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La Dee-vina Comedia

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Everything posted by La Dee-vina Comedia

  1. Gotta love football's truisms...which are anything but. That's in the same category as the President saying that "The coach has the full backing of the Board".
  2. Why don't you really upset Olisik and name your cat "Dunny"?
  3. And an excellent taker of contested marks in the forward line, too, in an era when contested mark taking was a more significant requirement than it is today.
  4. I know I'm repeating what I've written many times before. Dunn is a very good kick for goal, but not a good field kick. People mistake distance for quality. His long kicks travel too high and therefore take too long to land. That works perfectly fine when kicking for goal but not when trying to get the ball into the hands of a teammate. His kicks allow the opposition to get to the drop of the ball and spoil. The best kicks are those who get distance while keeping the ball low. It travels more quickly and is therefore more effective. It's what Jack Watts can do (as could Jurrah, Nathan Buckley and the player I consider to be the best kick I've ever seen - Darren Jarman). With respect to Dunn, until last year I didn't think he was worth holding onto. After his performances last year I can see some value in him being on the list but see no reason to lose sleep in the unlikely event another team picks him up as a free agent.
  5. I think we also get a bit seduced by the annoyingly puerile discussion about the importance of Rising Star nominations and winners. As nice as it is to have players considered for that award, no more than 22 players a year are going to be nominated and many of them don't appear to go on to have stellar careers. The Rising Star award is an example of short-term expectations which don't really fit in with long term careers.
  6. Speaking for myself, I've been a member for about 15 years and I don't recall ever taking enough interest in Board machinations to vote when the opportunity is offered to me. That's my failing and I've only got myself to blame. Does anyone know what proportion of the membership eligible to vote actually does so? And a tougher question - do we know how this proportion compares with other clubs?
  7. Garry Baker is my choice for best beard on any footballer over the last 50 years.
  8. I think it should be 'No, no and no'. The Melbourne Football Club has a democratically elected Board who make the decisions. Therefore, if anyone is at fault it is us, the members, who elect the Board members.
  9. Thanks Master. I haven't really been following Alistair Clarkson's push for accreditation of coaching, but in most other spheres of life some form of formal training seems beneficial, so I suspect it would be similarly helpful for a Development Coach.
  10. As I understand it, Brad Miller has been appointed, for want of a better title, as our Development Coach. Has he any specific qualifications for the role? (Note: Please do not interpret my question as implying criticism of him or those who appointed him. I'm just curious to know how an ex-player moves into this role).
  11. Didn't Riewoldt (Nick) miss his whole first year with a knee problem? Seems to have done alright since.
  12. I think you'll find most players say what their managers tell them to say. It's the manager's job to get the best deal for the players and encouraging a club to think a "required" player might be thinking about leaving is surely part of the manager's kitbag.
  13. Gee, how I wish posters such as Jaded and Nasher worked in the media. Brief, eloquent and not likely to let emotion get the better of them. Demonland is all the better for their contributions (and a few others, too).
  14. Forget the five stages of grief. The three stages of being a Melbourne Football Club supporter are much more significant. Which journo will be the first to use the expression "X straightened them up" when X (the first of Dawes/Clark/Hogan) finally plays?
  15. While it's Gillon McLachlan's to lose, I'd like to think the AFL will undertake a robust selection process. If you were building some key selection criteria, what should they be? My suggestions: successful experience as a CEO of a multi-million dollar organisation (Jeff Kennett doesn't have this experience, by the way. Being Premier of a State is more similar to being the Chairman of a company) proven ability to manage a large budget proven political connections, preferably on both sides of politics and at the State and, to a lesser extent, at the Federal level perhaps previous involvement in the AFL, but not necessarily as a player if no involvement in the AFL, some management experience at a senior level in another sporting code proven media performance someone with at least 10 years ahead of them to work full time (this is my sensitive way of saying that the AFL should want someone in the 40s or perhaps early 50s - Old Dee, you and I need not apply) someone without a serious black mark against their name. That means no-one with a history of multiple corporate mistakes, sexual harrassment allegations or poor relationships with workforce, etc, should be in the frrame. Too much ammo for the media
  16. I'm not sure if it's the use of italics, my poor quality screen or my even poorer eyes, but I'm struggling with the last word. Does it start with an f or a t? Not that it matters.
  17. I had meant that each of his steps were in the forward direction. I'm not completely negative.
  18. I think he has taken a step each year. I'd just like each step to be bigger.
  19. Ken Emselle taught me maths. I always thought he was a better rover than maths teacher - but that's just me deflecting my own weaknesses.
  20. Demetriou took over as CEO in 2003. He could hardly be held accountable for the success of any specific team over the subsequent two to three years. Having said that, measuring the success of interstate v Victorian teams by looking at the teams who played in the Grand Final is a rather blunt instrument anyway.
  21. So, who plagiarised the Chris Grant story? Jack Watts or the Melbourne PR department? Mind you, if he plays as many games as Grant and of the same quality, I'll be very happy. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read here - para 7)
  22. I somehow suspect Demetriou won't go far. Perhaps in a couple of years he'll become a non-executive Commissioner of the AFL. There's too much talent there which the AFL should harness. Sure, he has some weaknesses, including his dictatorial style, but the competition is in a far stronger position now than when he started. Wish I could say the same for the MFC. Well played, Andrew.
  23. Slightly off topic, but the apparent distaste for "extract of pigs brains" may be unfair. Just ask Jack Fitzpatrick what he thinks about "extract of pig's pancreas". I accept that "extract of pig's brains" may be an unproven and even unhealthy (and possibly even an un-kosher) product. But a knee-jerk reaction just because it sounds a bit icky can be a bit short sighted.
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