no work ethic, accepting mediocrity with his paycheck. Sure he can do those things that you said but how often does he do it when it counts? No heart, no future at the mfc. People like Jonesy are the future, someone willing to work hard when the team and club needs him.
  5. A theme for the end of the season - 'Heads Will Roll', Yeah Yeah Yeahs
  6. LOL Darryle Pearce. No go with Pearce, front runner, lazy and not willing to get his hands dirty. Other than that this sounds pretty good... probably way too good knowing the mfc.
  7. I hope that he has finally realised there is little to gain for the rest of the year, plays the best 6 games of his life and raises his trade value significantly. Adds nothing to our club.
  8. I think Thompson is effectively coaching the bombers this year with Hird as a front man, while Craig takes a back seat to Neeld. I'm sure Craig's influence is there but I would like to see him exert more of an influence on gameday without getting in the way of Neeld. Although those guys like Thompson and Craig might seem to have a similar role/title, what they do at each club will be very different.
  9. I have a feeling he might slip into the teens, as there have been more names popping up for top ten contention after the championships. Would be a nice pick up if we could snag him.
  10. I'm still waiting with baited breath for Cale to become our Adam Goodes...
  11. The way everyone already drools over him, I'd have to agree. God I wish we had him.
  12. I thought this could have been it too, and instances where a draftee was signed for 3 or 4 years was because of a contract extension at the end of their first year?
  13. You make some good points which I hadn't really considered OD. I just trust that the people who are supposedly knowledgeable about drafting etc had some kind of idea about what they were getting and what they were planning for Cook, even though Prendergast proved pretty average at his job. I am also very hopeful that Cook wasn't given a 2 year deal on the basis that 'oh we might just use pick 12 on this kid, give him a 2 year deal and get rid of him if he is no good after that time', but as you say the people who took him are no longer there so who knows. I still think he can turn into a decent player based on bits of him I have seen at Casey and I hope we give him another 2 years, but maybe he is another Luke Molan?
  14. There is no way Cook, a 196cm 'project' CHF will be delisted. I am sure the club knew what they were getting when they drafted him, after all he was only about 80kg from memory (maybe less) when he came to the dees, and no one could have expected him to have an impact straight away. I agree with this.
  15. Is this serious? Mumford is a very good ruckman, maybe not a great forward but definitely one of the best ruckmen in the comp.
  16. Haha sorry I missed your post, and I can't say I know a whole lot about that era as it was a bit before my time, just starting to get into Otis now so I have a bit to learn.
  17. 'Pain in my heart' and more optimistically, 'A change is gonna come', both Otis Redding
  18. We need a star(s), not another player who will potentially become a list clogger and not the best midfielder on our list.
  19. Best quarter of Juice ever seen, then, typically his motor skills deteriorated and he had about one touch after the first. Was it Aaron Edwards who kicked about 7?
  20. By 'go' do you mean will be traded or delisted? Because there are plenty of players who should be delisted before Gys. I have a lot of faith in this guy, but as someone said earlier it might just be that I am hoping he is good...
  21. Don't understand the Caddy-love, hasn't done anything of note except a couple of decent games, and in my opinion he is not worth pick 12/13 by a long shot. The fact that he was pick 7 (or whatever) doesn't justify trading a high pick for him, and it looks like there are plenty of mids in this draft to meet our needs, we just have to nail the picks.
  22. Frawley for me, can run off and has the body to match up with Petrie. Possibly Sellar if he comes back in and Frawley is thrown on Edwards or Thomas.
  23. That is ridiculous, Mike Sheehan should have been put in a nursing home years ago.
  24. This is a great post and analysis B-H, let's hope we nail these top picks and have some luck later on in the draft.
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